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Topic: Trust

Episode Topic Audio

Fear & Faith-Practically Trusting God: Practically, how do we show faith amid fear and anxiety? [Luke 8:25, Matthew 6:33].

Forgiveness & Trust: Is this referring to refusing to further communicate with someone? [2 Corinthians 11:14, 2 Timothy 3:1-5].

The Lord's Prayer - Forgiving Trespasses: Is the part about the trespasses conditional? [Matthew 6:9-14, Matthew 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26]
Salvation Conditioned on Forgiveness: Is our salvation conditioned on us being able to do the right thing, as in forgiveness?
Forgiveness vs Trust: Can we forgive someone, but not ever want to be around them ever again?

Misotheists (God Haters): Can a misotheist (God-hater) go to heaven?
Saying Hateful Words Against God: If someone loses a child and out of grief says they hate God and then they die the next day, would they be lost?

Laid-off & God's Plan: What about God's provision in light of a friend who has been laid-off in his 60s and is under stress about his future? [1 Timothy 6:8-10].

Unforgiveness=No Heaven: What do I say to my granddaughter who asked if Gramma won't be allowed into heaven if she dies before she forgives me? She is not speaking to me right now. [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:23-35, Mark 11:25-26, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:7].
No Need for Repentance: What about the two camps in opposition who claims you need to repent all the time and the side that says you have been forgiven once for all and never need to ask for forgiveness again? [1 John 1:9].

Gun Ownership vs Trusting God: Is gun ownership in contrast to trusting God?

Buddhism vs Christianity Buddhist caller discusses basic differences between the two faiths (Buddhist & Christianity) in the way truth is established (epistemology). Rec: Video; [Hebrews 11:6].

One's Past Doesn't Matter: How would you counsel someone who claims one's past doesn't matter when entering a relationship with them?

Forgiveness-"Seventy Times Seven": I disagree with you about the meaning of the phrase "seventy times seven" implying that we are to forgive an infinite number of times. [Matthew 18:22].

Keeping Your Word (Promises) & Broken Trust: How does God view our keeping our promises and letting others know when they failed to do so? [Ecclesiastes 5:5, Matthew 23:16-22, Matthew 5:34].

Forgiveness vs Trust: After someone has paid his legal due for crimes committed within a ministry, is it acceptable for me not allow him to come into my ministry, though I have forgiven him?

Too Little Faith & the Mustard Seed: Could you comment on the contradiction of only needing a little faith (like the mustard seed) and yet other times, some are reported to have too little faith? [Matthew 17:19-22, Matthew 14:22-33].

Untrustworthiness in the Church: Could you advise us regarding our concern over the trustworthiness of some in charge of church affairs?

Word of Faith Movement & the Power of Prayer: What do you think about the relationship between faith and prayer and if prayer is not a force, what is the alternate?
Healing, Word of Faith, and Refusing Help From Doctors Relative to the Word of Faith movement, atonement and healing-what do you think about refusing medical care? [Isaiah 53:5, I Peter 2:24].

Believing: What does the word "believing" mean, relative to our faith, particularly in light of doubts that enter because of my respect for science.

Believing Without Seeing: Why is it so important for us to "believe without seeing"? [John 20:29, I John 5:9].

God as Our "Dwelling Place": What does it mean to "make God your dwelling place"? [Psalm 91].

God's Abuse & Manipulation: How can I respond to my daughter who claims that God is manipulative and abusive as in the example of Abraham being told to kill Isaac? (Even though it seems to end at the break, Steve continues to coomment after break regarding this call.)

God's Provision-Living by Faith: Can you help me understand the disparity between how we live and how others have to live? Do you think you will never be homeless because you live by faith? [Matthew 6:25-26, Matthew 10:5-8].

Faith Within Each Person: Does every person have a measure of faith built into them? [Romans 12:3].

Quoting Eliphaz: Is it acceptable for B.B. Warfield to quote Eliphaz as a proof text for original sin? [Job 4:18, Job 15:14-15].

Trust & Acknowledge God: Could you help me understand Proverbs 3:5-6? [Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 131:1-3].
Homosexuality: If I think the Bible indicates that homosexuality is wrong, am I leaning on my own understanding?
Homosexuality: Is it acceptable to read an article about homosexuality from my pastor, who affirms the lifestyle, if I am attracted to both sexes? [Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:22-32, I Corinthians 5:12].

Faith, Hope, Love: Would you talk about what Jesus said about "faith, hope, and love", especially what He meant about "hope"? [I Corinthians 13:13, Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:24, Galatians 1:10, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:3].

Light & Good Works for Evangelism: Does my light (life) and good works have a part in the salvation of others? [Titus 2:14, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14, Ephesians 2:8-9].

Exposure to Dangerous People: What advice would you give for those of us who cannot evict dangerous people from our community, and no one seems to be trying to help us?

Forgiveness of Others & From God: Could you talk about the dynamics and conditions of our responsibility to forgive others and God's forgiveness of us? [Mark 11:25, Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 5:19, I John 1:9, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 146:3-7, Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].

Planning My Own Suicide: What do you think of my plans to commit suicide in order to help someone else?

Salvation-Requires the Heart, Not Just the Head: Would you comment on the saying that "you can believe with your head, but not your heart?" [Matthew 28:18].
Legalism Lecture: What lecture at your website would give more information about legalism? Recommended topical lecture, "Toward a Radical Christian Counterculture".

God Trusted Job: Did God trust Job? [Job 1-2].

When Someone Won't Forgive: What do you do if someone who you have wronged refuses to forgive you? [Matthew 5:21-34, Romans 12:18].
Trusting Those Who Have Wronged You: If you forgive someone for a wrong they have done, are you obligated to trust them again?

Living too Casual a Christian Life: Can you help me sort out the criticism I receive regarding living too casual a life as a believer? [Proverbs 28:26, 2 Samuel 5:19].

When Hardship Can't Be for Good: I am having a hard time understanding how my current circumstances can ever turn out for good? Can you help? [Romans 8:28].

Minister's Doubt when He Doesn't Hear From God: What would you say to someone who is in ministry, who is struggling with their faith, to the point of disbelieving, because he is not hearing from God? [Isaiah 50:10, Job 13:15].

Feelings vs Facts: What scripture should I refer to in order to balance the idea that feelings are not as reliable as facts? [Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12].

God Hiding From Us: Why does God hide from us? Is it to humble us? [Isaiah 50:10].

Why Does God Let Children Die if He Can Do Miracles?: Why would God do miracles for certain people and let children die of starvation every day?
Bible is Not Reliable: Caller says the Bible is not reliable, because He says He is sorry He ever made mankind. [Genesis 6:6].

Drama of Current Events: Could you advise how much to focus and engage with politics and how to balance the drama of current events?

Anticipating Inherited Deadly Condition: What would you advise regarding whether someone should test for Lou Gehrig's disease and learn if he is facing death, or should they just accept whatever happens?

Jesus Not Trusting Men: What is Jesus saying about not committing Himself to men? Is this about trusting humanity? [John 2:24-25, Jeremiah 17:5, John 6:66].
Isaac & Ishmael: Doesn't this scripture indicate that there was on going animosity between Isaac and Ishmael (Jews & Arabs)? [Galatians 4:28-31].

Worry: Can you help me learn not to worry? [Matthew 6, Proverbs 30:25, Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 21:20, Hebrews 13:5].

Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?

Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].

Fear, Anxiety, Worry: Would you talk about fear, anxiety and worry in the life of a believer? [Hebrews 12].

Suffering in the World: Why does God permit evil, specifically, suffering in the world? [Philippians 4, I Peter 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 8:26].

Bible Stories-Untrue Fables: My 12-year-old grandson thinks that much of the Bible is not true, but fables, what would you say to him?

God's Comfort & Being With Us: Could you clarify how God will be with us, and what the comfort of God is? [2 Corinthians 1:3-5].

Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?

Angry with God: When a believer is disappointed or angry with God, Is it always sinful, or does God actually welcome our feelings? [Job 13:15].
Psalms, Prayer & the Human Heart: Do you think that God put the Psalms in scripture to just give an example of the human heart?

Faith-God Gives, Authors, Finishes: God gives every man a "measure of faith", and God is the "author and finisher" of our faith, can you expound on these concepts? [Romans 12:3, Hebrews 12:2, James 1:17, Ephesians 4:5].

Forgiveness: How to really forgive someone who has hurt you, and not just say that you do?

God Trusting People: Does God trust people?

Living by Faith: What does living by faith mean? Don't you have to believe in Jesus? [John 15]

Doubting God: James says not to doubt when you pray for something, that a person who doubts is like a person who is being tossed by the ocean, a double-minded person, but everyone has a crisis of faith once in awhile, questioning events and why God is allowing something, even John the Baptist did, so what exactly is James saying here? [James 1:5-7, Matthew 11:3, Ephesians 6:16]

Burning for Eternity: Someone is holding up on becoming a Christian because he doesn't believe that non-Christians are going to burn for eternity.

All These Things Shall Be Added: hat things is He talking about when He says, "all these things will be added unto you"? [Matthew 6:33]

Trusting in the Lord: I was studying the word "trust" in the OT & the NT & you don't hear much about "trust in the Lord" in the NT, why is that?

Christ never Failing for Health: I want to trust God in my major health crisis, so can I trust that Jesus WON't fail me?

Love without trust: Does this include loving w/ out trust? They can love, but don't have to trust them, even if they are gossiping, for example. [1 Corinthians 13]

Faith: Fearful of what happening around us instead of trusting God

God Removing His Protection from Eduador: What do you think when someone up front in the church says that God has removed His Hand of protection from Ecuador because of a massive earthquake they recently had?
Trusting God when Bad or Good things happen: Why about people who thinks God is in control of everything that happens to you?

Judging People or Things: Caller thinks Matthew 7 is talking about judging fellow brothers in Christ, & that John 7 is talking about judging things. What does Steve think? [Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 5:1-4, John 7:24, Proverbs 12:1]
Judging by Appearance: Some people just do too much judging by appearance who have no idea what's going on though.
Christ-likeness Preventing Sound Judgment: Does be coming too Christ-like prevent sound judgment of being able to accurately judge people on the other hand? [1 Corinthians 2:15]

Forgiving Others & Unconditional Love: Unconditional love, forcible resistance,
Forgiving ISIS: What about unconditionally forgiving ISIS?

Trusting Our Hearts: Is 1 John saying we can't trust our hearts because they are too strict or too easy w/ us, or that we think that God condemning us when He's really not? [1 John 19-20, 1 john 3:19-20]

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Can I know I am seeking first the Kingdom of God by completely trusting God, & leaning unto our own understanding? [Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 3:5]

The Psalms & Trusting God: God loves it when we trust Him, rely on Him. The Psalms are very comforting. But why do bad things happen to Christians, those promises in Psalms not seeming to be in accord with reality? [Psalms 90, 91, Ecclesiastes 8:11-13, Revelation 6:9-11]

Healing & Atonement: Caller explains about his son's disabilities, the caller's experiences learning about healing, going to meetings about them, but he has learned that he just needs to trust God, if He heals or doesn't heal his son. [Isaiah 53:5-6]

Innocence Restored: Michael the Buddhist discusses about humanity going back to innocence/restoration after the Fall.
Bible Translated many Times: The Bible has been translated so many times it might've lost its accuracy, caller surmises.
Jesus' physical presence: It must've been wonderful being able to be around Jesus when He was here, but now all we have is the Bible to rely on, so it makes it a little hard to believe. [John 20:24-31]

Gift of Prophecy: What is the role of prophecy for today? Someone thinks 2014 & 2015 are going to be turbulent times, martial law & so on. [1 Corinthians 7:7, 1 Peter 4:11, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6, Ephesians 4:11, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 14:1-15]
Trusting God: What it all boils down to is people just don't seem to trust God enough.

Trust the Lord Completely: How do you trust in the Lord completely & not rely on yourself? [Proverbs 5:3-7]

Youth Pastor with Pornography Addiction: A youth pastor has just confessed to having a pornography addiction. He's taking a leave of absence, but does it disqualify him in the future?

Convicted Child Molestor: Boyfriend of caller's sister is a convicted child molestor & wondering if he should be allowed to attend a party, or should she at least inform the parents there of his past?

Wrestling with Doubt: Caller is having doubts about his faith after debating with a Muslim.

Forgiveness: Caller gives definition of Forgiveness, "I give up my right to punish you". How does that square up with Jesus forgiving us? Aren't even the righteous going to be punished?

Forgiveness: Am I supposed to forgive people who have committed heinous crimes?

Extreme Jealousy: How can I get rid of these feelings of immense jealousy of my girlfriend even though she has given me no reason not to trust her?

Calling No Man "Father": Comment about previous caller and discussion about no calling brothers, "Father".
Forgiving Others: Do we need to forgive those that are not repentent? What if they do not repent? [Matthew 18:15-22, Luke 17:4, Mark 11:25, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15, I Corinthians 5:5].

Trusting in a Relationship: What can I do if I am having trouble trusting my new girlfriend (who is my first serious relationship)?

Believing God: Isn't there a difference between believing "in" God and "believing God"? [Hebrews 11:8, Hebrews 11:17, Hebrews 11:12, Romans 4:19].

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