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Topic: Hibbs (Jack)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-15 50 Generations Giving Birth: Are there 50 generations of people giving birth that will add up to the 1000 years.
Jack Hibbs: Could you tell me about Jack Hibbs? Rec: YouTube, "Replacement Theology? Steve Gregg Responds to Pastor Hibbs."
2024-05-14 Pre-Trib Rapture & Dispensationalism: What should I do about friends who are Dispensational who want me to watch various things they agree with? Rec: Youtube, Steve Gregg's Response to Jack Hibbs. [Romans 9-11].
2023-11-24 Paul's Life in the Balance: Paul's choice about living or dying in Philippians is a little unclear. Can you help? [Philippians 1:22].
Jack Hibbs Ministry: Have you heard of Jack Hibbs and his ministry? Is he on the up and up? Some of what he says didn't seem quite right. Rec: YouTube - "Replacement Theology? Steve Gregg Responds to Pastors Hibbs, Hitchcock & Wilkinson."
2023-10-30 Jack Hibbs on Israel, Unbelief & the 7-yr Trib: Are the Jews repentant or unrepentant that are to return to the land, and can Hibb's quote be backed up in Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel? [Jeremiah 25, Deuteronomy 30:1-4, Ezekiel 36-37, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Hosea 2-3].
Orthodox Jews: Wouldn't the Orthodox Jews need to have animal sacrifices in the temple in order to practice their faith?
Abrahamic Covenant: What about the eternal Abrahamic covenant? [Ezra 1:5, Genesis 18:19, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:29].
2023-10-04 Tongues: Are tongues two kinds of tongues; one that doesn't need interpretation? [1 Corinthians 13, 1 Corinthians 14:13].
Jack Hibbs: Do you think going to Jack Hibbs' church would be acceptable? [YouTube; Jack Hibbs/ Steve Gregg.
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