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Topic: Smith (Joseph)

Showing 1 to 23 of 23.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-06-21 Conversing with Mormons: Could you advise regarding inviting Mormons into your home?
2021-12-08 Mormonism (LDS): What can you tell me about the Mormons, as they have been nicer to me than my own large church has been?
2021-11-09 Sexual Rewards in Heaven (Islam & Mormonism): In Islam and Mormonism, what is the explanation of their faith's sexual rewards in heaven (and eternal marriage), in light of scripture that indicates there is no marriage in heaven? [Luke 20:35, Matthew 22:30].
2021-11-09 Mormon's View of Marriage in Heaven: Mormon caller answers contradiction to scripture in the Mormon view of marriage in heaven. [Mark 3:35].
2020-05-01 Good Fruit From False Teachers & Prophets: If good fruit can't come from a bad tree, then how can good things come from false religions, teachers, and prophets, like Joseph Smith? [Matthew 7:15-18, I John 1:3, Deuteronomy 13:2, 2 Peter 2, James 3:2].
2020-03-11 Book of Mormon: Have you read through the entire Book of Mormon? What do you think of its overall moral teaching and trustworthiness? [John 4:2, Matthew 7:15].
2019-04-01 Mormon/LDS belief: What do I say to a Mormon who says there was a great apostasy, true Christianity was lost after the apostles died, and Joseph Smith recovered the truth?
2018-12-28 The Book of Mormon: I had some Mormons/LDSs come to my door & said that the Bible predicts the book of Mormon coming on the scene. (eze 37)
2018-05-30 Mormon Caller: Mormon caller disagrees with these things Steve has said in an anti-Mormon literature & tries to debunk it with his own facts.
2018-04-20 Sabbath Debate: I watched the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, & you need to go review it at 1 hour & 22 minutes. It sums up the whole debate.
Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood: Is the Aaronic Priesthood parallel today with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Is there duality there?
Joseph Smith & the Melchizedek Priesthood: Wouldn't it have been blasphemous for Joseph Smith to claim that he received the Melchizedek Priesthood from God?
2017-10-09 Book of Mormon: Have you ever read the book of Mormon?
2017-09-26 Mormonism: Mormonism, LDS discussion, the only way to convert a Mormon is on the spiritual level, but also trying to create doubt, & a true prophet would always be right, otherwise they are false prophets.
Figuring out God's Will every Decision: How do we determine what decisions to make as a Christian when it's not clear from the Bible?
2016-07-14 Adam as Ancient of Days: Caller has been witnessing to Mormons/LDS's & they think that Adam was Ancient of Days? [Daniel 7:9-22]
2016-03-24 Sharing the Gospel with Mormons: I've been working with some Mormon missionaries, so what is your approach when talking to Mormons, & how to you talk to them on their level?
2016-03-10 Mormonizing of America: Caller wanted to recommend a book about about Mormons called, "Mormonizing of America" by Steve Mansfield.
Understanding Cults: Caller also says people need to do research on cults, offering some resources.
2016-02-23 Witnessing to Mormons: It says in the Bible that no one can become gods, & the caller gives Scripture to counter the Mormon claim that we can. [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:8, Deuteronomy 4:39-40, Jeremiah 10:11]
Testing a Prophet-Especially Joseph Smith: How do you test a prophet?
2016-02-23 Witnessing to Mormons: It says in the Bible that no one can become gods, & the caller gives Scripture to counter the Mormon claim that we can. [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:8, Deuteronomy 4:39-40, Jeremiah 10:11]
Testing a Prophet-Especially Joseph Smith: How do you test a prophet?
2016-02-22 Witnessing to Mormons: Caller thought he presented a pretty good presentation on Christianity to some Mormons, but the Mormons presented why their church was right.
2015-03-24 The Book of Mormon Origins: How did we get the book of Mormon? No one could account for it, so it either came from God or from Satan, a Mormon friend told the caller.
2015-03-17 The Book of Mormon: Does the Book of Mormon talk about the Native Americans & all these ancient people that it proclaims to talk about?
2015-02-25 Mormonism - 3 Levels of Heaven: Mormons believe in 3 levels of Heaven, right? Mormons might have a lot truth, but even a little leaven could ruin all that, isn't that right?
2014-11-03 Mormonism: What is your opinion about Mormonism? Are they a cult? Are they not going to make it to Heaven? What do you think about Joseph Smith's writings?
2013-03-20 Mormon Doctrine about Many Gods: How do you get through the Mormon doctrine about the endless gods to help evangelize them? [Deuteronomy 13:1-3].
Mormon Elders: Shouldn't I present the qualifications for elders to Mormons? [I Timothy 3:2].
Qualifications for Elders: If you are not married, have been divorced, or have no children, does that disqualify you from eldership?
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