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Topic: Kings (2nd)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-06 "No Such Passover": Could you clarify the scripture about "no such passover" celebration in the days of Josiah? Did they not have Passovers for a time? [2 Kings 23:21-25].
David Shedding Blood: Would God's refusal to let David build His house be because he killed Uriah? [1 Chronicles 22:7-8].
2024-05-30 About Satan as the Tested: Is there a possiblity that Satan was created as a angel and tester?
The Seven Arrows of Jehoahaz (Elisha): Is it possible that King Jehoahaz would have been successful if he had stuck the ground seven times? [2 Kings 13:15].
2024-05-14 Bad Customs Introduced in Kings: What are the customs that were introduced to Judah in 2 Kings 17? [2 Kings 17:19].
"Prince of the Air" & "God of this World": Are these titles "Prince of the Air" & "God of this World" referring to Satan? [Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 4:4].
2024-03-04 Capital Punishment in the New Testament: What do think the New Testament teaches about capital punishment? [Revelation 21:8, Hebrews 10:26, Genesis 9:6, Acts 25:11, Romans 13:4-7].
God's Judgment on Individuals: What about when God sends the bears to kill the ones making fun of the prophet Elisha? [2 Kings 2:23-25, Acts 12:23, Acts 5:1-10].
2024-01-18 Children of Eden: Who were the “children of Eden?” [2 Kings 19:12]
2024-01-18 Massacre by the Hand of an Angel: Do we know how the 185,000 were killed in 2 Kings? [2 Kings 19:35]
2023-08-29 Instrumental vs Non-instrumental Worship Music: What are your thoughts on instrumental music during church worship? [Psalm 150, Psalm 33:3, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16-17, James 5:13-16, 2 Kings 3:15, Revelation 14:2, Genesis 4:21, 2 Corinthians 5:17]
2023-07-18 Contradiction: How is it possible that a son was born before his father was born? [2 Chronicles 22:2, 2 Kings 8:25-26].
2022-09-22 Deuteronomy and the Copying of the Law: Do you think that the verse directing kings to copy the book is referring to the book of Deuteronomy? Do you think this is the same book that Josiah found? [Deuteronomy 28, Deuteronomy 17:18].
The Lost Book of the Law: When do you suppose they lost the book that Josiah found? [2 Kings 22:8].
2022-07-01 Burnt Offering of His Son: Why did great wrath come against Israel because the King of Moah's choice to burn his son on the wall? [2 Kings 3:27].
2022-03-14 Wiping Out the Canaanites: How do you harmonize the wiping out of the Canaanites and the idea of loving your enemies? [Proverbs 25:21, 2 Kings 6:22, I Samuel 15, Matthew 5:44].
2022-01-19 Preacher's Expecting Financial Gain: Is Paul saying that if you are a full-time preacher, you should get your financial support from doing so? [I Corinthians 9:14-18].
Naaman, the Syrian (the Leper): Is the man who was trampled in 2 Kings, Naaman the Syrian (the Leper)? [2 Kings 5:17].
2021-11-09 Our Prayers Affecting God's Actions: If God knew that Hezekiah's son, Manasseh, would be so terrible, why did He grant Him the 15 more years? [2 Kings 20, Psalm 106:15].
2021-08-02 Chronicles of the Kings of Israel: What do you know about what happened to the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel? [I Chronicles 29:29, I Corinthians 5:9].
2021-06-10 Rebuke in the Church: Could you give me some scriptural examples of "rebuke", as in rebuking other brothers in the church? [2 Timothy 4:2, 2 Timothy 2:24, Galatians 6:1, Galatians 2, 2 Kings 5].
2021-05-07 Significance of A.D. 70: Are there lectures that go over all that happened in A.D. 70, as it seems to be very significant in your teaching? Recommended lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?" [Luke 21:20].
Atheist Objection to God's Judgment on the Wicked: How would you answer an atheist when referring to God's judgment and His perpetuation of war and annihilation of a culture? [2 Kings 19:35].
2021-03-31 Elisha & the Children Eaten by Bears: Would you talk about the children who were eaten by the bears because they were making fun of Elisha? [2 Kings 2:23-25].
John Addressing Gnostics or Christians in 1 John: Who was John addressing in the first epistle of John? [1 John 1:9, I John 3:14, I John 2:12-14, I John 2:7].
2020-12-30 Pass Through the Fire by the Kings: Why were the two kings allowed to live when they let their kids pass through the fire? [Leviticus 20:2-5, Leviticus 18:21, Ecclesiastes 8:11, Kings 3:27].
2020-09-08 Why Pray: What is the purpose of prayer, if God doesn't change His mind, and things are established already? [2 Kings 20, I John 5:14-15].
2020-07-14 Josiah and Soul Sleep: Did God put Josiah to sleep so he would not see the terrible things that happened? [2 Kings 22:20].
2020-07-08 Baptism and Verse from Old Testament: Could one link these verses to baptism? [2 Kings 6:6, Job 26:5].
2020-07-07 Heaven or Heavens: Why do people say heavens, rather than heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
Manasseh's Age: Was Manasseh actually a literal 12-year-old when he became king? [2 Kings 22].
Binding of Satan and Deceived Nations: Could you help me understand how the binding of Satan can have already happened and be applicable today when the nations are still deceived? [Revelation 20:8, I John].
2017-12-21 A Case of Plagiarism in the Bible: 2 chapters of the Bible say the exact same thing, so is this a case of plagiarism? [2 Kings 19, Isaiah 37]
2016-07-07 Jehu receiving commendation from God: Jehu, Ahab, & Jezebel, how is it that Jehu did terrible things and gets a commendation from God? [2 Kings 10:30]
2016-04-11 Moving Mountains: Can move mountains with prayer if you enough faith? Is that what that Scripture really saying? [Mark 11:22-23]
Elisha having Bears attack Children: Elisha cured children for calling him bald & having bears come out & attack them, why would he do this? [2 Kings 2:23-25]
2013-12-19 Indignation towards Israel: Why did God's wrath come upon Israel? [2 Kings 3:27, Amos 2:1]
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