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Topic: Nephilim

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-30 Noah's Sons Populating the Earth: Where did Noah's sons get their wives?
Defiled Bloodlines of Noah from Fallen Angels: What do you think about the defiling of the bloodlines of Noah's generation having come from the fallen angels having children with humans? [Genesis 6:2-4].
2024-02-20 Who are the "Sons of God": Who are the "Sons of God" in Genesis? [Genesis 6:2, Job 1-2, Genesis 6:3].
2023-08-10 John MacArthur, Fallen Angels & the Nephilim: How could a demon or angel mate to have children, relative to MacArthur's view of the Nephilim? [Genesis 6:1-6, Numbers 13:32-33, Genesis 6:3].
2023-08-10 Atheist View of the Nephilim: Atheist questions the "sons of God" in Genesis 6 relative to the Nephilim and the virgin birth. Could Goliath have been one of the Nephilim? [Genesis 6:4, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 2 Samuel 21:22, John 3:16, John 1:12, 1 John 3:2].
Atheist Caller-God's Many Sons: Atheist queries, if the "Sons of God" are humans (rather than fallen angels or demons) in Genesis 6, then how many sons does God have? And in contrast to John 3:16, which says He has only one?
2023-07-27 Book of Enoch: What are your thoughts on the Book of Enoch, its relationship to the Book of Jude and fallen angels? [Genesis 6].
2023-07-06 Nephilim: Could you clarify who the "Nephilim" are? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-05-17 God's Wrath, Fallen Angels & the Nephilim: What do you think about the view that fallen angels caused the human race to be tainted(Nephilim) which led to God's wrath and judgment on anyone from that seed? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-04-21 Fallen Angels & the Giants: Could you talk about descendants of the giants (offspring from the fallen angels mating with women) being wiped out in the flood, and if tall people today are possibly offspring from fallen angels? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-04-06 "Sons of God" & the Nephilim: Who are the "Sons of God", the Anakim and the Nephilim? Were they evil? [Job 38:7, Genesis 6:2-5, Hosea 1:10, 1 John 3:2].
2023-03-27 Angels-Male or Female?: Are all angels male? Were the two angels women in Zechariah 5? Are the pronouns used, masculine? [Zechariah 5:9, Genesis 6:1].
2023-01-16 Jephthah's daughter Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter or just keep her as a virgin? [Judges 11:30-40].
"Sons of God" in Genesis 6: Do you think that that "sons of God" in Genesis 6 are angelic beings or the sons of Seth? And who were the Nephilim? [Genesis 6:2].
2022-11-11 Fallen Angels & Nephilm: Were the angels in Genesis 6 actually fallen angels? [Genesis 6].
Nephilim, Demons & Fallen Angels: Were the Nephilim actually demons that inhabited other bodies? Are demons and fallen angels two separate things? [Genesis 6:4-6, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].
Holy Bible's Canonization: Did the Catholic church canonize the Holy Bible?
2022-07-12 Angels Mating with Women: Regarding the theory that "sons of God" came down to mate with women and their offspring were the "Nephilim", you doubt that they could not, as spirits, mate with women ... but what about the story about Lot and the angels that men wanted to be with? [Genesis 6:4, Genesis 19:1-5, Genesis 18:1-2].
2022-06-08 "Sons of God" & the Nephilim: Were the "Sons of God" angels that came to the daughters and had children with them? [Genesis 6:4].
Fallen Angels: Are these scriptures about fallen angels in 2 Peter and Jude referring to the angels in Genesis 6? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6-7, Genesis 6:4].
2022-05-20 Atheist: God Has More than One Son: Atheist caller; How is it that God has more than one son? [John 3:16, Genesis 6:2, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
Atheist; Nephilm: Atheist: Who were the "Nephilim"? [Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33].
Atheist: Ancient Languages Atheist; Should we not be learning ancient Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic?
2022-05-06 Dinosaurs: Do you think that dinosaurs lived with people? [Job 40-41].
Giants: Do you think there were giants taller than Goliath?
Witches: Do you think there are real witches now?
2022-03-09 "Fallen Angel" Doctrines: How long have "fallen angel" (DNA mixing with humans) doctrines been around? [Genesis 6, Jude 6, Job 1-2].
Fallen Angels with Extra Digits: Could you clarify the doctrines about those offspring from fallen angels having six fingers and toes?
2022-03-09 "Fallen Angel" Doctrines: How long have "fallen angel" (DNA mixing with humans) doctrines been around? [Genesis 6, Jude 6, Job 1-2].
Fallen Angels with Extra Digits: Could you clarify the doctrines about those offspring from fallen angels having six fingers and toes?
2022-02-28 Angels & Sex with Sons of God: Did Angels have sex with humans and have the giant Nephilim? [Genesis 6:2, Matthew 22:30].
2022-01-05 Adam, Eve, Giants, Nephilim: Do you think that Adam & Eve could've lived with dinosaurs, and perhaps giant people (Nephilim), from whence came Goliath? [Genesis 6, Job 4-41].
2021-09-16 Book of Enoch: What do you think of the value of reading the Book of Enoch?
Giants or the Nephilim: Where did the giants come from, following the flood? [Genesis 6, Numbers 13].
2021-08-10 Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Book of Enoch & the Nephilim: What do you think of the view of the fallen angels having children with women? [Genesis 6].
2021-08-05 "Sons of God" in Genesis: Caller makes a case for who the "Sons of God" were in Genesis 6?
2021-08-04 Called to Ministry: How does one know if they are being called into ministry?
Enoch: What happened to Enoch?
Sons of God & the Nephilim: What about the "Sons of God" and Nephilim? [Genesis 6].
2021-07-08 Demonic Angels in Genesis: How could the "Sons of God" in Genesis 6 have carnal desires if they are demonic angels which are spirits? [Genesis 6:1-4, John 1:12, I John 3:2].
2021-05-06 Zeal for faith: Caller relates to a previous call of people not having the same zeal of faith as oneself.
Angels, Sons of God & Nephilim: What are the verses about about when Genesis speaks of angels, or the "Sons of God", marrying beautiful women? [Genesis 6:1-4].
2020-12-17 Nephilim in Genesis: Is there room for the Nephilim or giants, to be the mighty men of old? [Genesis 6].
2020-10-23 The Nephilim (or Giants): What are your thoughts about the Nephilim (or giants)? [Genesis 6:1-4, Numbers 13:32-33, Ezekiel 32:27, Hosea 1:10, I John 3:1, John 1:12].
2020-10-23 Elohim & Nephilim: Caller comments on "Elohim" & Nephilim. [Genesis 6:1-4]
2020-10-14 Mighty Men and the Nephilim: Were the "mighty men" in the Old Testament related to the Nephilim? [I Chronicles 11:10].
2020-08-17 Did Satan fall from heaven: Did Satan fall from heaven to become the devil? [Genesis 6, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
Giants in Genesis: Who were the giants or Nephilim in Genesis? [Genesis 6].
2020-06-23 Nephilim and Archeological Proof: Could you talk about the Sons of God and the Nephilim in Genesis, and the archeological finds said to be from them? [Genesis 6].
2020-06-23 Sons of God in Job: Are the "Sons of God" in Job 1, angels or men? [Job 1:6, Psalm 2:7, Job 38:6-7].
Angels Don't Marry: Since scripture indicates that angels don't marry, doesn't it also imply they can't have sex, in relation to Genesis and the Nephilim? [Genesis 6, Matthew 22:30].
2020-04-29 Aliens, Extraterrestrial, Nephilim Theory: What do you think about my view of the possibility of aliens being of the mixing of angels with mankind described in Genesis? [Genesis 6, Daniel 2, 2:44, Jude, 2 Peter 2, Colossians 1:13].
2020-03-24 Fallen Angels & Demons: Is there a difference between demons and fallen angels?
Demons as Offspring of the Nephilim: Do you think that demons are the offspring of the "Sons of Men" or Nephilim?
2019-12-06 Hybrid Race from Angels with Women: Is there a hybrid race created by angels & women on earth, and will "The Antichrist" come from them? [Genesis 6:1-5, 2 Thessalonians, Revelation 13].
2019-11-06 Sons of God & Nephilim: Would you talk about the "sons of God" and the Nephilim? [Genesis 6:1-4].
2019-08-15 Angels and the Book of Enoch: What is your understanding of the passages in the book of Enoch that seem to overlap verses with Genesis 6, about the angels marrying women? [Genesis 6, Jude 1:14].
2019-07-08 Nephilim: What happened to the Nephilim? [Genesis 6].
2019-03-08 Sons of God: Were the Sons of God in Genesis 6, possibly the original angels? [Genesis 6, Psalm 82] What about "the councils of Gods"? Are angels are really tall? Was God's first attempt at creation a failure, so He created us?
Nephilim: What about "the councils of Gods"? Are angels are really tall? Was God's first attempt at creation a failure, so He created us?
2019-02-12 Nephilim: "Sons of God", nephilim, giants, correction about what he thought Steve said they were of Irael. [Genesis 6]
2019-01-28 The Nephilim: What is the meaning of all this stuff about the Nephilim, the giants marry the daughters of God? [Genesis 6]
2019-01-16 Sons of God: Are the "Sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6, angels? [Genesis 6:3-5].
2019-01-11 Sons of God & Nephilim: The sons of God came down and had sex with women. Who are the sons of God and the Nephilim and what is going on here? [Genesis 6].
2019-01-01 God Ordering Killing: Why did God not wish to convert the Canaanites rather than wipe them out?
Angels (Sons of God) Having Sex with Women: What about angels (Sons of God) who had sex with women? [Genesis 6].
2018-11-15 Angels Mating with Women: Sons of God marrying women, where is that? [Genesis 6]
2018-10-30 Nephilim: Are the Sons of God angels or humans?
Guardian Angels: Are there really guardian angels?
Fallen Angels: Are fallen angels demons?
2018-09-12 The Nephilim: Nephilim, Sons of God (angels) having sex with women, it would've been impossible. [Genesis 6]
2018-07-19 John MacCaarthur's View of the Nephilim: The Nephilim, are they demons or angles that had sex with women? John MacCarthur thinks so. [Genesis 6:4, Number 13:33]
2018-03-28 Light before Sun: where was the light coming from before the sun? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
God's Omnipresence: Is God everywhere?
Nephilim, Giants, Angels having sex w/ Women: Is that what Genesis 6 is saying, Angels having sex with women?
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