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Topic: Ezra (Book)

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-06 Daniel's Five Kingdoms: What do you think about this teacher's view of Daniel's five kingdoms and how he applies the clay feet to current times? [Daniel 2, Ezra 9].
2023-12-08 Christian Jews Not Welcome in the Nation of Israel: Did you say that Christian Jews are not legally welcome in Israel? Do you think if more were aware of this, opinions might change about modern Israel? [Ezra 1:5]
2023-10-31 The Number "666": Is the number "666" in the Old Testament symbolic in some specific way and relative to the Book of Revelation? [Revelation 13:18, Ezra 2:13, 2 Chronicles 9:13].
2023-10-30 Jack Hibbs on Israel, Unbelief & the 7-yr Trib: Are the Jews repentant or unrepentant that are to return to the land, and can Hibb's quote be backed up in Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel? [Jeremiah 25, Deuteronomy 30:1-4, Ezekiel 36-37, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Hosea 2-3].
Orthodox Jews: Wouldn't the Orthodox Jews need to have animal sacrifices in the temple in order to practice their faith?
Abrahamic Covenant: What about the eternal Abrahamic covenant? [Ezra 1:5, Genesis 18:19, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:29].
2023-02-16 Command to Divorce: Why were the Israelites commanded to divorce their pagan wives in Ezra? [Ezra 10:3].
Concern About Racial Mixing: When the Israelites were commanded to divorce their pagan wives, was it about keeping the race pure?
2023-02-16 Command to Divorce: Why were the Israelites commanded to divorce their pagan wives in Ezra? [Ezra 10:3].
Concern About Racial Mixing: When the Israelites were commanded to divorce their pagan wives, was it about keeping the race pure?
2022-12-06 Disagreement; "2 Sticks" & "Dry Bones" Prophecy & Eschatology: Are you are stretching to reach your view of some of these prophetic scriptures having been fulfilled? [Ezekiel 37-39, Isaiah 11:11, John 8:32, Ezra 9:8, Hebrews 13:20, Ephesians 2:11-15, Ezekiel 37:24, Ezekiel 37:11, Matthew 23:39, 2 Corinthians 3:15, Luke 24:45].
2022-08-12 Divorce in the Old Testament: Could you talk about when some in the Old Testament married pagan women, and they were told to divorce them? [Ezra 10:3, I Corinthians 7:15].
2021-10-14 Rebuilding of the Second Temple: Who rebuilt the 2nd temple, and where in scripture do we find that information? (Editor's Note: Steve failed to turn on the caller's mic & so the caller was speaking before he was on the air, so, had to start the call from when Steve introduced him so listeners would know what obviously happened.)
2021-10-13 Contradiction about God Hating Divorce: Why the contradiction about God hating divorce and then the directive to divorce pagan wives in Ezra? [Ezra 10:3, Matthew 19].
2021-02-10 New King (After the Exile and Before Christ) : How did the Jews establish a new king after Ezra and Nehemiah (after the exile and before Christ) and the Babylonian exile?
Herod-An Illegitimate King: Why didn't Jesus state that Herod wasn't a legitimate king?
2020-07-20 Destruction of the Temples in Old Testament: What happened to the temples referred to in the Old Testament?
2017-08-18 Purpose of Marriage: What is the purpose of marriage?
Divorce in Book Ezra: Why did God allow divorce or even suggest it in the book of Ezra? [Ezra 9-10]
2013-01-08 Putting Away Your Wife: How do you reconcile Ezra saying to put away your wives & Jesus telling us not to? [Ezra 9-10, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:8-9]
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