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Topic: Swine (Pigs)

Showing 1 to 15 of 15.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-24 Demons into Swine: Why did Jesus send the demons into swine and compromise the income of the owners? [Colossians 2:15, Matthew 8:32].
2024-04-24 The Gaderenes & the Tribe of Gad: Were the Gaderenes the same as the Tribe of Gad? Were they raising swine?
2024-04-17 Pearls Before Swine & Missionaries: Isn't the scripture "do not cast your pearls before swine" telling missionaries to not go to unreached areas that might kill them? [Matthew 7:6].
2024-02-05 Demon-Possessed Swine: Was it Jesus' intent that the demons that went into the swine would run off the cliff to be destroyed, or was that behavior controlled by the demons? Could the demons go out and into others afterward? [Matthew 8:32, Matthew 10:29-31, Matthew 12:43-45, Acts 1:7].
Christian Author: David Pawson: Are you familiar with the author of the book "The Normal Christian Birth" by David Pawson?
2023-10-24 When to Stop Sharing (Evangelism): When do you know when you should "shake off the dust from your feet" or stop "casting pearls before swine," or "not give what is holy to dogs?" [Matthew 7:6, Matthew 10:14].
2023-01-17 Demons Driven into the Swine: In the story of the demons driven into the swine and they indicated that it not be their time, is there a time for them? [Matthew 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-37, Mark 5:12, 1 John 4:4].
2021-07-07 Praying for Political Leaders: Do you pray for Joe Biden and if so, how so? [I Timothy 2:1-3].
Holy to Dogs, Pearls to Swine: Could you talk about the verse about not giving what is holy to dogs and casting pearls before swine? [Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13:45-46, 2 Thessalonians 2:11].
2020-09-01 Pearls Before Swine: Could you talk about "casting your pearls before swine"? [Matthew 7:6].
2020-08-19 Eating Pork an Abomination Forever: If God said that the eating of swine would be an abomination forever, why do we think it is acceptable now? [Genesis 17:13, Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:19, I Timothy 4:1-5].
2017-08-09 Casting Pearls Before Swine: Don't cast pearls before swine, what does this mean? [Matthew 7:6]
2017-03-16 The Demons who were in the Swine: When the legion of demons went out of the man into the swine of pigs & then came out of them, do you know where they went? [Matthew 8:28-34]
2016-05-25 Unclean Food & 70 AD: Why does he raise the issue of unclean foods at all if this is applying to 70 AD after everything has been declared clean? [Isaiah 66:17] (Caller who called earlier in the show, clarifying his question.)
2016-02-16 The Sheet & Unclean Animals becoming Clean: God showed 3 times about being all animals now being clean, showing that everything was clean, but I have a Messianic friend who insists that it has nothing to do with being able to eat pork, but still no pork some say [acts 10:9-16]
2013-12-18 Homosexuality & Pork: How come homosexuality is still forbidden like it was in the Old Testament, but eating pork is no longer forbidden? Since one is allowed shouldn't the other be permissible as well?
2013-07-25 "Dog" in Scripture: In addition to referencing gentiles, can you give other meanings of the word "dog" when used symbolically in scripture? [Philippians 3:2, Revelation 22:15, Deuteronomy 23:18, Matthew 15:22-28, Matthew 7:6]
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