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Topic: Egypt

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-10 Joseph & His Brothers Evil: Can you clarify why Joseph gives his evil brothers a pass for their wickedness when he attributes it to God instead? [Genesis 45:5-8, Genesis 50:20, Job 1:21].
2023-12-20 Pharaoh of the Exodus: Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus? Does Scripture indicate that he died in the Red Sea? [Psalm 136:15]
2023-11-24 The Faithful in the Mixed Multitude in the Exodus: What percentage of unfaithful would there have been in mixed multitude in the Exodus?
The Promised Land: Didn't God give The Promised Land to Israel forever? [Deuteronomy 28:15-68, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:26-29].
2023-11-10 Rahab-Dashed into Pieces: What does it mean when scripture says "I dashed Rahab into pieces." [Isaiah 51:9, Psalm 89:10, Psalm 30:7].
Paul writing about Third Heaven: Why do so many think that Paul is talking about himself when he writes that "he knew a man who was caught up into the third heaven?" [2 Corinthians 12:2-4].
2023-04-25 Israelites to Egypt: When did the Israelites go to Egypt? [Genesis 46].
2023-03-29 The 430 Years of Bongage: Could you clarify the various calculations surrounding the 430 years of bondage?
2023-01-25 Fear of Death: Would you explain this verse about the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 16:24-26].
Bondage of Egypt: Do you think the Hebrews 2:15 has any correlation to the Israelites when they desired to go back into bondage in Egypt? [Hebrews 2:15].
2022-12-08 Flight to Midian or Egypt?: Do you think this passage in Hebrews is referring to Moses' flight to Midian, or the Exodus? [Hebrews 11:27].
2022-10-14 Precept Ministry-Kay Arthur: Have you heard about Kay Arthur's precepts studies? Is it OK?
Queen of Sheba: Where did the Queen of Sheba come from? [I Kings 10:1-12].
2021-12-16 Egyptian Circumcison: Caller shares the information that the Egyptians practiced circumcision.
2021-12-01 River Euphrates Drying Up: Could you clarify your thoughts on the river Euphrates drying up and the following scripture indicating Jesus' return? [Revelation 16:12, Revelation 16:15, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1:21].
2021-11-19 Contradiction in Jesus' Journey to Egypt: Can you harmonize what seems to be contradictory information that would not allow for their journey to Egypt? [Matthew 2:14, Luke 2:22, John 21:25].
Census in Jesus' Birth Year: Is there any extrabiblical or secular documentation for the census in Jesus birth year?
2021-09-07 Prophet Daniel and the Jewish History: Do you think that Daniel may have been somewhat unclear about the ramifications his prophecy and that Chapter 12 could have been about the New Covenant? [Daniel 11-12, Matthew 24:21, John 5:28-29, I Peter 1:10].
2021-09-02 Jesus & His Family Flee: To where did Jesus and his family flee. Could it have been Alexandria?
2021-07-06 Obelisks: Could the Egyptian obelisks be linked to the Jewish ones?
2021-05-20 Arabs & Egyptians-Hagar, Ishmael & Islam: What is the evidence that Hagar traveled east, and the Arabs & Egyptians are descended from her? [Genesis 21].
2021-05-19 Palestine: Could you clarify what is being referred to when we talk about Palestine and the Palestinians? (Audio of caller is very, very poor.)
2021-03-12 Restore Israel a Second Time: What did God mean when He said He would restore Israel to their land a second time? [Isaiah 11:11-16]
2020-12-07 God's People Put in Bondage: Why did God allow His people to be in bondage for 430 years? [Genesis 15].
2020-11-23 The Exodus & Archeological Discoveries: Could you comment on some of the recent discoveries regarding the historical exodus? [Exodus 14, Galatians 4:5].
2020-09-14 God Reaching Out His Hand to Israel: When are the first and second times that God "reaches out His hand" referring to Israels captivity? [Isaiah 11:11-15].
Israel in 1948: Does this verse about the captives returning have anything to do with Israel becoming a nation in 1948? [Isaiah 14:2].
2020-09-04 Passing Through the Pieces of the Sacrificed Animal: Could you talk about the religious rites and symbolism of the Old Testament, such as passing through the pieces of the sacrificed animal? [Genesis 15, Deuteronomy 4:20, Jeremiah 11:4, I Kings 8:51, Isaiah 62:1].
2020-08-26 The Pyramids: Is there a legitimate Christian view of how they built the pyramids?
2019-10-21 Builders of the Sphinx: Who built the Sphinx, if Adam & Eve were the first people, and it is said to be older than 6,000 years?
Husband & Wives for Adam & Eve's Children: Where did Adam & Eve's children get their husbands and wives?
2019-08-23 The Exodus & Their Food Supplies: How many animals and goods did the people of Israel have when they were fleeing in the Exodus?
2019-06-28 Origins of Egypt in Genesis: What is the background and origin of Egypt in Genesis? [Genesis 10:6f].
2019-04-01 True Israelites: Slave trade predicted: New Egypt: Are the true Israelites black Africans?
Slave trade predicted: Is the trans-American slave trade curse predicted in [Deuteronomy 28:68]?
New Egypt: Is America is the new Egypt?
2019-03-26 Egypt-post Exodus: If Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, who was left behind?
2018-12-13 Hung up on "Amen": I'm a new Christian & studying about the word "amen", & it has 2 different meaning, one referring to the Egyptian Deity. Is it possible people are praying to the Egyptians Deity when they say amen?
2018-09-20 The Life of Joseph: Did joseph become fully an egyptian? Did he try to evangelize?
2018-04-02 Choosing to put the Blood on the Door: The 10th plague & the Passover are good examples of salvation, being covered by the Blood, but it's also a good example of freewill, isn't it? God does the saving, but they were choosing to put the blood on the door. Isn't it a good example of defending against Calvinism?
3rd & 4th Generation or Not the Father's or Son's Sins, but their own: There seems to be a contradiction because in Ezekiel 18 that each person is responsible for their own sin, not the father or the son, but in the 10 commandments it says that sins of the fathers would be passed down 3 or 4 generations. How do you harmonize these? [Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20]
2016-10-04 Exodus from Egypt: Some say there's no evidence that the exodus out of Egypt ever took place.
2016-10-03 Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]
2016-06-07 Moses & Aaron During Persution as Babies: How did Aaron miss the execution that Moses faced as a baby?
2016-03-01 David & Goliath: Someone says there's contradiction about who really killed Goliath. [1 Chronicles 20:5, 2 Samuel 21:19]
Israelites in Egypt: Is there evidence of Israel actually being slaves in Egypt?
2016-01-11 Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")
2015-10-28 Jesus & Horus: Are you familiar with the supposed similarities between Jesus & the Egyptian god Horus, such as the Virgin Birth?
2013-12-16 Time Getting to Cannan from Egypt: How long did it take the Israelites to get to the land of Canaan from Egypt?
2013-09-03 42 laws of Ma'at: Did Moses get some of his commandments from ancient Egypt from something called, the Ma'at?
No Evidence of the Exodus: People say there's no evidence of the Great Exodus out of Egypt & the crossing of the Red Sea. Is there any truth to that?
2013-07-10 Egypt Becoming Uninhabitable: When did Egypt become uninhabitable? [Ezekiel 9:29-30]
2013-01-02 Miracles during the Exodus of Egypt: Can you survey the miracles during The Exodus from when Moses met Pharaoh until the parting of the Red Sea? How long of a time duration was that?
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