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Topic: Steward (ship)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-03 4th of July & Revolution: What position would Jesus have taken regarding America's revolution against Britain (Independence Day)? [Luke 13:1-5, John 6:15, Luke 12:13].
Civil Rights & Martin Luther King: Should Christians be involved in efforts like the Civil Rights Movement?
2024-01-19 The "Mystery": What is the "mystery" in Ephesians 1? Is it the same mystery of Christ dwelling in us? [Ephesians 1:9-10, Ephesians 3:4]
"All Things in Christ" (Pre-millennialism): Could you explain why the dispensations in Ephesians 1:10 presents a dilemma for pre-millennialists? [Ephesians 1:10].
Eve's Mistake: Regarding Eve not necessarily adding to scripture by adding the words "do not touch" the fruit - if it happened before the fall, would that alter your opinion? [Genesis 3:3].
2024-01-12 Boundaries for Those Asking for Help: Does the Bible direct us about setting up boundaries for those asking for help, especially when they put themselves in the position they are in? [Luke 6:30-33].
2023-09-26 Church Today and the Tabernacle & Temple Tithe: Could you discuss the parallels between the customs of the church today and the obligations (tithes) that took place in the Tabernacle, Temple, and synagogue previously? [1 Peter 2:5].
2023-09-13 Tithing in the New Covenant: Is not tithing "stealing from God?" Rec: article, "Is Tithing for Christians?"
2023-08-17 Parable of the Unjust Steward: Could you explain the difficult parable of the unjust steward? [Luke 16:1-13].
2023-06-26 Boycotting Businesses: Should Christians boycott businesses that are promoting non-Christian values, partly because we should be trying to support Christian business and be careful with our stewardship?
2023-04-28 Regrets about Gift of Money: How would God look at my regret about giving someone a large amount of money that seemed like he would be in danger?
2023-04-18 Parable of the Talents: Is it an appropriate parallel to the "Parable of the Talents" to consider it relative to evangelism and the directive to speak and work to bring people to Christ? [Matthew 25:14-30].
2023-04-14 "Parable of the Unfaithful Servant": Could you talk about the "Parable of the Unfaithful Servant" and its relationship to other parables and passages? [Luke 12:42-48].
2023-04-07 Books for Atheists Caller recommends books for Atheists that come from a Scientific approach.
Eating Better-Diet: Caller shares his views on the typical diet and notes that Seventh Day Adventists do better at their choice of food. [I Corinthians 10:31].
2023-02-22 "Forsake All You Have": What does it look like to "forsake all you have to be my disciple?" [Matthew 13:44, Luke 14:33, Acts 4:32, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
2023-01-31 Finances (Charitable Giving): How do we know how much to send to whom (beyond our tithe)? Rec: Shepherd's Heart, Int'l (Cleveland TN), Christian Response Int'l.
2023-01-03 Tithing for the Christian: What are my obligations for tithing? Recommended; article on "Tithing'. [Galatians 6:6, 1 Corinthians 9:14, Malachi 3:8-12].
2022-10-19 Revelation & the Sequence of Events & Chronology: Does Revelation 4 and following, take place in a cyclical way or in a linear sequence? [Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 4-20].
"Dispensation" in Ephesians: Is the word "dispensation" in Ephesians being use the same way that Dispensationalists use it? [Ephesians 3:2].
"Book of Life": Does God have our names in the "Book of Life" before the foundation of the world? What does this mean? [Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Revelation 20:12-15].
2022-09-12 Selling All One's Possessions: Why did the Christians sell all their land and give it to the disciples? [Acts 4:34-35, Luke 14:33, Acts 6, Acts 5:4].
2022-06-08 Unjust Steward: Could you explain what is meant in the parable of the "Unjust Steward" when the passage concludes? [Luke 16:8-10].
2022-05-25 Honor to Steve: Caller just honors Steve. [Proverbs 3:27, Romans 13:7].
Tithing: Do we have an obligation to tithe? Recommendation Article "Tithing for Christians". [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:34, Luke 21:1-4].
2022-05-20 "Occupy 'Till I Come": What does it mean to "Occupy 'till I come." [Luke 19:13, Colossians 3:17, Matthew 6:33].
2022-04-01 More Required of Those that Have More: What does it mean in scripture; "unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required"? [Luke 12:48].
2022-04-01 Repentance: What does it really mean to "repent"? [Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3-5].
Worldliness & Entertainment: Does "not loving the world" allow for enjoying various entertainments, like sports? [I John 2:15-17, I Timothy 6:17].
2022-03-25 Care of One's Body and General Health: Does this verse in I Corinthians 6 apply to the general care of your body? [I Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:10].
2022-03-09 Churches Should be More Political: What is your opinion of Charlie Kirk and his view that the church should become more political? [Colossians 3:17].
2022-02-03 Tithing: What is your position on tithing? [I Corinthians 6:20, Luke 14:33, Matthew 25:30, Matthew 24:51, Luke 12:46].
2022-01-18 "Word of Faith" Wealthy Preachers: Could you comment on some of these wealthy "Word of Faith" preachers and if you think they will be found in sin and will be judged? [Philippians 4:12, I Timothy 6:9].
2021-11-16 Tithing: Do I need to tithe, and where is it in scripture? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, Galatians 6:6].
2021-09-16 Whistling on The Narrow Path: Where does the whistling song come from on your show? The full song is posted at under the tab called resources.
Steve Gregg vs John MacArthur: Caller comments that he no longer listens to John MacArthur and only listens to Steve. Steve Doesn't recommend listening to only one teacher.
Tithing for Christians: Could you go over the biblical view of tithing for Christians? [Luke 14:33].
2021-01-25 Government Responsibility: Could you help me understand Romans 13 in light of the new administration's less friendly attitude toward Christians? [Romans 13:1-5, I Peter 2:13-14].
Voting: Is voting a good thing? [Romans 13:8].
2020-12-18 Laying Up Treasure on Earth: Could you speak on the apparent contradiction between not laying up treasure on earth, and the preparation for the obligation to take care of one's family? [Matthew 6:19-21].
2020-12-09 Tithing Under the New Covenant: Is tithing 10% of your money or of everything (our time, treasure and talent), and are we still supposed to be giving a tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, I Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 25:14-30].
2020-08-18 War - Christian Who Die are Ready: Caller comments on the call about "The Crusades", noting that Muslims are not ready to meet God, but Christians are.
Giving to Christian Ministries: Isn't giving to Christian ministries a requirement for the believer, and could neglect there be why we suffer at times? [Luke 12:48].
2020-06-22 Telephone Lines at The Narrow Path: How many lines do you have coming in?
Wisdom About Giving to Charities: I am bothered by how much I am giving out of my social security check. Can you give me words of wisdom in this regard?
2020-06-04 Word of Faith and Wealthy Ministers: What is wrong with the Word of Faith (Name it and Claim it, Health & Wealth) ministers making a lot of money, like Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland, etc.? [Luke 12:48, I Timothy 6, Acts 3:6].
2020-05-12 Parable of the Unjust Steward: What are we being taught in the parable of the unjust steward, and his manipulating the funds of his employer after getting fired? [Luke 16].
Women Not Above Men: What does the Bible mean when it talks about women not being above a man? [I Timothy 2].
2020-04-24 Comment About Junk Mail: Comment in appreciation of the lack of junk mail The Narrow Path sends compared to what other ministries send.
New Creations in the Jewish Proselytes & Church Today: Are you familiar with the history of the proselytes in the Jewish faith being called "new creations" and does this relate to the New Covenant Church new creation? [Romans 8:18-22, 2 Corinthians 10:17, 5: 17, Hebrew 9:11, Isaiah 65:17].
2020-03-10 Smoking Cigarettes: Do you believe that smoking cigarettes is a sin? [Romans 6:14, I Corinthians 6:19-20].
Obesity or Gluttony: What about the sin of obesity or gluttony? [Philippians 3:18-20, I Corinthians 10:30-31].
2020-02-05 Giving & Stewardship: Could you talk about the gift of giving, and how the early church dealt with their finances, giving, and communal living and care for one another? [Acts 2:44, 4:34, 5:4, 11, 2 Corinthians 8:15, Exodus 16:18].
Financial Management-Descriptive or Prescriptive: Do you think that some of the financial references in scripture is more descriptive, rather than prescriptive, particularly because of special depressed circumstance? [Acts 11].
2019-09-17 Tithing-Christian Requirement?: Are Christians today required today to give a tithe to the local church? [Acts 4:32, Matthew 23:23].
2019-06-07 Financial Stewardship: Retiring, Saving, Living by Faith, Giving, What to do financially?
2019-06-06 Giving Your Extra Funds: After you pay your bills, how do you save and disburse your extra money? [Matthew 6:19f, Matthew 10: 17-27].
2019-04-22 Usury: What about usury in the Bible? Investing wisely? Parable of the talents [Luke 6:35, Matthew 25:14f]
2019-03-25 Stewardship: Have you ever heard of the book "Practicing the King's Economy"?
2019-02-12 Parable of the talents: Isn't it good to save money for retirement?
2018-07-17 Parable of the Talents: In the Parable of the talents what is the severity of the master about? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2018-03-29 Stewardship: If everything of ours is God's including our money, what if we want to buy a new car, or something else extravagant that we don't really need?
2017-11-07 Ten Talents Parable: What does the parable of the talents mean? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2017-10-25 Gift of Giving: Gift of giving & other spiritual gifts. [Romans 12:3-8]
2017-08-09 Getting Different Rewards in Eternity: Do people get different rewards in Eternity or not? and if that is the case, i have a second question....
Workers In The Vineyard: Workers came in at different times & getting the same wage, what is the meaning? [Matthew 20:1-16]
Dangers of Deathbed Conversions: Steve also explains the dangers of waiting until a "Deathbed experience" happens.
2017-07-21 Wealthy People: You were talking about wealthy atheists giving money the other day, & Warren Buffet, "There are many ways to get to heaven, but this is a good way" after he gave a whole bunch of money. How would you rebut that?
2017-07-20 Giving Sacrificially: Even though atheist gives billions, it's a drop in the bucket to them. They need to give sacrificially in order for it to count. [Mark 12:41-44]
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