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Topic: Scandals

Showing 1 to 7 of 7.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-20 Scandals with Pastors in Texas: How should we handle the recent scandals of immoral megachurch pastors in Texas? [2 Samuel 12:14, James 3:1]. (He continues talking about this after the break even though he seems like he's done with the question before the break.)
2024-06-20 Pastor Scandals in Texas: Should I continue to attend the church where this has taken place? [1 Timothy 3:6, 1 Corinthians 11:18-19].
2023-05-23 Hagar's Destination: Why does the angel ask where Hagar is going? [Genesis 16:8, Genesis 18:20-23, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9].
Personal Testamonies: Should I mention my terrible past in my testimony when sharing about Christ? [1 Corinthians 7:20, Romans 6:21, Philippians 3:12-14].
2022-06-28 Alone with the Opposite Sex: Is there ever any time that it is appropriate to be alone with the opposite sex (as in an emergency)? [John 4, Romans 16].
Recovery Programs: What do you think about putting the homeless into recovery programs? [I Corinthians 6:9, I John 3:17, James 2:15-16].
2022-04-25 Bill Gothard Seminar: What do you know about Bill Gothard and his ministry?
2021-06-22 Great Men of God who Fall: Could you share your insights in regard to how seemingly great men of God can fall to sin, such as Ravi Zacharias?
2021-03-08 Ravi Zacharias' Ministry: In light of the recent the exposure of the failures of Ravi Zacharias, was he sincere or was it all false?[I Corinthians 13:2].
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