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Topic: Rabbi (Rabbinic)

Showing 1 to 38 of 38.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-03 Person of the Holy Spirit in Old vs New Testament: Before the coming of Christ, what idea did the Jewish people have of the Holy Spirit? [Genesis 1:2].
2024-05-10 Noahide Laws: Are you familiar with the Noahide laws? Are they found in the Bible?
2024-02-13 Jesus' Teaching with Authority: Would you illuminate the passage about the teaching of Jesus astonishing the listeners and that He taught with authority, unlike the scribes? In contrast, how did the scribes teach? [Matthew 7:28-29, Matthew 5:43, Mark 1:21-22, Mark 11:28].
2024-01-16 Hebrew Roots (Messianic, Torah Observance) Movement: Could you talk a little about the Hebrew Roots movement (Torah Observance)? Topical lectures "Hebrew Roots" or "Jewish Roots." [Mark 7:19, John 5:17-18, Matthew 5:17-18, Colossians 2:16-17, Galatians 1:8, Galatians 5:4, Mark 7:7-9, Matthew 15:9, Hebrews 8:13].
2023-10-20 Jesus in the Synagogue: Why would they let Jesus speak in the synagogue?
2023-10-13 Noahide Laws: Could you comment on the "Noahide Laws?" [Genesis 9:4, Hebrews 8:13].
2023-10-05 "Teacher" or "Father" (Using Titles): Was the directive to not call anyone "father" or "teacher" ("rabbi") only relevant to the time in which He was speaking, but now we can now call our teachers by their title? [Matthew 23:9, 1 Corinthians 4:15].
2023-05-26 Debating a Rabbi: Have you ever debated a rabbi? if you were to do so, what would be your talking points?
Defending the New Testament to Jews: How would you defend the New Testament to rabbis and other Jews? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7:14].
2023-05-26 Debating a Rabbi: Have you ever debated a rabbi? if you were to do so, what would be your talking points?
Defending the New Testament to Jews: How would you defend the New Testament to rabbis and other Jews? [Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7:14].
2023-03-02 Dress Rehearsal: So you don't believe that this is a "dress rehearsal" for the next life?
Rabbi's Midrash (Jewish View): Do you think it is essential to understand the Jewish rabbi's "Midrash" to understand the scripture properly?
2023-02-10 The Law of Moses: How many of the laws were given by Moses and how many were added by the Jewish rabbis later? [Mark 7:10].
God Does Not Desire Sacrifice: When scripture says that God "does not desire sacrifice" was David saying that the sacrifices are no more? [Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 51:16-17, Hosea 6:6].
2023-01-06 Disciple-of Jesus or Paul?: Is it inconsistent to call some of the disciples "disciple of Paul" when the disciples were always disciples of Jesus? [Matthew 23:8, 1 Corinthians 11:3].
2022-08-03 Lazarus Story in the Talmud: Did you ever find the story of "Lazarus and the RIch Man" in the Talmud?
2022-02-23 Jewish View of Plural Pronoun in Genesis: How would the Jews interpret the plural pronoun if they believed in a singular God? [Genesis 1:26-28].
2022-02-18 Talmud & Synagogue History: Could you talk about the origins and history of the Talmud and the synagogue? [Deuteronomy 24:1].
2022-02-17 Jesus is Messiah: How do I best approach someone who doesn't think that Jesus is the Messiah come, but a teacher, even in light of "I am"? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 13:13, Matthew 16:13-20].
2021-12-02 Rabbi's Ban on Reading Isaiah 53: What do you know about a ban on Jews reading Isaiah 53 by Rabbis, because it makes a case for Jesus as Messiah? [Isaiah 53].
Jesus Reflection in Isaiah 53: Did Jesus refer to Isaiah 53 in regard to Himself?
2021-02-23 Evidence the Bible is True: What is the minimum amount of evidence that we need to prove the truth of the resurrection and bible record?
The Talmud: What is the Talmud and when was it written?
Ist Century History of Jesus: Are there any first century writings about Jesus?
2021-01-13 How to Study the Bible: What is the best way to get familiar with and study the Bible (rec: go through the Bible at
Responsibility of the Overseers: What does Acts 20:28 mean regarding the responsibility of the overseers for the church? [Acts 20:28, Matthew 20:25-27, Matthew 23:8-9].
2020-12-28 Rabbi's Refusing to Recognize the Messiah: How do you think that Rabbi's explain this passage and refuse to acknowledge that Jesus is the messiah? [Daniel 9:25-26].
The Maccabeans: Could you talk about the Maccabeans (Judas & Mattathias)?
2020-07-01 Jews Hearing-"the Only Way": What do you think any rabbi would have thought when hearing Jesus say that He was "the only way"? [John 14:6, John 1:9].
2020-06-02 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Why do people think that the story of "Lazarus and the Rich Man" is not a real story of real, named, people, and going to hell? [Luke 16].
Watering Down Hell: Do you think that people think that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man isn't about real people in order to water down the concept of hell?
2020-05-11 Jesus Calling Jews to be Jews or Leave Judaism: Was Jesus actually asking Jews to leave their faith, or are Jews still suppose to still be Jews? [Numbers 18, Jeremiah 31].
2018-04-13 The 144,000: In Revelation, are the 144,000 Jewish Rabbis? Messianic Rabbis?
2018-03-28 Call no one Father: What did Jesus by not calling anyone "Father"? [Matthew 23:9]
2017-08-14 Using Rabbinical Literature in Jesus' Time; The rich man & lazarus, rabbinical literature, Jesus used familiar literature for His audience.
2017-08-09 Heritage of the Jews: Isn't it pretty much impossible to see the heritage of Jews, so how can Jews prove they're of the ethic race & how would dispensationalism make sense?
2017-04-26 Full Preterism: No Resurrection with full preterism, inclusivism;
Rabbis thinking: Rabbis rejecting Jesus; 1000 year future millennium
2017-02-16 Call No Man Father or Rabbi: So we can have spiritual father, can't have spiritual teachers & can't have spiritual pastors, but can't call them that? Where does it say we can call someone a Father? [Matthew 23:9] (followup)
2017-02-13 Call no one Father or Rabbi: Call no one "Father", unless they actually are your father [Matthew 23:8-10]
2016-03-30 "Let Us": Who is Jesus? Who is the "us" in Genesis? [Genesis 1:26]
Elohim: What about the name "Elohim"? Is it only a Jewish name they use for God? Why is it plural & singular at the same time? [Genesis 1:1]
Rabbis Rejecting Trinity: If what you said about "Elohim" is true, you'd think they wouldn't have had so much trouble in accepting Jesus.
2015-12-04 Rabbi, Teacher & Lord: Did the disciples call Jesus "Rabbi" verses "Lord"? When did "Rabbi" or "Teacher" change to "Lord"?
2013-07-24 The term "Jew": What is the meaning of the term "Jew" in the New Testament? It seems to have a negative connotation for a group separate from the writers and audience. Would this be affected by the majority of the audience being Jewish? [John 1:20, John 18:39, Acts 14:2].
Sensitivty Regarding "The Jews Killed Jesus": It seems extreme, negative and potentially harmful to say that "the Jews killed Jesus" when it was actually only some of the bad leadership that encouraged it. [1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:28].
2013-05-27 "Morning Star" as Satan in Isaiah: Is it possible that the reference to the "man" and the "morning star" in Isaiah could be a reference to an angel? Recommended; topical lecture, "Topical Isaiah." [Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:15, Job 38:7, Revelation 22:16, Numbers 24:15-17, Revelation 12:7-10, Matthew 11:23].
2013-04-25 Catholic: Call No Man "Father": Catholic caller; Scripture must not be absolute about not calling any man "Father", since scripture seems to contradict this in numerous places. [Matthew 23:8-9, Romans 4:1, Romans 4:11-12, Romans 9:10, I Corinthians 4:15, Philippians 2:22, I Peter 5:13].
Calling Religious Leaders "Father": Is there anything in the New Testament that indicates that the Pharisees were called "fathers"? [Acts 7:1].
2013-03-29 Titles for Those in Leadership: What is your take on using titles for the leadership in the church? [Matthew 23:8-10, Romans 4:1, 1 Corinthians 4:15].
Church History: Caller recommends Steve lecture on Church History (30 lectures).
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
2013-01-17 "Call No Man Teacher" or "Father": What did Jesus mean by "call no man father?" [Matthew 23:8-9]
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