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Topic: Civil Disobedience

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-10-10 Obedience to Government Authorities: Are there any scriptures that tell us not to obey the government if it is evil? [Hebrews 13:1-4, 1 Peter 2:13-17, John 19:11, Exodus 1:1-21, Daniel 3:14-25, Daniel 6:22, Acts 5:29].
2023-06-19 Government Authority: Were Christians protesting the government authorities? [Romans 13:1-3, 1 Peter 2:13-14].
2023-03-23 Obeying the Government: What can you advise about the passage about obeying the government when the government passes bad laws? [Romans 13].
2022-04-07 Government Authority-Civil Obediences or Disobedience: What should our attitude be as Christians regarding standing for righteousness within a corrupt government? [John 7:24, Romans 13:1-2, Exodus 1:15-21, Mark 12:17, John 19:11, I Peter 2:13-14].
2022-04-07 Submitting to Authority: Caller shares thoughts about the difference between obeying and submitting to government. [I Peter 2:13, Romans 13:1-2].
2022-02-09 Background Checks for Churches: Caller shares an alternate opinion about requiring background checks and clearance to work with children.
Rebellion Against Government Restrictions: Where should one draw the line in submitting to others, including government authorities & general civil rights? [Acts 5:29, Acts 4:19].
Cautioning Others to Avoid Persecution: Should I be cautioning my friend in China to be more careful about talking about things that could get him in trouble? [Matthew 10:16].
2021-10-27 COVID Vaccine & Ethics: Should we refuse to take the COVID vaccine simply to stand with others who are resisting on ethical reasons?
2021-04-09 Evil Government Authorities: Why should we vote or be politically active, based on what scripture says about government authority? How should we deal with evil government leaders? [Romans 13:1-4, 2 Peter 2:13-14, Acts 5:29, Mark 11:27-28].
2021-04-01 Letting God Make Your Decisions: When you say in your series on discipleship that one should let God make your decisions, how do you mean that? How does one do that?
Employer's Mask Wearing Requirement: I am considering serving a complaint to my employer regarding the requiring of the masks, and my mom thinks as believers we should not cause conflict. What do you think about this?
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2021-01-15 Not Taking Action as Believers in Current Events: How can God forgive us for neglecting the truth and not taking action against the evil actions in current events-in the political maneuverings and human trafficking, etc.?
Separation of Church & State: Has not the phrase "separation of church and state" been misused?
2021-01-12 Conscientious Objection to Government Requirements: Could you talk about conscientious objection to not do what the government requires in light of scripture? [Acts 4:18-20, Acts 5:20].
2021-01-12 Revolutionary War Compared to Today: Could you comment on the revolutionary war and what we are seeing in political developments and potential civil war today?
2021-01-11 The Narrow Path Phone App: How do I get you in Idaho?
The Millennium: Could you talk about when the millennium comes, or is it now? [Revelation 20].
Government, Patriotism & Current Events: Would you talk about current political events, like mask compliance patriotism, and protests? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:14-14, Philippians 3, Luke 3:19].
2020-12-14 Vaccine: What do you think about taking the vaccine, as I am afraid I might not be able to work if I don't take it?
Genesis Bible School: Are you familiar with Genesis Bible School out of Santa Rosa, California?
Government Interference with Church Gathering: What do you think about the government not allowing us to gather so that we can love on each other?
2020-12-10 Giving Up Our Rights to Speak Against Evil: What do you think about a pastor who says we should be willing to give up our own right to speak against some of the evil things that are happening in our culture? [Luke 3, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:7, Isaiah 42:1-4, Matthew 12:18-21, Luke 19:1-13, Matthew 13:24-30].
2020-11-30 COVID Restrictions: COVID restrictions for home churches in Oregon won't allow more than two families to meet together, so what should we do?
2020-11-30 COVID (Coronavirus): What is your understanding of the health effects of COVID? [Psalm 91:12, Psalm 34:7, Hebrews 2:14-15].
2020-11-13 Government Interference with Churches Meeting: What do you think about governors restricting churches meeting? [Romans 13, I Peter 2].
2020-11-02 Trump's Support of Christians: Caller comments on Trump and his policies that support Christians.
2020-11-02 Lying Worse Than Abortion: How can anyone say that lying is worse than abortion?
2020-10-29 Impending Civil War & Christian Involvement: What does the Bible tell us about the possible impending war, and if we, as believers have limitations or responsibilities?
Antifa Needs to be Stopped: Does a stand need to be made against Antifa and other violent offenders? Will the Holy Spirit guide us in this situation?
2020-10-29 Impending Civil War & Christian Involvement: What does the Bible tell us about the possible impending war, and if we, as believers have limitations or responsibilities?
Antifa Needs to be Stopped: Does a stand need to be made against Antifa and other violent offenders? Will the Holy Spirit guide us in this situation?
2020-10-19 Governmental Role, Rights & Civil Disobedience Today: Who would Paul be referring to in government today instead of the emperor or Caesar in I Peter 2? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
Determining Righteous Government Law: How do we determine what is a righteous law in government?
2020-10-19 Governmental Role, Rights & Civil Disobedience Today: Who would Paul be referring to in government today instead of the emperor or Caesar in I Peter 2? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
Determining Righteous Government Law: How do we determine what is a righteous law in government?
2020-09-15 Coronavirus Restrictions in Church Meetings: What do you think about believers adhering to government Coronavirus mandates in social distancing & masks in church meetings?
2020-09-11 Black Lives Matter: What are your thoughts on those Christians throwing in with the BLM movement, and demanding anti-racism activism?
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-09-03 The Over-reach of Government: Comment on over-reach of government.[Romans 13, Matthew 5:40, I Peter 2:13-14].
2020-07-23 Drama of Current Events: Could you advise how much to focus and engage with politics and how to balance the drama of current events?
2020-07-22 Difficult Current Events & the Christian Response: Do you think that our freedoms are really slipping away? If so, how should Christians react in these unprecedented times? Do we defend ourselves or instead, love exceptionally?
2020-07-21 Submitting to Government & Law: What is the Christian's obligation to be submissive to government law, and how far that goes-particularly relative to the verse about buying a sword? Topical article suggested; The Christian and Forcible Resistance. [Luke 22:36, Acts, Matthew 5:39].
2020-07-13 Antichrist is Present Now: Is it possible that we may be missing the presence of the antichrist in our culture today? [I John 2:18-22, 2 John 1:7].
2020-07-10 Responding to "Black Lives Matter": Responding to "Black Lives Matter" painting on the street, should Christians write "White Lives Matter"?
2020-06-09 Firearms & Self-Defense: What do you think about self-defense and a Christian having a firearm or handgun?
2020-06-08 Protests: Casting off Restraints & Poorly Recorded History: Could you comment about someone preaching how appropriate the protests are, drawing a relationship between Jesus casting out the money changers, and how warped our history books are? [Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 21:12].
2020-06-08 Criticism of Trump: Do you think that Trump would get more criticism is he had brought in the military to quell the riots?
Christian Evangelism to Improve Society: Should we not be more concerned about reaching out as believers to one person at a time, rather than trying to work through large protests? [Proverbs 9:10].
2020-06-08 Criticism of Trump: Do you think that Trump would get more criticism is he had brought in the military to quell the riots?
Christian Evangelism to Improve Society: Should we not be more concerned about reaching out as believers to one person at a time, rather than trying to work through large protests? [Proverbs 9:10].
2020-04-24 Christians & Civil Disobedience: Can a Christian participate in acts of civil disobedience? [Exodus 1:17, Daniel 3:16-18, Daniel 6].
2019-07-10 Laws in Conflict with Biblical Teaching: What can we do about laws that are being passed that inhibit our ability to speak about what the Bible teaches?
2019-03-21 Government Authority: Who are the governing authorities today? What is the limited sphere of authority of the government? [Romans 13:1f].
2018-09-20 Patriotism: How far do we take it patriotism? Do we say the pledge allegiance to the flag?
Lawsuits: Can or should a Christian sue a non-Christian
2018-08-23 Apostle's Creed & Jesus descending into Hell: According to the Apostle's Creed Jesus descend into hell, is this true?
Obeying the Civil Government: We are supposed to submit to the government, but what if it is a bad government like the North Korean government? [Romans 13, 1 Peter 2]
2018-08-14 Obeying Civil Authority: If government is ordained by God and is supposed to be obeyed, how do we submit to it if it goes against God? [Romans 13]
2017-02-03 Christian in Politics & other government positions: What about Christians being in politics, holding protests, being in the military, enforcing the law?
2016-10-26 Jury Duty: Should Christians participate?
2013-04-09 Limited Government Authority: What do you think of my paraphrase of the scriptures about submitting to government authority? [I Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13].
Judgment Seat of Christ: What is the "judgment seat of Christ"? [Revelation 20:11-15, 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46].
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