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Topic: Offering(s)

Showing 1 to 15 of 15.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-11 Sacrifices Brought to the Altar What is actually being brought to the altar (grain, flour, oil, salt, etc.)? [Leviticus 2:1-8, Leviticus 2:13].
2024-01-18 "Robbing Artimus" in Acts: Regarding "robbing Artemis (Diana)," is there any correlation between Acts 19 and Malachi 3? What kind of “robbing” are they talking about? [Acts 19:27, Malachi 3:10
2023-12-29 Tithing: In contrast to the Old Testament teaching of the tithe, what should I do regarding "tithing" based on New Testament teaching? [2 Corinthians 9:6-8].
2023-12-20 Steve's Bible for Teaching: Do you usually teach from the King James Bible?
Tithing for Christians: Do you believe we need to tithe? Rec article, "Is Tithing for Christians?" at
2023-11-27 Tithing: Should we be tithing today, or just give offerings? Rec: Website articles; "Is Tithing for Christians?"
2022-07-01 Burnt Offering of His Son: Why did great wrath come against Israel because the King of Moah's choice to burn his son on the wall? [2 Kings 3:27].
2022-05-25 Identifying the "Saints"; Who are the saints in I Corinthians 16? [I Corinthians 16:1, Acts 11]
2022-03-14 Spiritual Sacrifices" What are "spiritual sacrifices" and how do we offer them? [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13, I Corinthians 6:20, Philippians 4:!*, Romans 15:16].
2021-10-22 Sacrifices & Offerings in Old Testament: Could you talk about the different kinds of offerings from Leviticus and what the significance may have been?
Priests & the Sacrifices: Were the priests making sacrifices every day of the year, rather than just on the Day of Atonement?
2021-10-22 Sacrifices & Offerings in Old Testament: Could you talk about the different kinds of offerings from Leviticus and what the significance may have been?
Priests & the Sacrifices: Were the priests making sacrifices every day of the year, rather than just on the Day of Atonement?
2016-11-14 Giving: Is this verse applying to the church or the poor? [Luke 6:38]
2016-09-13 Tithing & Giving: A church has this idea that each member has to give at least $7 because it represents completeness, but being pressured to give. Is that right?
Lectures/Articles on Tithing: Do you have anything on your website about tithing & giving?
2013-10-07 Money Set Aside on First Day of Week: I was wondering about financing for the church in the New Testament, & what was the money for that Paul was having people set aside on the first day of the week? [1 Corinthians 16:2, 1 Corinthians 9]
2013-09-19 Open Theism: Caller is reading a book about Open Theism & wondering what Steve thinks of it.
Tithing: Are we supposed to still pay tithe? [1 Corinthians 6:2]
2013-07-16 God not Accepting Cain's Offering: Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? [Genesis 4:5]
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