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Topic: Books & Authors (Non-Christian)

Showing 1 to 32 of 32.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Help from Angels (St Germain): Are you familiar with St. Germain and the book "The Magic Presence" (by Ray Godfre King and Guy Ballard)?
The "Single Eye" (Greed or Generosity): In the verses that follow The Lord's Prayer, there is a reference to the "single eye." Can you clarify? [Matthew 6:22-29].
2024-04-02 Extrabiblical Book: "Acts of Solomon": Is there a book called "The Acts of Solomon?" [1 Kings 11:41, 2 Chronicles 29:29].
2024-03-07 Calvary Chapel's Dispensational Views: What do you know about Mike Kestler (Calvary Chapel & "To Every Man an Answer" Radio Program)?
Why Hell?: Could you tell me about your new book about hell that is coming out ("Why Hell?")?
2024-02-21 Apologetics: Books for Atheists: Caller recommends two books for atheists: "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, and "Cold Case Christianity" by J. Warner Wallace. Also mentioned: "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell, "Who Moved the Stone" by Frank Morrison, Albert Henry Ross, "Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel.
2024-02-02 Book on Science & Creation: Caller mentions a book he thinks is good called, "The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos" by Casey Luskin, Joseph M. Holden, and William A. Dembski."
2023-12-08 Book of Jubilees: Do you give any credit to the "Book of Jubilees?"
2023-07-05 The Book "The Bible Code": What did you think of the book "The Bible Code" by Michael Drosnin and its claims?
2023-06-29 "Course in Miracles": What do you think of the "Course in Miracles" (by Helen Schumcman)? [2 Corinthians 11:4].
2023-05-23 Book-Silva Mind Control: What do you think of the book, "Silva Mind Control?" [John 8:36].
2023-04-25 Fiction Featuring Jesus: What do you think about someone featuring Jesus in their fictional books and stories?
2023-03-08 Book of J (Authorship of Moses' Writings): Caller begins to tell Steve about the "Book of J" which questions the authorship of Moses' writings (AKA Documentary Hypothesis).
Jesus & Mary's DNA: Do you think that Jesus had some of the human DNA of Mary?
2023-03-03 "Book of J" or "Documentary Hypothesis": What is the argument for the Mosaic earlier date regarding the Pentateuch as opposed to the "Documentary Hypothesis" (origins and authorship of the Pentateuch)? Rec: Verse-by-verse lecture series, 3rd lecture under Genesis, "Introduction to the Pentateuch."
2022-12-21 Jewish Listener's New Book: Jewish listener shares information about his new book that is supportive of the Christian faith, but it is from the Jewish view. He also comments on the reason there was a need for the virgin birth. He refers to his book and radio show "The Bible Live."
2022-10-12 Loving Others: Someone said to look at everyone you are helping as if they are Jesus. This has helped me.
"The Secret:" Isn't there some overlap between the Bible and the book, "The Secret" (by Rhonda Byren) and there remains some validity to it? [Romans 10:17].
2022-06-22 Atheist-Religion Has Not Contributed to Society: Atheist Caller: Suggests "Why I am Not a Christian" by Bertrand Russell to support his view.
Atheist-Christianity Based on Works: Atheist; Is not Christianity base on works, not on faith? {James 1:27].
Atheist-Christianity is Like All Religions: Atheist; Is it not true that doing good works is just like all other religions in the world? [Matthew 7:12].
2021-02-05 Unwholesome Reading: Is it sin to read material that contains objectionable material that might be displeasing to the Lord?Should one get rid of them? Is donating them to a charity acceptable? [Proverbs 4:23].
2021-01-07 The Book, "The Secret": Have you read the book, "The Secret"? (Rec Lectures: Steve Gregg's "Word of Faith".)
2021-01-05 The Tongue on Fire by Gehenna: How is the tongue set on fire by Gehenna? [James 3:6, Matthew 5:22].
Book Recommendations: Caller recommeds Steve's books on "The Kingdom of Go"; Bk 1, "There is Another King" & Bk 2 "All the Kings Men" and "Live Not by Lies", Rod Dreher. [Acts 17:36, Matthew 24:14].
2020-12-30 Live Not by Lies (recommended Book): What is the name of that book you recommended (Live Not by Lies, by Rod Dreher)?
2020-12-29 The Book, Live Not by Lies: Could you comment on what you drew from the book, "Live Not by Lies" by Rod Dreher?
2016-11-28 Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles by Steve Stiles: Caller is getting Steve's book on the 4 views on Revelation, & wondering if he co-authored the book with Steve Stiles called "Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles".
2016-09-19 Josiah's Fire: Josiah's Fire: Autism Stole His Words, God Gave Him a Voice by Tahni Cullen & Cheryl Ricker, has Steve heard of it?
2016-09-13 Book of Jasher & Hagar: Do we know when or where Abraham got Hagar from? Was she the daughter of the Pharaoh? The Book of Jasher says that she was. [Joshua 10:12-13]
2016-09-09 John Piper's Writings: Has Steve ever been influenced by John Piper's writings?
2016-09-08 "None of These Diseases": None of These Diseases by a S. I. Mcmillen, do you consider that a good book?
Blasphemy Against the Hoiy Spirit & Univerasalism: How do Universal Reconcilliations/Restorationists deal with Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit & that passage? [Matthew 12:31-32]
2016-03-29 People Resurrected during Jesus' Resurrection or Death: What exactly happened here during the resurrection of all the people?
Atheist on his Deathbed: A caller's friend is on his deathbed & doesn't believe in God, telling the caller that he needs to read the book, "The Tao of Physics", basically describing the Law of thermodynamics, all matter or energy is transferred.
2016-01-26 A Book about Jesus: Have you ever heard of a book called, "The Historical Records Concerning Jesus the Christ"?
2013-11-08 Cearsar's Messiah: Have you ever heard of "Caesar's Messiah"?
2013-09-25 Resurrection of Jesus: What is the historic the Bible...of Jesus' resurrection?
Evidence outside the bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead?
Christians Being Wrong: Christians are just irresponsible, so make it foolish to believe what they believe.
2013-07-18 Mike Warnke-The Satan Seller: Has Steve ever heard of Mike Warnke & the book, "The Satan Seller"?
Mike Warnke-False Teacher: So even if Mike Warnke was a false teacher, could God still have used him to bring people to Christ?
2013-04-15 Imagining Seeing Jesus: What do you think about a pastor that asks you to imagine things happening seeing and being with Jesus? Recommended book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen. [Matthew 5:27-28, Acts 16:6-10].
2013-03-13 Secular Books to Train Leaders in Church: What do you think about using a secular books to train leaders in the church? [Romans 12, Matthew 20:25].
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