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Topic: King (Kings)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-29 King Over Israel: After so much time passed (about 600 years) when the Jews did not have a king, how did the Jews accept the idea that Jesus would be king? [Matthew 2:2, John 18:36, John 19:15].
2024-03-15 Leadership Qualities: When we choose leaders should follow the standards of 1 Timothy 3? [1 Timothy 3].
Exalting Nations: Is Proverbs talking about the righteousness of the king or the people of the whole nation? [Proverbs 14:34].
Evaluating the Kings: On what basis were the Old Testament kings evaluated as good or bad?
2024-03-15 Leadership Qualities: When we choose leaders should follow the standards of 1 Timothy 3? [1 Timothy 3].
Exalting Nations: Is Proverbs talking about the righteousness of the king or the people of the whole nation? [Proverbs 14:34].
Evaluating the Kings: On what basis were the Old Testament kings evaluated as good or bad?
2023-12-22 The Throne of God: Are the thrones of both David and God now synonymous? [Revelation 3:21, Acts 2:29-32, Acts 13:32, Isaiah 55:3, 2 Samuel 7:12, Hebrews 1:5].
2023-07-31 Coregencies & Ascession of the Kings in Old Testament: Are you aware of the "coregency theories" (and "ascession method") of the Kings in the Old Testament to harmonize some of the reigns? [Daniel 1:1, Jeremiah 25:1-3].
2022-11-08 "Kings" & "Priests" in Heaven: Will there be the ranks of "kings and priests" in heaven? [Isaiah 49:22-23].
"Fishers of Men": How did Jesus make the disciples "fishers of men"? [Matthew 13:24].
2022-09-12 A Better Resurrection & Future Rewards: What is meant in Hebrews by "they might obtain a better resurrection"- perhaps an implication of varying degrees of rewards in the Resurrection? [Hebrews 11:35, John 5:28-29].
Monarch as Head of Church: Is declaring a monarch as "Head of Church" an afront to Christ, or simply harmless tradition?
2022-01-05 Rules for Israel's Kings: Why would God give Israel detailed instructions about Kings if He didn't want them to have a human king? [Deuteronomy 17:14, I Samuel 8, Hosea 13:11].
2021-10-26 The Kings & The Little Horn: Could you tell me who the "ten kings" and the "Little Horn" are in Daniel 7? [Daniel 7:24].
2021-09-07 Prophet Daniel and the Jewish History: Do you think that Daniel may have been somewhat unclear about the ramifications his prophecy and that Chapter 12 could have been about the New Covenant? [Daniel 11-12, Matthew 24:21, John 5:28-29, I Peter 1:10].
2021-08-02 Chronicles of the Kings of Israel: What do you know about what happened to the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel? [I Chronicles 29:29, I Corinthians 5:9].
2021-06-25 "Kings of the East" Prophesy & Current Events: Current events of China becoming more significant seems to relate tp prophesy and the ideas that the "kings of the east" will gain power. Would you comment? [Revelation 16:12-15, Revelation 9, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1].
2021-06-16 Lordship Salvation: Would you define "Lordship Salvation"? [Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18, Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23].
2021-06-01 Contradiction in Scripture-David's Sins: Is it a contradiction in scripture when it indicates that David kept God's commandments, except for Uriah, and yet he also sinned when he took a census? [I Kings 15:5, I Chronicles 21, Matthew 12:4].
David's Sin in Taking the Census: Why was it a sin for David to take the census? [I Chronicles 21].
2021-05-10 The Morning Star (Lucifer): Could you help me understand the use of the title, "The Morning Star" n (Lucifer)? [Revelation 22, Isaiah 14:12, Isaiah 14:5, 2 Peter 1:19, I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 1:1, Daniel 2:37].
2021-02-10 New King (After the Exile and Before Christ) : How did the Jews establish a new king after Ezra and Nehemiah (after the exile and before Christ) and the Babylonian exile?
Herod-An Illegitimate King: Why didn't Jesus state that Herod wasn't a legitimate king?
2021-02-10 New King (After the Exile and Before Christ) : How did the Jews establish a new king after Ezra and Nehemiah (after the exile and before Christ) and the Babylonian exile?
Herod-An Illegitimate King: Why didn't Jesus state that Herod wasn't a legitimate king?
2020-12-16 Joseph's Kingly Line: Was Joseph of the kingly line, and therefore would have been king? [Matthew 1, Matthew 2:2].
2020-09-17 King of Babylon & King of Tyre: Who is the King of Babylon and the King of Tyre? [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28].
2020-09-04 Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12]. Where is your alternate site,
2020-08-28 Beasts & Kings in Daniel & Revelation: Why in Revelation 13, do you not see an individual king,in addition to the kingdom, similar to it appears in Daniel? [Daniel 7:17, Revelation 13].
2020-08-19 Identifying the Kings in Isaiah & Revelation: Who are the kings referred to in these scriptures in Isaiah and Revelation? [Isaiah 60:3, Revelation 21:24, Malachi 4:1, Luke 1:78-79, Matthew 4:12-14, Isaiah 9:1-2, Luke 2:29-32, Isaiah 52:15, Romans 15:21].
2017-12-15 King Cyrus Predicted: How come the Bible isn't considered inspired by more unbelievers that it is since Isaiah so accurately predicted about King Cyrus 150 years before he was born? [Isaiah 44:28-45:1]
Authorship of Isaiah: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Isaiah authorship?
2017-07-26 Bible Interpretation in Luke: I was listening to your lectures on luke, & you seemed to have skipped verses luke 19:26-27, what do they mean?
2017-01-06 Kings of Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28: I heard you talking about Satan & the kings in Ezekiel 28 & Isaiah 14 the other day, I missed one of the kings you mentioned. Will you talk about them again?
2016-12-08 The Statue of Daniel 2: What does the Statue represent? What does clay represent? [Daniel 2]
2016-11-03 Writing the Law: Did the Kings have to write the laws down themselves? [Deuteronomy 17:18]
John the Baptist & Locusts: They weren't supposed to eat insects, so how does John the Baptist & eating grasshoppers fit together? [Deuteronomy 14:19]
Noah & 7 animals: So why did Noah take 7 of some animals, where did he get that from?
2016-11-03 Kingdom of God: How can people in Western society relate to the Kingdom of God because don't know about Kings & Queens & royality?
2016-08-01 "Know we no man after the Flesh": When it says, “according to the flesh”, is that talking about their flesh or ours? [2 Corinthians 5:15-21]
"We are Ambassadors for Christ": And a related question, is Paul saying they as apostles are "ambassadors" or we all as Christians are ambassadors? [2 Corinthians 5:20]
"Reconciling the World": What about "reconciling the world"? Is this talking about the people of the world or the whole world itself? [2 Corinthians 5:19]
2016-07-08 Alliance Against Israel: In studying Isaiah 7, the king of Syria & the king israel wanted to persuade the king of judah to create an alliance against Syria & do you have a verse that bears this out? [Isaiah 7, 2 Kings]
2013-04-08 Revolt Against King George: Was it a godly thing to revolt against King George? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:13-15].
Revolting Against Government Authority: Under what conditions would you think we should revolt against government authority?
Rebellion & Defending Others: How does one decide when to respond and rebel (the micro and macro) in defense from government and individuals?
2013-01-07 King Ahaz's Sign: How was the Virgin Birth of Jesus a sign to King Ahaz since he never got to see it? [Isaiah 7:10-14, Isaiah 8]
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