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Topic: Samaria (Samaritan)

Showing 1 to 18 of 18.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-19 The Character of the Samaritan Woman: Was the Samaritan woman of bad character? [John 4:11-14].
2024-01-02 The Good Samaritan: How do we apply "The Good Samaritan" story to our lives today? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2023-07-25 Disrespected Samaritans: Who were the Samaritans and why was there animosity between them and Israel? [John 4:10-26].
2023-06-07 Raising a Spirit from the Dead: What am I to make of the story of the spirit of Samuel being raised from the dead by the witch? I thought that was not a thing? [1 Samuel 28].
2023-05-09 "Knowing" in Scripture: Would you talk about the various meanings and implication of the word for "knowing?" [Matthew 7:23, John 4:5-30].
2023-05-03 Samaritan Woman: How was the Samaritan woman able to recognize that Jesus was a Jew and not a Samaritan?
2023-03-02 Loving Your Enemies: Regarding Loving neighbors and praying for our enemies, but I am not sure who is my neighbor and how to pray for my enemy? [Luke 10:29, Luke 10:30-37, Proverbs 25:21, Exodus 23:4, Matthew 6:14-15, Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].
2022-12-22 Power to Call Down Fire: Did James and John actually have the power to call down fire from heaven to consume the Samaritans in Luke? Were they upset and angry? [Luke 9:52-55].
2022-12-07 Ten Commandments: Does the "Ten Commandments" help us to be saved ... or does it simply show us how to live? [Matthew 23:23].
2022-04-08 Homosexual New Baby Celebration: Is it acceptable for a Christian to go over to celebrate a new baby in a Lesbian relationship? [Luke 10:25-37].
2021-12-08 Helping Refugees: If you want to help the Afghani refugees, is it better to focus on the ones that are not Muslim? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 10:25-37].
2021-04-22 Calling Jesus a Samaritan: What was meant, and was there anything behind it, when they called Jesus a Samaritan? [John 8].
2021-03-16 Samaritans as a Rejected People: Since the Jewish race was never really pure, why were the Samaritans so disrespected because of the lack of their pureness? [John 4].
Communion-Refraining from Participating: Regarding "open" or "closed" communion, If one knows that some are in serious doctrinal error, should they continue to take communion with them?
2020-10-02 Samaritan's Only Had the Pentateuch: Did the Samaritan's only have access to the Pentateuch? [John 4]
2020-10-02 Samaritan Pentateuch & Evidence for Faith: Caller suggest Haley's handbook for information about the Samaritan's Pentateuch and responds to previous caller who is doubting his faith.
2017-10-30 The Good Samaritan: I'm going through a program called, "Rooted" w/ my church, & we are currently studying about the Good Samaritan, & they are saying that the person who was left behind was a Jew. Is there any more sources that says that it was?
2017-10-20 The Samaritan Text & the Dead Sea Scrolls: Is the Samaritan Text even real & did it proceed the dead sea scrolls?
2016-11-17 God Divorcing Israel: Did God remarry Israel after He divorced them?
Samaritan Woman: Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that Salvation is to the Jews. What did He mean by that? [John 4:22]
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