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Topic: Methuselah

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-08-10 Types of the Church (Rapture & 144,000): Do you think there are types of the church in the story of Enoch and Noah (types of the rapture and the spared 144,000)? [Luke 17:26, 1 Peter 3:20]
Methuselah: What about the meaning of "Methuselah" (“When he is dead, it shall be sent”)?
Church Father's View of Types: What did the church fathers think about "types" in scripture? Isn't it just guessing at the meanings? Rec: Topical lectures: "When Shall These Things Be?"
2020-05-29 Oldest Person in the Bible: Everyone says that Methusela was the oldest man recorded, but wouldn't it be actually be Moses & Elijah?
2015-05-26 Lifespan of Humans Before Flood: What is the most satisfactory explanation Steve knows of for people living so long before the Flood but suddenly shorter lives a while after the Flood?
2013-08-20 "Methuselah" - When He Dies It Will Come: Where do people get the idea that "Methuselah" means "when he dies, it will come"?
Jesus the Same Yesterday, Today & Forever: Doesn't this verse in Hebrews Jesus say that Jesus was always the same, even before His incarnation? [Hebrews 13:8]
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