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Topic: Tattoos

Showing 1 to 25 of 25.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-12 Tattoos and Cutting: Do you think tattoos are morally wrong or is it a matter of conscience? [Leviticus 19:28].
2024-06-17 Tattoos: Why do you think that tattoos are wrong for Christians? [Leviticus 19:28, 1 Kings 18:28].
2023-11-10 Tattoos: Does the Bible say anything about tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28].
2023-06-05 Tattoos: What do you think about tattoos in these modern times? [Leviticus 19:27-28].
2022-05-30 Believers & Tattoos: Should believers get tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28, Deuteronomy 14:1].
2022-05-02 Judgmental Christians: How do you know if you are "judgmental"? [Matthew 7:1-29, I Corinthians 5:1-4, I Corithians 5:12, John 7:24, Galatians 6:1].
2021-09-14 Tattoos, Woven Fabrics and Old Testament Application of the Law: Could you comment on God's view of tattoos and other Old Testament directives and if they apply to us? [Leviticus 19:28, Leviticus 19:9].
2021-07-27 Evangelizing Muslims: What do we say to evangelize Muslims, and get past their objections about God not having a wife and therefore not a son?
Evangelizing Homosexuality: How do we evangelize homosexuals? [Matthew 19:1-12].
Tattoos Today: What do you say about all the tattoos people are getting today? [Leviticus 19:28].
2020-06-15 What From the Old Testament Applies to Us Today: How do we determine what from the Old Testament still applies to us today-especially regarding moral vs ceremonial law, and this relative to the restriction on homosexuality?
Old Testament Restrictions on Tattoos and Menstruation Can you clarify why the sex during a menstrual cycle and tattoo Old Testament restrictions do not apply to us today? [Leviticus 18:19].
2020-04-09 Christians & Tattoos: Is there anything scriptural that would disallow a Christian from getting tattoos? [Ephesians 5:1, Leviticus 19:28].
2019-08-21 Tattoos: Are tattoos addressed in the Bible? [Leviticus 19:28].
2019-08-15 Tattoo Artist: Would becoming a tattoo artist, be an unclean thing to do, because of the blood involved, the overall culture, and the Old Testament verse? [Leviticus 19:28].
2018-09-12 Tattoos: What are your views about tattoos?
2018-08-16 Old Testament Application: How do we separate what is for us and what isn't in the OT law? I don't like tattoos, so does that apply?
2018-05-04 Tattoos: What do you think about Christians getting tattoos, especially in light of Leviticus 19:20? [Leviticus 19:20]
2017-03-16 Cremation: Is there something wrong with getting cremated over buried?
Tattoos: Are Tattoos okay?
2016-10-20 Tattoo Readings: A pastor is letting a member speak up front talking about tattoo readings, isn't that occultic? Reading someone's palm would be better, but even that isn't good!
2016-08-01 God Killing Certain Groups in the OT: Why did God choose to kill certain groups of people in the Old Testament?
Tattoos a Sin: Do you believe tattoos are a sin?
2016-06-22 Things that are Viable in the Christian Life: How are we supposed to know what is "viable" anymore in the Bible, what we obey or not?
Tattoos: What about getting tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28]
2016-05-10 Tattoos: Were the tattoos in the Old Testament taoing about permanent tattoos or also the kind that can be washed off? [Leviticus 19:28]
Church of Christ & No Instruments: The Church of Christ doesn't use musical instruments, why not?
2016-04-25 Tattoos: What does the Bible say about tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28]
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2013-08-30 Tattoos: Is getting tattoos acceptable as Christian? [Leviticus 19:28]
2013-01-07 Tattoos & Cuttings in your flesh: I understand about no tattoos in this verse, but what about the cuttings of the skin? [Leviticus 19:28].
Gap Theory (Lucifer's Flood): Have you ever heard of "Lucifer's Flood" (gap theory)? [Genesis 1:1-2, Exodus 20:11]
2013-01-02 Tattoos: Should I allow my son to get tattoos? What should I say to him [Leviticus 19:28, Romans 12:1]
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