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Topic: Exodus (The Exodus)

Showing 1 to 37 of 37.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-01 The Exodus: How long was the Exodus supposed to be? Are the accounts of the provision of the quail referring to two different times? [Deuteronomy 1:2, Exodus 16, Numbers 16]
2023-11-24 The Faithful in the Mixed Multitude in the Exodus: What percentage of unfaithful would there have been in mixed multitude in the Exodus?
The Promised Land: Didn't God give The Promised Land to Israel forever? [Deuteronomy 28:15-68, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:26-29].
2023-06-28 Second Gathering of the Remnant of Israel: Could you explain the passage about the "remnant of Israel" a "second" time? [Isaiah 11:1, Proverbs 30:56, Deuteronomy 12:32].
2022-09-13 Food Provision During the Exodus: Where would those wandering in the wilderness get the wine and flour during the Exodus? [Numbers 28].
Onan's Punishment: Regarding the story of Onan and his practising (spilling of his seed), does not Deuteronomy 25 talk about his penalty? [Deuteronomy 25:5-10].
2022-06-29 Openess Theology: Is the story of Moses not a good example of God knowing what people are going to do?
Moses: How old was Moses when he went to Egypt and when they came out?
2021-12-31 Why Communion (Eucharist)?: Why did Jesus tell us to remember him, when we likely remember Him all the time? [I Corinthians 11:24-25, Luke 22:19-20, Luke 9, I Corinthians 5:7, I Corinthians 11:29].
Correctly Commencing Lord's Supper: You mentioned that most churches don't even do Communion right. How should it be done?
2021-11-05 The Exodus & Animal Sacrifices: Did the Israelites have a lot of stuff with them throughout the exodus and wilderness wandering and did they offer animal sacrifices?
2021-10-26 Genealogies in Exodus: Could you help me understand the time that has spanned in the account of the genealogies in this passage and if it would affect the period of The Exodus? [Exodus 6:16-20, Genesis 12].
2021-08-20 The Naked Archaelogist-Simcha Jocobovici: Has Steve ever heard of Simcha Jocobvici, who is known as "the naked archaelogist", who believes in an early date of The Exodus. Where do you stand on the date?
Date of the Exodus: When does Steve think the exodus took place? The traditional view or an earlier date?
2021-08-20 The Naked Archaelogist-Simcha Jocobovici: Has Steve ever heard of Simcha Jocobvici, who is known as "the naked archaelogist", who believes in an early date of The Exodus. Where do you stand on the date?
Date of the Exodus: When does Steve think the exodus took place? The traditional view or an earlier date?
2021-06-23 Pharaoh's Dynasty in Exodus: In Exodus, was it because it was a new dynasty that arose, that the Pharaoh did not know Joseph? [Exodus 1:8].
Old Testament Saints & The Body of Christ: Are the Old Testament saints part of the "Body of Christ"? [Ephesians 3:1-6, Matthew 8:11, Hebrews 11].
Ecclesia, Bride of Christ & The Church: Is the "Bride of Christ" a larger group, or synonymous for "The Church" [Acts 11].
2021-06-03 Literal Events in the Bible Stories: Am I supposed to take the stories of Samson catching 300 foxes and killing 1000 men, literally, as with the descriptions of the events of the plagues, etc.? [Judges 15:4-15, Exodus 7:22].
2021-04-26 Why the Sabbath Was Created: Could you explain the apparent contradiction about why the Sabbath was created in Exodus and Deuteronomy? [Exodus 20:11, Deuteronomy 5:15, Hebrews 4:10].
2021-01-29 Wonders, Miracles, Signs: How does the word "wonders" apply in the story of the plagues on Egypt? [Exodus 3:20].
2020-12-07 God's People Put in Bondage: Why did God allow His people to be in bondage for 430 years? [Genesis 15].
2020-11-23 The Exodus & Archeological Discoveries: Could you comment on some of the recent discoveries regarding the historical exodus? [Exodus 14, Galatians 4:5].
2020-09-21 Israelites Sacrifices During the 40 Years: Did the Israelites continue to offer animal sacrifices when they were wandering for those 40 years in the wilderness? [I Corinthians 11].
2020-06-01 Ezekiel Prophecy Fulfilled or for the Future: Do you think that the verses in Ezekiel 39 prophesy about what has already happened, or about what will be in the future? [Ezekiel 39:28f, I Corinthians 10:1-6, I Corinthians 5:7, Luke 9].
2020-04-21 Convincing a Skeptic: How would you convince a skeptic that the rumbling of the mountain wasn't just a volcano erupting? [Exodus 19:14f].
2019-08-23 The Exodus & Their Food Supplies: How many animals and goods did the people of Israel have when they were fleeing in the Exodus?
2019-08-06 After the Exodus: Why didn't the children of Israel have better success when they came out Egypt and bondage?
Free Indeed: Why were they upset when Jesus said, "if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed"? [John 8:36].
2019-03-26 Egypt-post Exodus: If Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, who was left behind?
2019-03-13 Exodus: During the exodus, the people were limited to manna and quail, why didn’t they eat their livestock and not just sacrifice it?
2019-02-15 Tithing & Animals during the Exodus: How were the Israelites able to tithe in the wilderness, & how were they able to keep their livestock healthy?
2018-07-03 Balaam: Who was Balaam who King Balak of the Moabites tried to get to curse the Israelites? [Numbers 22]
Nicolaitans: Who were the Nicolaitans that Jesus didn't like so much in Revelation? [Revelation 2:6,15]
2018-06-15 Exodus & a Discrepancy of 30 years: Exodus described at 400 & 430 years in two different places? [Genesis 15:13, Exodus 12:40]
2018-06-11 Moses & Pharaoh: When moses spoke to Pharaoh, was he actually doing the speaking or was Aaron like God said he would do for him? [Exodus 4:14-17]
2017-11-01 God in the Pillar of the Cloud: Wasn't God already in the pillar of cloud, the tabernacle, etc?
2017-09-11 Discrepancies about the Manna: There seems to be some discrepancies about the manna in the wilderness, Moses making manna happen from Heaven in Exodus, but then Jesus said Moses didn't in the gospel of John, & that they who ate it would live, but they died, but did Moses give them bread from Heaven or did Jesus? [Exodus 16:4, John 6:32, John 6:50-51]
2016-10-31 Witch of Endor: Who is the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
Pharaoh's Magicians Mimicking Moses: How were the magicians in Egypt able to sapreform the same magic tricks that Moses did for real [Exodus 7:8-13]
2016-10-04 Exodus from Egypt: Some say there's no evidence that the exodus out of Egypt ever took place.
2016-04-25 The Red Sea Crossing at Ezion Geber: Can we assume Ezion Geber was the place where the red sea crossing happened? [1 kings 25]
Dreams: Are dreams just the reprocessing of the day's events?
2015-09-21 The Cloud, The Pillar of Fire, & the Tabernacle: Can you please describe the Cloud & Pillar of Fire that led the Israelites? [Exodus 40:38, Numbers 9:15-23]
2013-09-03 42 laws of Ma'at: Did Moses get some of his commandments from ancient Egypt from something called, the Ma'at?
No Evidence of the Exodus: People say there's no evidence of the Great Exodus out of Egypt & the crossing of the Red Sea. Is there any truth to that?
2013-09-03 Catholic Archgaeologist: Caller heard about a Catholic nun archgaeologist who says there's evidence of the exodus of the Israelites, but atheist archgaeologists are trying to supress it.
2013-08-19 Hebrew Roots: Some people similar to Hebrew Roots Movement [Jeremiah]
Future Animal Sacrificial System: People similar to the Messianic Jews/Hebrew Roots Movement also think that the animal sacrifical system is going to be restored because of what Ezekiel says. [Ezekiel 40-45]
2013-01-02 Miracles during the Exodus of Egypt: Can you survey the miracles during The Exodus from when Moses met Pharaoh until the parting of the Red Sea? How long of a time duration was that?
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