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Topic: Intermediate State (post-mortem)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-03 Lingering Souls After Death: Does someone's soul linger for several days after death? If so, how long? [2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23].
2023-05-31 Judgment-Directly to Hell: How can we justify unbelievers going directly to hell based on the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man?" [Hebrews 9:27-28, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25].
2022-06-03 Christians Go to Heaven Upon Death: Does a Christian go to heaven when they die? [John 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:1-8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Thessalonians 4:15]
Intermedate State Under an Altar: What do you think about a denomination teaching that upon death believers go to a place under an altar unti later? [Revelation 6:9],
Thief on the Cross: Did the thief on the cross go to paradise? [Luke 23:43].
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-02-07 Heaven, the New Earth & the Intermediate State: In the verse "absent from the body, present with the Lord" and when we are resurrected both referring to heaven? [Romans 4:13, Psalm 2:8, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 5:10].
2022-01-19 Intermediate State: What do we know about the intermediate state? [I Thessalonians 4:14, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Corinthians 12:21].
2021-02-11 Right After Death: What happens right after we die? [I Thessalonians 4:14, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2020-10-13 Becoming More Like Jesus: Does scripture possibly support the idea that we will continue being changed to be more like Jesus in the intermediate state? [2 Corinthians 3:18, I Corinthians 15:52, Hebrew 12:14, Philippians 1:6, I John 1:3].
Protestant's Idea of Purgatory: Is there a possible purgatory-like process of becoming more like Jesus?
2020-10-13 Becoming More Like Jesus: Does scripture possibly support the idea that we will continue being changed to be more like Jesus in the intermediate state? [2 Corinthians 3:18, I Corinthians 15:52, Hebrew 12:14, Philippians 1:6, I John 1:3].
Protestant's Idea of Purgatory: Is there a possible purgatory-like process of becoming more like Jesus?
2020-07-14 Lazarus and the Rich Man: Does the story of "Lazarus and The Rich Man" tell us what hell is going to be like? [Revelation 20, Luke 16:19-31].
2020-07-06 Three Definitions of Heaven and Hell: Do you have three definitions of heaven, as you do of heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
Heaven When We Die: Why do people think we go to heaven when we die? [Psalm 37:29, Acts 2:29, John 3:13, Revelation 21:2].
2020-07-06 Soul Sleep: Is this verse in John a good argument against "soul sleep"? [John 8:56, Genesis 18:1].
2020-06-16 Heaven or Hell Upon Death: What happens in the intermediate state? Do we go directly to heaven or hell when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 16:19-31, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:14-15, John 3:16, Ecclesiastes 9:5].
2020-04-03 Intermediate State of Unbelievers Upon Death: What happens to the condemned immediately after death, before they are thrown into the lake of fire (in the intermediate state)? [Romans 2:6, Luke 16:19-31].
2019-06-06 Where Did Jesus Go After Death: What happened after Jesus died-where did His spirit go? [Ezekiel, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 23:46].
2017-12-27 The Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: So the Parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus is not really talking about Hell but Hades & Death & people's intermediate state? [Luke 16:19-31]
2017-11-15 Calvinist are the only Christians: Calvinist comment on the Facebook said that only Calvinists are really Christians. What would you say about that?
Near-Death Experiences: The problem with near death experiences is that claim they have a 2nd chance when most people won't.
2017-10-04 Peace & Safety: Are we in the era of peace & safety right now? [1 Thessalonians 5:3]
Soul Sleep: Where do people get the idea that death is nothing but a sleep? [Ecclesiastes 9:5, Psalm 146:4, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, John 11:11-14]
2017-09-25 Jesus & Thief's Location upon Death: Where did Jesus & the thief go when they died, Hades, hell, paradise?
2017-09-18 Dani Johnson: Someone had just asked about Dani Johnson, so caller wanted to chime in that she became very wealthy as she was in the process of accepting Jesus.
Near Death Experience: Caller would like to know where he really was during his near death experience after being shot several times?
2017-09-14 Intermediate State upon Death: So when we die are we "absent from the body, present w/ the Lord" or is it some type of soul sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:8]
2017-09-13 Wicked Person goes directly to Hell after Death: People who die go to hell because of Lazarus & the Rich Man, according to this caller. [Luke 16:19-31]
2017-09-06 The Soul after Death: Where do the souls go after you die? [Luke 16:14-31] (the answer is very garbled)
2017-08-23 Lazarus During His Death: Lazarus was raised so where did he go when he died, heaven? What happens when we die? [John 11]
2017-08-08 The Millennium & the State of the Dead: I'm trying to figure out what I believe about the Millennium & the State of the Dead, which seems to intertwined.
2017-08-01 No Afterlife mentioned in the OT: People of the OT didn't believe in life after death?
2017-08-01 After Death: Where do you go after you die?
Dismembering a Body: Why did the husband dismember one of his concubines body & send it to different places after she was gang-raped & killed? [Judges 19:24]
2017-07-24 Heaven & Hell not Addressed: In the Old Testament NOR the New Testament there's not much mention about what happens to you after you die, heaven or hell, need to love Him just because
2017-06-29 State of the Dead: What state are the dead in on the Last Day? Where is the spirit between when they die & the last day [John 6:40, John 11:44, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4]
2017-06-08 Jesus didn't Himself Ascend to Heaven until 40 days later: Jesus told the thief on the cross that he'd be w/ Him in paradise, but Jesus Himself didn't go until 40 days later, so how was this true?
2017-05-11 State of Man after Death: What is the state of man when he dies? Where does he go? Soul sleep?
2017-02-24 Status upon Death: Are heard if you die you go to heaven but I thought I heard someone mainstream said that we DON't go to heaven, which is it?
2017-02-17 Purgatory: I used to believe in purgatory, but don't anymore, so I'm curious to know what REALLY happens to you when you die?
2016-12-07 Cain's wife: Where did Cain & Abel get their wives?
Death - Presence of God or Soul Sleep: Caller doesn't think it makes sense that we go to heaven after we die since we are going to be resurrected when Jesus comes back?
2016-11-17 Dead Loved Ones: Are our dead loved ones looking down on us from heaven?
2016-08-05 Present with the Lord: Resurrection of bodies on the last day, spirit’s resurrection? [James 2:26, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1:21-23]
2016-07-05 Immediately in the Presence of the Lord or Asleep: When we die, do we go immediately to be w/ the Lord or are we asleep until He returns?
2016-06-27 Death's Sting different for Believers & Non-Believers: Dying, Christian’s cross over different from non-Christians? Is the sting different? [1 Corinthians 15:56]
2016-02-10 Reunited with Loved Ones: Is there any biblical evidence that we may be reunited with loved ones when we die or not until the other side of glory?
2015-12-30 State of the Dead: What is the truth about whether we immediately go to the presence of the Lord after we die, or being in the Eternal State in the New Jerusalem?
Awareness after Death: Can the dead hear or see what's happening here on earth?
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-11-10 Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?
2015-10-26 State of the Dead: You said you don't think "sleep" is a good analogy of death because it's not really like a sleep because sleep in not an unconscious state, so then what WOULD be a good one?
2015-03-26 The After-Life: Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die? (Incomplete call/answer because mp3 file just abruptly ended)
2015-02-10 "Heaven is for Real": Does Steve give credence to the movie, "Heaven is for Real"?
2013-12-10 Judged by our Works: What are we judged by in the Judgment?
Present with the Lord upon Death: It says in the BIble that we are in the presence of the Lord if we are Christians, but it also says that the righteous will be resurrected first.
2013-08-22 Afterlife: What happens after we die? [1 Thessalonians 4:14, Luke 23:43, Revelation 5:8]
2013-08-09 Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord: Why do people use this passage of Scripture as an absolute proof text that we are present with God if we are out of our body? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:21-23]
2013-06-25 Soul Sleep: Why don't you believe in soul sleep? [Ecclesiastes 9:5, John 11]
2013-03-15 Intermediate State of the Unbelievers: When a non-believer dies, what happens inbetween when they die and when they are raised for the judgment? [Luke 16:19-31, I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12, John 3:16].
Final Judgment: Are not both the saved and unsaved both judged together on the last day? [Matthew 25:31f].
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