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Topic: Molinism

Showing 1 to 12 of 12.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-01-16 Molinism & Thomism: Are you familiar with Molinism and Thomism?
Free Will: Doesn't it seem like it has to be either sovereign free-will or we are just pawns? [Proverbs 16:1, Proverbs 16:9, 1 Corinthians 4:5].
2022-01-11 Open Theism & Other Views of God's Omniscience: Do you hold to the classical view of the omniscience of God because of scriptural evidence, or because of the classical tradition?
2021-12-20 Molinism: Could you explain "Molinism"?
2021-09-24 Molinism (Contrasted to Calvinism & Arminianism): Are you familiar with Molinism?
Molinism's ROSES: Are you familiar with the Molinistic acronym "ROSES"?
2021-09-24 Molinism (Contrasted to Calvinism & Arminianism): Are you familiar with Molinism?
Molinism's ROSES: Are you familiar with the Molinistic acronym "ROSES"?
2019-07-08 Molinism vs Calvinism: Can you help me understand the difference between Molinism and Calvinism?
2015-05-22 Molinism (Middle Knowledge), Calvinism, Arminianism: Dr. Michael Brown suggesting Calvinists are smug, did Steve hear about that? One major problem w/ all these systems is that God is not a theory, a philosophy, a system, but a real Person.
2015-05-21 Molinism: - (Middle Knowledge) Caller remembers Steve talking to someone about Molinism (Middle knowledge) & since Steve said he didn't know much about it, caller wanted to explain, like Steve said someone could if they wised.
2015-04-22 William Lane Craig & Molinism: What does Molinism mean? William Craig is way over caller's head.
2015-03-30 Middle Knowledge: Does Steve know much about Middle Knowledge?
Reprobate minds: What is happening in Romans 1:28, why did God give them a debased/reprobate mind? [Romans 1:28]
2014-09-09 Molinism Middle Knowledge analogy: Have you ever seen the movie, Next? It seems to be an easy example of Molinism.
6th Hour or 3rd Hour: Why the differing times of when Jesus was crucified, the 6th hour or the 3rd hour? [John 19:14, Mark 15:25]
Shane Wood: Do you know anything about Shane Wood? He seems to hold the same view as you in Revelation.
2013-11-25 God's Foreknowledge & Sovereignty & Molinism: Can you tell me anything about Molinism, especially as it relates to Arminianism?
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