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Topic: Allah

Showing 1 to 17 of 17.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-02-23 Islam, Koran & Allah: Is God, the Father, the same as the Muslim's Allah? [Acts 17:23-31, John 10:30].
Life as a Test: It doesn't sit well with me to think this life is a test? Is it? [2 Timothy 2:12].
2022-10-11 Allah or God: Does our God (their "Allah") hear the prayers of Muslims? [Acts 17:23, John 17:3, Hosea 4:6].
2022-06-01 Evidence Against Islam (Muslim): What are some of the major discrepancies in the Islam faith and how do I proceed with talking with my brother who is leaning that way?
2021-04-12 God Hears the Prayers of Muslims: Does God hear the prayers of the Muslims? [Acts 17:23].
2021-01-18 Same God (Allah) for Muslims & Christians: What do you think of this premise; the God that Christians pray to, is the same God that Muslims pray to? [John 8:54].
2020-12-31 666 & Allah: Are you familiar with the idea that the 666 refers to Allah?
2017-09-25 Allah: Allah or the unknown god. Islam & Muslim.
2017-09-22 Allah: Who is Allah? Is he/He the same God?
2017-09-22 Unknown Name: Ignorantly worshipping an unknown God. [Acts 17]
The Man Job: Was Job a righteous man? If he was, what was he repenting for? [Job 42:3-6]
2017-09-22 Allah: Allah being God.
2016-06-29 Islam-Muslims: God is Allah. Why do they believe so much in Muhammad?
2015-10-20 Islam, Allah, & Muhammed: Knowing how to respond to Islam & calling God Allah, & Muhammed picking that one because of the worship of "moon gods". What is Steve's take on that comment?
2015-10-20 Arabic God Allah (followup): Caller wanted to followup w/ what he had just heard about Allah.
2015-10-19 Allah: Does the name "Allah" mean, "submission"?
2015-10-19 The Remnant: Only a Remnant will be saved, not an ethnic group, including Israel.
Allah: Caller comments on the name "Allah", that it applied to God. For a long time Allah was a name for God, Theos, but now it is used as the Arabic name for God. But the English word for God is pagan, which means, "pouring out libations".
Taking up your Cross daily: Trying to explain the analogy of plucking out your eye & cutting off your arm, taking up your cross daily just means the spiritual issues are the most important to do, to follow the narrow path daily. But doesn't "entering into life" mean entering into it now? [Matthew 16:24, 18:8-9]
2015-01-19 Jesus' Name is Yeshua: A Messianic Jew minister told the caller that the name "Jesus" is useless, that He needs to be called "Yeshua".
Jesus being Allah in Africa: Jesus not being the Son of God in African countries but is just called, "Allah", has Steve heard anything about this?
2013-02-13 Elohim - Elohiym: Is the word "Elohim" plural, & is it referring to the Trinity?
Shama: The Lord God is one & your God alone, can you explain this about? He's only one? [Deuteronomy 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:5]
Allah: Is the word, "Allah" referring to the same God as the Judeo-Christian God?
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