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Topic: Pelagianism (Pelagius)

Showing 1 to 16 of 16.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-07-25 Arminianism, Calvinism & Pelagianism: Would you talk about Arminianism and Calvinism? Rec: Topical lecture: "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."
2023-06-19 Thief on the Cross-Not Born of Water: Does the verse in John 3 about the necessity of water baptism become violated in the story of the "Thief on the Cross?" [John 3:5].
Arminianism: What is the belief of Arminians (Arminianism)?
2023-03-14 Augustine: Why is Augustine considered one of the great minds of the faith?
2023-02-10 One Overall Theolgy: Is there one overall theology for the entire Bible?
"Q Source" (Resource Document): Would there have to be a source document such as "Q Source" (Quelle) or could the New Testament writers just recorded independently by inspiration?
2022-11-21 "Sin Nature": If Adam & Eve were created without a "sin nature", but yet they still sinned, then what is the difference to be with or without it? [Romans 7:23, John 8:34].
2022-09-26 Free Will & Sinlessness: Does humankind actually have free-will and the ability not to sin? since Adam & Eve, It seems not to be so.
2022-05-04 Monergism & Synergizm: What do you have to say about "Monergism" and "Synergism"? [I Corinthisna 3:9, I Corinthians 4:7].
Pelagianism: Is Pelagias' view that man does everything to come to God?
2021-11-02 Augustine's Belief in Free Will-or Not: Caller disagrees that Augustine did not believe in free will or free choice.
2021-11-01 Pelagianism Vs Calvinism (Augustinianism): Could you address whether Pelagianism is heretical and if Augustine's definition of it is correct? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, Jeremiah 7:31].
Calvinist View of One's Free Will: What does the Calvinists say about the verse that says God "works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure?" [Philippians 2:13].
2020-08-26 Remaining in Christ: Do you think this verse indicates that "remaining" in Jesus affirms Pelagius' ideas about free will, grace, and choice? [John 15:5, James 1:17].
Adam & Eve Needing to Eat of the Tree of Life: If Adam & Eve had to eat of the tree regularly, why did they only have to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil once to be forever cursed with death? [I Timothy 6:16, Revelation 22:3].
2020-08-11 The Sin Nature (Adamic Curse): Can you comment on the concept of the sin nature of mankind? [Romans 5:6, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23, Romans 1, Psalm 51:5, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-07-28 Westminister Confession: Is the Westminister Confession related to the Calvinists in England?
End Times author, Salem Kirban: Have you heard of Salem Kirban and his writings about end times?
Opposite of Calvinism: What is the opposite of Calvinism?
2018-04-12 Pelagianism: Steve explains that he is NOT a Pelagian, clarifying the position of what the Bible says about original sin and whether people have the ability to not sin.
2018-04-11 Steve is a Pelagian: Caller thinks that Steve is too Pelagian more than he is an Arminianist and perhaps accepting heretical views.
2016-08-02 Original Sin-Sin Nature: Caller wants to know about Calvinism, Marcionite, semi-Pelagian, Augustinian & how it call relates to original sin & the sin nature.
2013-12-24 Total Depravity: So if i believed in "total depravity", do i have to believe the other 4 points of Calvinism, is that true?
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