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Topic: Judah

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-08 The Bones in Ezekiel: Did the "whole house of Israel" or a remnant come back from Babylon and include some from all the tribes? And where do I find it? [Ezekiel 37:11, 2 Chronicles].
Commentaries: What commentaries would you recommend? Rec: Tyndale Commentary Sets, and any by F.F. Bruce.
2023-11-10 Jesus Not a Jew: Was Jesus a Jew?
"Jew" or "Jewish" (Term Origin): Where did the name "Jew" come from?
2023-07-25 Sins Brought Up at the Judgment: Will our sins be brought up again at the judgment, even if we have repented? Would we be in danger of the "Lake of Fire?"[Psalm 103:12, Matthew 6:15, Matthew 18:34].
144,000 (Twelve Tribes): Are the 144,000 of the twelve tribes, or only of the two Jewish ones?
2023-02-02 Ephraim Over Judah: Is there scripture to support the idea that God wanted to have "Messiah" come through Ephraim, but had to change his plans to let Judah do so? [Genesis 48:19, Psalm 78:67, Ezekiel 37:19, Genesis 49:10].
2022-03-23 Jews Called the Israelites: Why are the Jews called the "Israelites" rather than stemming from the names Abraham or Isaac?
2022-03-07 Masterbation, Withdrawal, Onan & Judah?: What is the verse about it is better to ejaculate in the belly of a whore than on to the ground? {Genesis 38:9].
2022-02-02 Hebrew People Before They were Called Jews: What race were the people of Abraham before they were called Jews, and what were they called? [Genesis 14, Romans 2:28-29].
2021-10-11 Singer-Songwriter Don Francisco: Do you know the singer-songwriter Don Francisco and if he is doing anything now?
Lost Tribes of Israel: Do you know anything about the Lost Tribes of Israel (Black Hebrew Israelites)? [Genesis 10, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 1:6].
Jewish (Israelite) Tribal Identity: When did the Jewish (Israelite) tribes get lost?
2021-08-02 God's Punishment on Onan: Why would God be more strict on Onan than the law required when he refused to provide a child with his dead brother's wife? [Genesis 38:8-10, Deuteronomy 25].
Judah Receiving the Birthright: Did Judah receive the birthright because the three older brothers disqualified themselves?
2020-12-03 Laws on our Hearts: Who is Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31, and what laws are being written on the heart ? [Jeremiah 31:31, Jeremiah 23:3-33, Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13].
Establishing the Law: What does it mean when scripture says we "establish the law"? [Romans 3:31-4:3, Genesis 15:6, Galatians 5:4].
2020-09-23 Jews Ethnically vs Religiously: Why do Jews call themselves "Jews", if they do not practice Judaism?
2020-08-24 The Names of the Land Called Israel: Why are there different names for the real estate called Israel?
2020-08-06 The Names of Adam & Eve: Why did Adam & Eve have such modern names?
Hebrews, Semites, Israelites, and Jews: Is Semintes, Hebrews, Jews and Israelites refer to the same people?
The True Sabbath Day: When is the true Sabbath day? [Hebrews 4:9, Acts 2:46].
2020-06-10 Paul Delivered from Lions: What does it mean when Paul said he was delivered from the mouth of the lion? [2 Timothy 4:17, Revelation 13].
Lion of Judah: Why is Jesus called the "Lion of Judah"? [Revelation 5:5].
2020-05-06 The Chosen People: Were the chosen people the Hebrews or the Jews?
Moses a Jew or Hebrew: Moses didn't call himself a Jew, but called himself a Hebrew, right? [Genesis 14:13].
2020-05-06 The Chosen People: Were the chosen people the Hebrews or the Jews?
Moses a Jew or Hebrew: Moses didn't call himself a Jew, but called himself a Hebrew, right? [Genesis 14:13].
2019-08-28 Sceptor of Judah in Geneis What does the sceptor of Judah mean? [Genesis 49:10].
2019-07-18 Ephraim: Why is Ephraim mentioned in Jeremiah when it was destroyed a century prior? [Jeremiah 31:6].
Levites: Why are the Levites going to continue, if the Covenant with David has been fulfilled in Christ? [Jeremiah 33:20-22, Isaiah 66:20-21, Romans 15:16].
Judah: Did the Babylonians spread out the bones of the Kings of Judah? [Jeremiah 8:1-2]
2019-06-04 Jews; All Israel or from Judah: When did we start referring to all of Israel as Jews, since the orginal Jews were from Judah?
2019-03-25 African Jews: Do you know of any proof that the Hebrews (Jews/Israelites) fled to Africa during the 70 AD siege? Does the name "Jew" refer to only the tribe of Judah or all of Israel?
2018-09-24 Babylon, Judah & the New Covenannt: Jews coming back from Babylon relative to the New Covenant, can you please explain this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 30:15-21, Jeremiah 3:14]
2018-07-09 2 Sticks in Ezekiel: Ezekiel holding 2 sticks & putting them together, what did that mean, & what do Christian Zionists do w/ this? [Ezekiel 37]
2018-04-03 House of Israel & House of Judah In Jeremiah, what is the difference the House of Israel & House of Judah?
2018-03-28 The Book of Revelation Prophecy: If Revelation was written just before 70 AD, only a few years before the roman ambush of 70 AD, how could that be enough time to get the prophecy out to 7 churches or Jerusalem?
Babylon & the Tribes of Dan, Judah & Benjamin: When you read about the 144,000 in Revelation 7, & all the tribes are mentioned except for the Tribe of Dan, but when the 10 tribes of Israel were taken by Assyria & Judah & Benjamin by Babylon, & the 2 tribes from Babylon returned, but what about the other 10?
2018-01-11 Idolatry, Judah & Israel: Judgment falling on Judah or Israel, but not by bow or sword? [Hosea 1:7]
2017-11-22 The 12 Tribes of Israel: Were there still 12 distinct tribes at the time of Christ because I thought there were 2 by His time, but the Bible refers to all 12 times well after that? [Luke 2:36, James 1:1]
2017-04-27 Bringing 2 Sticks Together: Ephraim & Judah, Ezekiel saying 2 sticks will be joined together
2017-02-24 Israel's & Judah's Split: When was there a split w/ Israel & Judah?
2016-11-17 God Divorcing Israel: Did God remarry Israel after He divorced them?
Samaritan Woman: Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that Salvation is to the Jews. What did He mean by that? [John 4:22]
2016-09-02 Dispensationalism & Amillennialism & the 2 sticks: Amillennianism & Dispensationalism, wondering about the metaphor about the 2 sticks being rubbed together [Isaiah 11:12, John 11:52, Ezekiel 34, Ezekiel 37:15-17]
2016-08-04 Tribes of Israel: What tribes disappeared & does Steve know which ones were they?
Identity of Jewish Children: Is it the father or mother that identifies their children as Jewish?
Various Questions about Jews of the Bible: Caller concludes his conversation by asking about Jewish Patriarchs & their children.
2016-04-27 Sharing our Faith: Caller wanted to chime in saying that sharing our faith is important, that sometimes we do just have to step up & do it.
True Israel: What is the true Biblical view of true Israel?
2015-10-13 Strong-hold & Foot-hold follow-up:: What are they again, since Steve didn't get a chance to answer the first time?
Jacob's Trouble: How is it that the children of Israel experienced Jacob's trouble & are saved out of it, but how were they experiencing distress of it if they left before 70 AD? [Jeremiah 37]
2015-09-15 Jewish ancestry: Caller wanted to discuss the religion or culture of the Jewish nation, especially Judah.
2015-07-24 Different Kind of Jews: Can Steve please explain the differing kind of Jews? (Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reformed Judaism, Zionist Jews)
2015-07-14 House of Israel & House of Judah: Is this verse (Jeremiah) talking about the House of Israel coming back after coming out of Babylon, reconciling w/ Judah? Is there any evidence this happened? [Jeremiah 50:4, Hosea 1, Ezekiel 37]
2014-12-05 The Jews: Who are the Jews? Are they Israel? Are they Judah? Or are they some other people?
2014-07-29 Jehoiachin's age: What was the age of Jehoiachin when his reign began, 8 or 18? [2 Kings 24:8 2, Chronicles 36:9]
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-03-11 The Lost Tribes of Israel: What do you suppose happened to the lost tribes of Judah?
2013-03-26 Symbolism of the "Donkey & Colt": Could you talk about the symbolism of the donkey and colt tied to the vine in Genesis 49 [Genesis 49:10-11].
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