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Topic: Gnostic Gospels (Nag Hammadi)

Showing 1 to 28 of 28.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-06 Gospel of Peter (Gnostic Gospel): What do you think of the "Gospel of Peter," because It was so disturbingly different from the Bible?
2024-04-18 Gospel of Thomas: Has not the "Gospel of Thomas" been authenticated?
2024-01-16 Book of Enoch: Can we trust the extrabiblical gospels, like "Book of Enoch" (Gospel of Mary, Philip, Thomas), etc.?
2023-12-29 After Jesus' Resurrection: What can we learn about the 40 days following Jesus' resurrection and the time He spent with His disciples? Is there anything to be learned from extra-biblical sources? [Acts 1].
Fleeing Jerusalem: How did the Christians know to flee Jerusalem before the Romans destroyed it? Did Luke inform them? [Luke 21:20].
2023-06-20 Selection of Books for the Bible: How did they decide which books to keep in the Bible, like when they omitted "Nag Hammadi" (Gnostic Gospels)? Should I read these books or should I avoid them? Rec: Topical Lecture; "Authority of Scripture." [Ephesians 4:14].
2022-09-01 Jesus Not Married to Mary Magdalene: What is the evidence that Jesus was not married to Mary Magdelene? [Matthew 12:48, Hebrews 13:4, I Corinthians 9:5].
2022-03-21 Joseph of Arimathea: Did Joseph of Arimathea got arrested, was retrieved by Jesus and had him with Him for 40 days?
2022-01-12 Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].
2021-10-11 What Must Be Done to be Saved: What must I do to be saved? Is it forever? [John 15:16, John 6:37].
2021-09-21 Muslim View of Jesus for the Sacrifice for Sin : How do you respond to the Muslim when they question why God doesn't just forgive without requiring a sacrifice?
Gnostic Gospels: What do you know about the Gnostic Gospels?
2021-09-08 Gnostic Gospels: Steve makes a correction about the source for the Gnostic Gospels being the "Nag Hammadi" library, rather than the "Ras Shamra".
2021-09-02 Mithraism & Other Pagan Religions & Sources: Could you talk about Mithraism and the other Pagan Religions and their beliefs?
Gnostic Gospels: Is there a possibility that the Gnostic Gospels could be trusted?
The "Gospel of Judas": What do you think of the "Gospel of Judas", and the idea that Judas might have been a good guy? [John 6:70]. NOTE: Steve misspoke the source would be Nag Hammadi instead of Ras Shamra.
2021-09-02 Mithraism & Other Pagan Religions & Sources: Could you talk about Mithraism and the other Pagan Religions and their beliefs?
Gnostic Gospels: Is there a possibility that the Gnostic Gospels could be trusted?
The "Gospel of Judas": What do you think of the "Gospel of Judas", and the idea that Judas might have been a good guy? [John 6:70]. NOTE: Steve misspoke the source would be Nag Hammadi instead of Ras Shamra.
2021-03-31 Elisha & the Children Eaten by Bears: Would you talk about the children who were eaten by the bears because they were making fun of Elisha? [2 Kings 2:23-25].
John Addressing Gnostics or Christians in 1 John: Who was John addressing in the first epistle of John? [1 John 1:9, I John 3:14, I John 2:12-14, I John 2:7].
2019-07-31 Gnosticism: Why are Gnostics considered heretics?
2019-07-22 Gnostic Gospels of Thomas & Jasher: What is the background and relevance of the Gospels of Thomas & Jasher? How does one contrast them to our accepted gospels?
2019-03-07 Gnosticism: Were the Gnostic Gospels around at the same time as New Testament writers (1st century)?
Defining "Sin": Can you offer fuller meaning to the word and concept of "sin"? [Romans 3:23, Romans 7, Romans 8:2]
2018-08-30 Gnostic Gospels: what is the Gnostic gospel?
Epistle of Barnabus: What is the gospel (actually epistle) of Barnabus?
2018-01-31 Apocrypha: The Books of Jasher & Thomas, how come they are not in the Bible?
2017-12-21 Gnostic Gospels: What are the Gnostic Gospels & why are they not included in the New Testament?
2017-06-27 Jesus & Reincarnation: Didn't Jesus seem to teach re-incarnation? [Galatians 6:7-8]
Book of Enoch: How are the other books any different? Caller doesn't think it should've been taken out, & it's a good source to prove that Reincarnation & Karma is taught in the Bible.
Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas or Magdalene: What about all these other Gnostic gospels such as the Gospel of Thomas & Mary Magdalene?
2017-06-27 Book of Enoch: Is the Book of Enoch of today the same book that is mentioned in the bible? Is it dangerous to read? Is it true?
2014-02-25 Canonicity of Scripture & Peter: Do you believe Peter wrote the 2nd epistle of Peter?
The Nag Hammadi Library - Chenoboskion Manuscripts: Was this just a collection gnostic books or books of the Bible also?
James & Jude & Hebrews: Authorship of James, Jude & Hebrews, & how do we know to accept those books?
2014-02-07 Gnostic Gospels - Gospel of Thomas: A lengthy discussion about the Gnostics gospels, inspired by a previous call.
Dead Sea Scrolls: What about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
2014-02-06 Gnostic Gospels: Caller has people telling him that he needs to believe in the gnostic gospels. What does Steve think about them?
2013-12-27 Books Not Put in the Bible: Caller's friend is concerned that there were some books that should've been were not included.
2013-09-26 Jesus' Appearances after Resurrection: Why didn't Jesus appear to more people, especially unbelievers, after His resurrection, because wouldn't it have made Christianity explode even faster? His resurrection is the paramount evidence to Christianity.
Gospel of Thomas: Doubting Thomas' book isn't in the Bible, but he believed in Jesus resurrection, after he saw Him.
2013-05-09 When Babies Die: Do babies go to heaven, and what would their lives be like in heaven? Do they remain babies there, or grow up there?
Missing Books of the Bible Are there missing books of the Bible? [I Corinthians 5:9, Colossians 4:16].
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