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Topic: Offense (Offend, Hurt)

Showing 1 to 30 of 30.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-14 God Taking on Flesh (Mormon Belief): How does one respond to Mormons who draw from Steven's vision that God has actual flesh? [Acts 7:55-56, John 4:24, Luke 24:39].
Jesus' Standing in Heaven Offended the Jews: Why were the Jews so offended when they heard Stephen say Jesus was standing at the right hand of God. [Acts 7:56-57 Psalm 110].
2024-05-20 Communion-Blood and Flesh Disgusting to the Jews: Why would Jesus refer to "blood" and "flesh" when it was forbidden in the Torah for the Jews? Why choose something that would turn them away, as John 6 indicates? [John 6:63-66].
2024-04-30 Slap on the Cheek: Is the slap on the cheek passage referring to a back-handed slap of an insult? [Luke 6:29].
2024-02-15 "Unprofitable Servant" Parable: Can you help me sort the parable of "The Unprofitable Servant?" Rec: Topical lecture, "Refuse to be Offended." [Luke 17:5-10, 1 Peter 4:19].
2024-02-02 Satan's Repentance: Do you think the Devil could or would ever be converted? [Revelation 20:10].
God's Concern about Offending: Do you think that God ever is concerned about offending some people? [Matthew 15:12, 2 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 4:15, Galatians 5:11].
2024-01-12 The Lord's Prayer - Forgiving Trespasses: Is the part about the trespasses conditional? [Matthew 6:9-14, Matthew 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26]
Salvation Conditioned on Forgiveness: Is our salvation conditioned on us being able to do the right thing, as in forgiveness?
Forgiveness vs Trust: Can we forgive someone, but not ever want to be around them ever again?
2023-10-03 Unoffensive Evangelism: How should I approach evangelism if I hope not to offend? [1 Peter 4:4].
2023-10-03 Applying the "Forgiveness" Teachings of Jesus: What do you think about the necessity of applying New Covenant teachings about forgiveness in light of Jesus' teaching under the Old Testament? [1 John 4:20-21, Matthew 12:8, Matthew 15:11-20, Matthew 9:10-11, Matthew 11:19, Matthew 21:31-32, Luke 7:34].
2023-07-28 Leaving Judgment to God: Should we not leave judgment to God, since we really can't do much about the evil in culture? [Leviticus 19:17-18, Mark 12:31].
2023-06-30 Bible Contradiction-Restriction on Food Sacrificed to Idols: Could you clarify the contractions about dietary restrictions, specifically of Paul not really having a problem with those that eat meat sacrificed to idols in contrast to the letter in Revelation 2? Is there concern over the dietary laws (such as Kosher laws)? [Revelation 2:20, I Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 10, Acts 15, Galatians 2:11, Romans 14:14.
2023-04-25 Jew or Gentile: Could you clarify who is Israel? Are we to behave like a Jew or Gentile? [Ephesians 2:11-18, 1 Corinthians 10:32, Acts 15].
2023-02-08 Forgiving Hurtful Behavior: If I am still feeling hurt after I felt dismissed by my pastor. Does this mean I have not forgiven him? Rec:topical lecture/ individual lectures/ "Refuse to be Offended." [1 Corinthians 13:7, Psalm 27:10].
2022-12-09 Decorum in the Church: Would you expound on the passage about the customs (head coverings, long hair on men) mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11? [1 Corinthians 11:16, 1 Corinthians 11:14, Acts 18:8]. Recommended; Topical Articles-"Head Coverings."
2022-12-07 New Covenant & Diet Restriction: Can you explain Paul's references to dietary laws relative to the new covenant, and it being mentioned along with sexual morality? [Acts 15:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6].
2022-07-27 Overly-sensitive Conscience: How does one combat an overly-sensitive conscience which tends to be too easily offended? [I Timothy 4:2, Romans 14:22, I Corinthians 10:28, I Corinthians 8:1-11].
2022-06-27 Martin Luther King, Jr.: Caller comments that he was offended by Steve's criticism of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s.
2022-06-08 Atheist; Appalling Christian Behavior: Atheist; What do you think is the responsibility of real Christians to speak about about appalling behaviors of those that call themselves Christians? [John 8:31, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-05-05 Eating Things Sacrificed to Idols: Was not the sacrifies of animals gone by now? [Romans 14:14, Acts 10:9-16, Revelation 2:14, I Corinthians 8-10].
2022-04-01 Foolish Disputes: Does the scripture about not getting into "foolish disputes" apply to witnessing to unbelievers who don't want to hear it? [Titus 3:9].
2021-12-17 Complying with Other's Expectations: What is our duty as Christians in complying with other people's expectations and requests (including mask wearing) paralleled to Paul's "all things to all men"? [I Corinthians 9].
2021-11-09 Finding Lectures at the Website: Where does one find the lecture; "Refuse to be Offended" at your website? Go to; Topical lectures/ Individual topical teachings/ Individual topical teachings (again)/ drop down menu will show the list.
"Salvation" in the Old Testament: How did one address or define "salvation" in the Old Testament?
2021-05-05 Zealously Sharing One's Faith: Can you recommend a way of sharing one's faith zealously without coming on too strong and offending others??
2016-10-24 Having a Critical Heart: How do get rid of a critical heart, bitterness? [Hebrews 12:15]
2016-10-13 Death penalty: 17 offenses that require the Death Penalty in the OT, Jesus mentioned ONE of them….does Steve Gregg know which one? (Cursing your parents.) What does he think of the death penalty? [Mark7:15, Genesis 9:6]
2016-10-11 Gossip, Slander, Libel: Is there a contradiction about gossip in the Bible, particularly in these verses? [2 Timothy 1:5, 1 Timothy 4:14, 1 Corinthians 4:16]
2016-03-18 No Crosses Displayed: Every church I've visited, no crosses displayed outside or inside the building because they don't want to offend people. [Galatians 5:11]
Church's Music: What if i go to a specific church because of the form of a music they use make you feel good?
2016-01-25 Pastor not accepting Constructive Criticism: Our church is sort've isolated from the community, so when the pastor was talking about individuals isolating themselves from each other, I mentioned about our church as a body doing that from the rest of the community, & he said I was being critical. How should i have handgled?
2013-12-17 Coarse Jesting: Can you talk about what coarse jesting is? [Ephesians 5:3-4]
Churches that are Aposatizing: So in follow up to a previous caller, what are we supposed to do about churches that are embracing sin? [Revelation 3:16]
2013-04-25 Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].
2013-04-22 Despising One's Father: I think I really despise my father and I no longer want to, what do you suggest I do to unload this terrible burden? [Exodus 20:12].
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