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Topic: Secular (ism)

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-25 Secular Music: What do you think about listening to secular music if you are not living a lifestyle like them?
2024-05-14 The Christian View of "Israel": How should Christians view "Israel" today?
2024-01-19 The Secular Nation of Israel: Does the blessing about those who bless Israel ("I will bless those who bless you") still apply to us? How do we present information about the way Israel has become so completely secular? [Genesis 12:3].
2023-09-28 Secular Music: What do you think about secular music? [Philippians 4:8].
2022-10-24 Black History Month: Should institutional churches be celebrating "Black History Month" or is this getting caught up with the "wokism" (woke-ism) of the day?
2022-03-28 Secular Entertainment: What do you think of listening to secular music and movies?
2021-11-11 Political Camps Fighting Among believers: Could you help me figure out how to handle the anger between believers in opposite political camps? [I Corinthians 5:12, Matthew 28:20, Matthew 23:23].
2021-09-21 Tithing Beyond My Church to Other Ministries: Should I be spreading around my tithe to other ministries beyond my church? Can it be secular groups with good causes?
2021-09-02 Gilgamesh Epic Causing Doubt: What is your response to my becoming a "Doubting Thomas" because of ancient books and mythology, like "Gilgamesh Epic" existing before the Bible and some of the common traits?[Luke 3:1].
2021-04-30 Steve's Way of Handling a Disagreement Call from an Atheism: Caller commends Steve's way of handling callers who disagree with him, particularly one with an atheist regarding abortion:
2021-04-26 Secular Roman Historical Records of the Resurrection: Who are the secular historians and figures to which we can point in order to support the resurrection records (Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus)?
Steve Gregg's New Books: Would you talk more about your two new books, "Empire of the Risen Son", volume 1 &2?
2020-09-16 Unbelievable Stories in the Bible: Why are there so many stories in the Bible that don't seem true, such as, Samson's strength in his hair, 900 yr-old-men, giants, etc.? Why don't we see documented miracles today? [Psalm 90:10, John 12:29].
Proving Christianity is True: With all the religions in the world, how can one be sure and prove that Christianity is true?
2013-08-21 No Nativity Scenes: Caller wants to know why we are so into celebrating Christmas & Easter, but nothing about Jesus, no nativity scenes, etc.
2013-03-19 Evidence in One's Life Outcome: Caller encourages fellow believers to consider the long term, life outcomes of unbelievers, rather than just the scientific position they hold.
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