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Topic: Pharaoh

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-23 Pharaoh's "Rising": When God says He raised Pharaoh's up, is this about his rising up to power or more about being stirred into some action? [Romans 9:17, Exodus 9:16].
Predestination: Does Romans 9:17 support "predestination?" Rec: verse-by-verse on Romans 9. [Genesis 25:23, Romans 9:17].
2024-01-10 God Sent an Evil Spirit: I am confused about the scripture that says "God sent an evil spirit." Can you help? [1 Samuel 16:14, Job 1-2, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
Guardian Angels: Do you think that God puts spirit guides around us to protect us, but if we don't do good with God's laws, they abandon us? [Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12,
2023-12-20 Pharaoh of the Exodus: Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus? Does Scripture indicate that he died in the Red Sea? [Psalm 136:15]
2022-02-08 Free-Will: Can God violate my free-will option? [Proverbs 21:1, Philippians 2:13].
God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart: Since God hardened Pharaoh's heart, do you think he will be in paradise? [Romans 9:18, Exodus 9:12].
Prodigal Son: Do you think that the parable of the Prodigal Son is a real story? [Luke 15].
2021-11-09 God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart: Did God hardened Pharaoh's heart in order to accomplish their salvation? [Exodus 5:21, Exodus 12:12].
2021-06-23 Pharaoh's Dynasty in Exodus: In Exodus, was it because it was a new dynasty that arose, that the Pharaoh did not know Joseph? [Exodus 1:8].
Old Testament Saints & The Body of Christ: Are the Old Testament saints part of the "Body of Christ"? [Ephesians 3:1-6, Matthew 8:11, Hebrews 11].
Ecclesia, Bride of Christ & The Church: Is the "Bride of Christ" a larger group, or synonymous for "The Church" [Acts 11].
2020-12-07 God's People Put in Bondage: Why did God allow His people to be in bondage for 430 years? [Genesis 15].
2020-02-18 No Pyramids in the Bible: Why are there no pyramids in the Bible? Genesis 12:1-3].
Pharaoh & the Israelites: Did Pharaoh & the Israelites really exist?
2020-01-10 Moses, Plague & Livestock: In the story of Moses, how can all the livestock be killed, and yet later more are killed in each of the next two plagues?
Reliability of the Bible: If language is not always precise in Biblical scripture (as in hyperbole), can we still trust it to be reliable?
2019-12-09 Pharaoh's Magicians & Sorcerers: Why would they duplicate the supernatural things that Moses was able to perform when it would be harming them, turning water into, producing frogs & so on? [Exodus 7, Jeremiah 2:17, 22:9, 2 Thessalonians 2]
2019-06-17 God Choosing People: Can you explain the choosing of Jacob and Esau, and God hardening Pharaohs heart? [Romans 9:6].
2019-05-15 Moses & Pharaoh: Was Moses lying to Pharaoh about his intention to return? Why didn't he just tell Pharaoh that he wasn't coming back? What about Moses's oratory skills?
2018-09-27 Jacob have I Loved: Loved Jacob, but hated Esau, is God practicing favoritism? [Romans 9:6, Genesis 25:23, Malachi 1:2-3]
Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart? [Romans 9:14-18]
2018-06-11 Moses & Pharaoh: When moses spoke to Pharaoh, was he actually doing the speaking or was Aaron like God said he would do for him? [Exodus 4:14-17]
2018-03-26 Pharaoh's False Predictions: Pharaoh said that Moses would never see his face again, & that if he did, Moses was going to die. But they did see each other again. Were they just being macho?
2018-01-05 Pharaoh attempting to Kill Moses: (followup yesterday) Pharaoh wanting to kill Moses, why would that be? [Exodus 2:11-12] :
2017-04-05 God Hardening People: Does God still harden people in the New Testament like He did w/ Pharaoh in the Old Testament, & if He does does that mean it's lights out for them?
2016-10-31 Witch of Endor: Who is the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
Pharaoh's Magicians Mimicking Moses: How were the magicians in Egypt able to sapreform the same magic tricks that Moses did for real [Exodus 7:8-13]
2016-09-30 Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?
2016-06-07 Moses & Aaron During Persution as Babies: How did Aaron miss the execution that Moses faced as a baby?
2016-04-07 Hardening One's Heart: How does God deal with people hardening hearts? Why did Pharaoh's heart get hardened?
End Times Timeline Chart: Do you have a chart of a timeline of End Time events?
2016-01-04 A Hard Heart: What does it mean for a man's heart to be hard?
Man Hardening His Own Heart: What does it mean for a man to harden his own heart?
God Hardening Pharaoh's Heart: What does it mean God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
2014-11-20 All Saved & Hardening of the Heart: There seems to be a contradiction that God wants everyone to be saved, but that He's also hardened people on purpose, such as Pharaoh. Why? Is this a contradiction?
2014-01-14 Hebrew Roots - Messianic Jews: There are some legalists in EVERY group, but just because you want to do additional things than most Christians do, like keeping the festivals, that does NOT mean you are a legalist...necessarily. [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-18, Galatians 4:8-10]
The killing of the first-born: Wasn't Pharaoh the first born of his family so why wasn't he killed? [Exodus 12]
2013-06-06 Calvinism & Pharaoh's Hard Heart: Does the fact that God that hardened Pharaoh's heart, makea good case for Calvinism? [Romans 9:14-18, Exodus 8:15, Exodus 8:32].
2013-01-02 Miracles during the Exodus of Egypt: Can you survey the miracles during The Exodus from when Moses met Pharaoh until the parting of the Red Sea? How long of a time duration was that?
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