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Topic: Jewish War

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-12-28 Josephus' Historical Accuracy: Is it possible that some of what Josephus wrote could have been exaggerated to puff up the Romans? How do we know we can trust what he wrote?
Augustine's Value to Christian History: What was good about Augustine? [Romans 5:12].
Isaac Newton's Commentary on Revelation: Why didn't you use Sir Isaac Newton's commentary on Revelation when you did your commentary, "Four Views of Revelation"?
2021-09-03 Bound to the Mosiac Law: Caller responds to a guy who says we are still under the Mosaic Law, giving him some new information & he said he'd look into it (instead of being closed-minded).
Israelites Criticized for being Terrorists: How would you respond that the Israelites were just like terrorists taking over the Land of Canaan?
2020-06-18 History Surrounding Esther: Could you clear up some of the violent history surrounding the Jews in Persia in the story of Esther? [Esther].
2017-01-18 God testing Israel with their enemies: God will NOT drive Israel's enemies that they might be tested, & He won't because He wants them to learn about war. [Judges 3]
2016-06-07 Jerusalem originally Salem: Was Jerusalem originally called Salem or is it just short of Jerusalem? [Hebrews 7:1-2]
Impending Doom in Zephaniah: What can you tell me about the impending doom, that is talked about in Zephaniah & then having a chance for repentance? [Zephaniah] (Babylon Exile)
2016-04-06 Booty of Wars won by Israel: When Israel won wars, they'd get the booty, including women, & give them over to the priests but what would the priest do with them?
The Song of Solomon: id Solomon write the Song of Solomon, & it Christ speaking to the church?
2015-07-13 Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD: Is there a verse in the verse in the Bible that talks about all the Christians being spared from the 70 AD Siege? The Jerusalem War, is that the same thing? (Jewish War) [Matthew 12:14, Luke 21:21]
2014-05-23 The Jihad & Ancient Israel: What exactly is the difference between what Ancient Israel did destroying the Canaanite cites & what the Jihad do today against people who don't convert to Islam?
2014-05-23 Follow-up to Israel Destroying Canaanite cities: Caller just wanted to add a comment why God had Israel do what they did when they were procuring the land of Canaan.
2014-05-14 There Stood a Man: Can you explain who the Person/person was that Joshua confronted in Jericho? [Joshua 5:13]
2013-06-21 Israel getting Attacked: Caller is concerned about Israel getting attacked by their enemies.
Armageddon: Is this attack on Israel leading to the Battle of Armageddon?
2013-05-09 Josephus-Historian: Was Josephus a good historian? Did he write any scripture?
2013-01-15 The Tribulation & the Partial Preterist: How is The Tribulation dealt with in the Partial Preterist paradigm? [Matthew 24]
Post Millennialism in contrast to Amillennialism: What is the difference between Post Millennialism & Amillennialist? [Revelation 20:7-8]
2013-01-14 Jehovah's Witnesses & the Military: My nephew got out of the military to join the Jehovah's Witness cult, but godly people in the Bible had to go to war. What do you think?
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