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Topic: Poverty (Poor, Needy)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-11 Disagreement Regarding Government: Caller disagrees with Steve about Government policies regarding pulling people out of poverty and the free market.
Government Intervention in Poverty: Shouldn't Christians be involved in the government programs to alleviate poverty?
2024-03-11 Disagreement Regarding Government: Caller disagrees with Steve about Government policies regarding pulling people out of poverty and the free market.
Government Intervention in Poverty: Shouldn't Christians be involved in the government programs to alleviate poverty?
2024-03-08 Poverty in a Christian Country: What do you think about all the poverty in this great "Christian" country?
2024-01-24 Charitable Giving & Discretion: Can you help me harmonize scriptures that indicate we should help the needy, when some seem to be taking advantage? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 6:30-33, 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13, Matthew 5:40-42, 1 John 3:17-18].
Giving to Charities: What do you think about giving to charities generally, specifically in light of the book, "Toxic Charity, How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help" by Robert D. Lupton ?"
2024-01-12 Boundaries for Those Asking for Help: Does the Bible direct us about setting up boundaries for those asking for help, especially when they put themselves in the position they are in? [Luke 6:30-33].
2024-01-02 The Good Samaritan: How do we apply "The Good Samaritan" story to our lives today? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2023-11-30 Civil Divorce for Financial & Disability Reasons: What do you think about a couple getting a civil divorce for financial reasons, particularly in light of some medical disabilities?
2023-11-03 Helping Demanding or Entitled Homeless or Mentally Ill: How do we handle helping the homeless or mentally ill who are very selective, picky, entitled, etc.? [Mark 14:7].
2023-10-10 Giving to the Church: If the money we give to the church is not finding its way to assist the poor and needy, should we stop giving to the church?
Worthy Charities: Steve mentions a couple of deserving charities that don't have highly paid staff (Shepherd's Heart, International, Cleveland TN and Christian Response International).
2023-03-22 Disabled or Handicapped: How does the verse about people needing to work or not each apply to those that are handicapped or simply cannot work? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2023-01-31 Helping in Homeless Encampments: I have been convicted lately about feeling I ought to witness to the homeless, but also that I ought not stop there. What do I do to actually help?
2022-12-28 Led Zepplin & "Stairway to Heaven": Caller comments on the rumor about Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" giving Satanic messages?
Giving to the Needy in a More Personal Way: Do you think that it is more gratifying to give personally to those in need rather than giving to organizations to do so?
2022-10-26 Caring for the Poor: How do we obey the directive to care for the poor, when most of our churches are into building nice buildings? [Luke 6:1-3, Acts 18:1-4].
2022-06-28 Alone with the Opposite Sex: Is there ever any time that it is appropriate to be alone with the opposite sex (as in an emergency)? [John 4, Romans 16].
Recovery Programs: What do you think about putting the homeless into recovery programs? [I Corinthians 6:9, I John 3:17, James 2:15-16].
2022-05-25 Sheep and Goats: How do Dispensationalists view the "Sheep and the Goats" passage, and how are they wrong? [Matthew 25:31-46].
Sheep, Goats and Charities: Are charities misapplying the "Sheep and Goats" passage to support caring for everyone, whether believers or not? [Matthew 25:31-46, Galatians 6:10]
2022-05-17 Fundraising & Living by Faith: Could you talk about "fundraising" and "living by faith"? [Matthew 6:33].
Living by Faith: Did your choice to live by faith cause any problems with your wife in your marriage?
2022-04-28 Prosperity & Poverty: What is Jesus talking about when he says, "he who has much, more will be given, and he who has little, that will be taken"? [Matthew 13:12, Matthew 25].
2022-04-27 Enthusiasm for Ministry: Now that I am on staff and being paid, how do I keep my same devotion and enthusiasm as I had when I was volunteering for this same ministry?
Enabling the Homeless: Are we enabling and doing a diservice to the homeless when we serve them every night? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2021-12-14 God's Provision-Living by Faith: Can you help me understand the disparity between how we live and how others have to live? Do you think you will never be homeless because you live by faith? [Matthew 6:25-26, Matthew 10:5-8].
2021-12-08 Helping Refugees: If you want to help the Afghani refugees, is it better to focus on the ones that are not Muslim? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 10:25-37].
2021-11-23 Hospitable Christians: Should we, as Christians, be hospitable to strangers (Christian or not)? [Luke 14:12, Matthew 25:35].
Full Preterism: Is Full Preterism a heresy?
2021-09-29 Why are We Called All Sinners?: Why are all of us labeled as sinners, and yet many of us really choose to do the right thing? [Romans 7:15-25, I John 1:8-10, I John 2:1].
The Sin of Not Helping Others: If we see the needs of our neighbors, and refuse to help them, is that sin? [I John 3:17, Galatians 6:2].
2021-07-07 Taking Unfairly From Others: Could you explain what is meant by Psalm 69:4? Is it Messianic? [Psalms 69:4-9].
Jeremiah 31: What is God saying in Jeremiah 31:35-40? [Jeremiah 31:35-40, I Peter 2:9, Exodus 19:5-6].
Fullness of the Gentiles: Could you clarify the meaning of "the fullness" referred to in Romans 11? [Romans 11:12]
2021-06-30 Being Taken Advantage of: How long do I continue to help someone who seems to be taking advantage of me?
2021-05-27 Distractions of Social & Political Issues: How much should we be involved in political and social concerns as opposed to staying focused on those inside the church? [I Corinthians 5:12-13, James 1:27, I Peter 2:12, Titus 2:14, Titus 1:15, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14].
2021-04-21 "Black Lives Matter": Unbeliever calls to propose a hypothetical question relating "Black Lives Matter" and challenges Steve's integrity about what he read at their website.
2021-02-25 Feeding the Poor: Would you shed some light on our responsibility to feed the poor? [Acts 4:32-34].
2021-01-11 Birth Control for the Chrisitian: Could you talk about your view of birth control being less than desirable for the Christian? [Psalm 127:4, Romans 12:2].
2020-12-29 Giving One's Tithe to Needy Family Members: What do you think about giving to one's own family members that are in need, over giving to the local church? [I Timothy 5, Matthew 15].
2020-12-18 Laying Up Treasure on Earth: Could you speak on the apparent contradiction between not laying up treasure on earth, and the preparation for the obligation to take care of one's family? [Matthew 6:19-21].
2020-12-11 Giving to the Poor: Could you talk about giving to the poor and sorting out who to give to in good conscience?
2020-12-09 Tithing Under the New Covenant: Is tithing 10% of your money or of everything (our time, treasure and talent), and are we still supposed to be giving a tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, I Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 25:14-30].
2020-11-23 Tithing vs Giving: Could you talk to me about the difference between tithing and giving?
2020-10-19 Giving to the Panhandlers & Other Poor: What is the proper Christian response to the panhandlers and other needy, when there is a chance you are contributing to their addictions?
2020-09-30 Verse to Convict Others to Help the Needy: I can't seem to get help for my needs from my Christians friends, can you give me a scripture to convict them? [Matthew 6:33].
2020-08-27 Giving Away One of Your Two Tunics: When John the Baptist directs that we give away one of our two garments, is that literal and applicable to us today? [Luke 3:11].
Investing and Saving Money: What about investing and saving money?
2020-08-18 War - Christian Who Die are Ready: Caller comments on the call about "The Crusades", noting that Muslims are not ready to meet God, but Christians are.
Giving to Christian Ministries: Isn't giving to Christian ministries a requirement for the believer, and could neglect there be why we suffer at times? [Luke 12:48].
2020-07-30 Giving to the Unbelieving Poor: If you are generous to poor unbelievers, does it count meritoriously to God? [Matthew 25:40, Galatians 6:6, Galatians 6:10].
2020-07-09 Jehovah Witness Views of Government Involvement: How would you respond to the Jehovah Witness view of not becoming involved in government issues? [Matthew 25:31-36, James 2:16].
Jehovah Witness View that Jesus is Not God: What do you say to a Jehovah Witness to respond to their belief that Jesus is not God? Topical series recommended:Knowing God. [John 1:1].
2020-05-22 Homeless Who Don't Want Help: Caller comments that he too has found that often homeless folks do not want to go to facilities, etc., in agreement with Steve's previous comments.
Begotten Son of God: Would you comment on the word used for "begotten" used for Jesus [Revelation 1, Colossians 1:18].
Jesus- The Eternal Son: Have you read the book by Gregory the Great on his view of Jesus as the Eternal Son?
2020-05-21 Christians Attitude Toward the Poor: Why do Christians have such a bad attitude toward the poor in America?
2020-01-07 Helping the Homeless: How should I handle my frustration with the homeless that simply seem to be using our church without respect for us? [Galatians 6:10].
Internet Dating: Is it acceptable to look for a wife on the internet through a dating site?
2019-11-21 Others Who Look Down on You: What can I do to help those see me in better light, when they now see me with contempt, because I am not successful and without a job?
2019-11-20 Helping the Homeless: I have a concern for the homeless, but am not sure how to best help, considering that some may be dangerous. Should we bring them home with us, as The Good Samaritan story seems to suggest? [Luke 10:25-37].
2019-10-09 Helping the Poor: Who is our brother & sister in the verse in I John that refers to helping those in need? Is it strangers, or fellow believers? [I John 3:9, 10, 15-17, Galatians 6:10, 2 Peter 3].
2019-06-21 Lost Retirement Investment: Do you have any advice for one who has lost most of their savings for retirement, through no fault of their own? [Matthew 6:19-20].
2017-10-13 Christians helping the Poor: Aren't Christians supposed to help the needy?
2017-10-10 Steve's Giving: How & where do you give?
2016-12-15 David: David claiming that he had not seen people in need? Won't God supply everything Christians need? [Psalms 37:25, Matthew 6:31:34]
2016-11-14 Giving: Is this verse applying to the church or the poor? [Luke 6:38]
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