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Topic: Bonhoeffer (Dietrich)

Showing 1 to 4 of 4.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-07-20 Antisemitism of Churches: Why did the Lutheran and Catholic church not do anything when Hitler was exercising his antisemitism? Were they antisemitic also?
Coptic & Eastern Orthodox Church: Are the Coptic and Eastern Orthodox churches the same? Please elaborate.
2013-07-25 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David & Saul: The other day you had a caller talking about Bonhoeffer, but you never pointed out that David refused to kill Saul even though he was an evil leader. [1 Samuel 24:6]
2013-07-18 Dietrich Bonhoeffer-a Prophetic Voice: Is there a chance Dietrich Bonhoeffer & others are "prophetic voices" for the church today?
2013-07-16 Dietrich Bonhoeffer: What about Dietrich Bonhoeffer's attempt to get rid of evil?
Defending the Defenseless: What about self-defense or helping somebody you see being attacked on the street?
Walking in the Spirit: Caller believes we need to be walking in the Spirit all the time so we know when to resist or lie. Recommends; A.W. Tozer's book, "Pursuit of God."
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