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Topic: Hell

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-08 Universal Reconciliation, Gehenna & Hell: Concerning the "Universal Reconciliation" view of hell, how can other scriptures trump what Jesus said about the eternal fire in Mark 9? Rec: Steve Gregg's book "Why Hell?." [Mark 9:44-48, James 3:6, Jeremiah 19:12, Isaiah 66:24].
2024-06-19 Steve's Book on Hell: Steve reminds listeners of his updated book on hell "Why Hell? Three Christians Views Critically Examined."
2024-06-18 Preaching the Gospel: Is the Gospel just about the idea that Jesus wants to have a relationship with you?
2024-06-17 Universal Restoration View (of Hell): Could you talk about the ramifications of adopting the "Universal Restoration" view of hell and the effect it might have on one's motivation for Christian living? Rec: "Why Hell?" book by Steve Gregg [Hebrews 9:27].
2024-06-14 Dr. Eiton Bar (Jewish Theologian): Are you familiar with the Jewish theologian, Dr Eiton Bar?
Universal Reconciliation (Atonement): Could you talk about these verses that seem to shed light on "Universal Reconciliation" (Universal Atonement)?" [Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22].
2024-06-11 Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT): Though I don't believe in Eternal Conscious Torment, there are verses that sound like some people (goats) will be in eternal fire. Can you comment? Rec: Why Hell? (Three Views) book by Steve Gregg or topical lectures "Three Views of Hell." [Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, Jude 1:6-7, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:14, 1 Timothy 6:16, John 3:16].
2024-05-13 Punishment for Disobedience: Is the statement about severe punishment for not doing what we ought to be doing for Christians, also? [Luke 12:41-49].
Jesus Not Bringing Peace but Division: What do the verses mean about Jesus not bringing peace, but division? [Luke 12:51, Matthew 10:34].
2024-03-27 Universal Reconciliation (Repentance in Hell): Can you explain how it makes sense that God would be willing to try to reconcile and purify people (whom he called "children of the devil") after death in hell (according to Universal Reconciliation)? [Luke 15:11-32].
2024-02-22 Satan's Repentance: Can Lucifer repent? And if he could, would hell then vanish? [Revelation 20:10].
2024-02-22 Book on Preterism: What do you know about the author Jay Rogers and his book on preterism, "The Prophecy of Daniel in Preterist Perspective?"
God Glorified by Hell: Is there anything in the Bible that says God gets glory by sending people to hell?
2024-02-14 "Destruction" regarding hell: Could you speak to the variation in the Greek word used for destruction, in assessing the various views of hell? [Revelation 17:8-11].
Tormented Day & Night: How would an annihilationist (view of hell) respond to the idea that destruction is the same word used when the beast and false prophet will be tormented forever and ever? [Revelation 20:10].
2024-02-14 "Destruction" regarding hell: Could you speak to the variation in the Greek word used for destruction, in assessing the various views of hell? [Revelation 17:8-11].
Tormented Day & Night: How would an annihilationist (view of hell) respond to the idea that destruction is the same word used when the beast and false prophet will be tormented forever and ever? [Revelation 20:10].
2024-01-19 "Under the Earth" or Hell: Are those "under the earth" in hell? [Philippians 2:9-11].
Location of "Hell": Are there only three places one can be - heaven, earth, or hell? Is hell in the center of the earth?
2024-01-19 "Under the Earth" or Hell: Are those "under the earth" in hell? [Philippians 2:9-11].
Location of "Hell": Are there only three places one can be - heaven, earth, or hell? Is hell in the center of the earth?
2024-01-10 Atheist-Apostasy: Do you think I am stupid and deserve to go to hell?
Atheist-Theological Disagreement: Do you think that theological disagreements are a good enough reason to send someone to hell?
Atheist-Hinduism Predates the Flood: Atheist caller claims that he has seen evidence that proves that Hinduism predates the Flood. He also challenges Steve's claim that he has evidence that Jesus and the gospels are true.
2024-01-10 Atheist-Apostasy: Do you think I am stupid and deserve to go to hell?
Atheist-Theological Disagreement: Do you think that theological disagreements are a good enough reason to send someone to hell?
Atheist-Hinduism Predates the Flood: Atheist caller claims that he has seen evidence that proves that Hinduism predates the Flood. He also challenges Steve's claim that he has evidence that Jesus and the gospels are true.
2023-12-29 Hell & Universal Reconciliation: Has your position on hell and "universal reconciliation" (Christian Universalism) changed recently?
Lucifer: Could you talk about the name "Lucifer" and its application to Jesus (not Satan)? [2 Peter 1:19, Isaiah 14:12, Galatians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Revelation 2:28].
2023-12-27 Various Views of Hell: Is it possible with the "annihilationist" and the "universal reconciliation" views of hell, that we could be misunderstanding God's perspective and His view of justice? Rec: Book, "Three Christian Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg. [2 Peter 3:8-10, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Colossians 1:20, Ephesians 5:1, Matthew 5:44, Romans 5:10, John 15:13].
2023-12-22 God of this World: Who is the "God of this World?"[2 Corinthians 4:4]
Mean Christian Preaching: What about Christians who go around telling people they are going to hell?
2023-12-22 Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.
2023-12-22 Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.
2023-12-20 Hell-Eternal Punishment-Disagreement: Doesn't your book presenting three different views of hell, weaken the doctrine of eternal torment and lead people away from the truth? Rec: topical lectures on "Three Views of Hell" or "Three Christian Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg.
Steve Gregg's View of Eschatology-Disagreement: Don't you lean heavily on the church fathers for your eschatology, rather than scripture? Isn't that contradictory?
2023-11-20 Lucifer's Sin: During the time Lucifer was pondering his upcoming sinfulness, why would not God come to him to help him? [Isaiah 14:12].
An Eternity in Hell: Why would God make people who live 1-70 years have to suffer eternally in hell? It doesn't seem reasonable. Rec: Steve's book, "Three Views of Hell."
2023-11-06 Jesus' Destination Right After Death: Where did Jesus go right after death (between death and resurrection)?
Jesus Went to Hell or Abraham's Bosom: Did Jesus go to Hell (Hades) or Paradise (Abraham's Bosom)?
2023-10-26 Unbelievers Perish (Hell & Lake of Fire): Does the Bible suggest that people will burn up (perish) and that those burning in the Lake of Fire are the Devil and the angels? Rec: Topical lectures "Three Views of Hell."
2023-10-23 Satan Cast into Hell for Eternity: Will the devil be cast into hell for eternity? [Revelation 20:10].
2023-10-18 Escaping Hell: You seem to have indicated that people can get out of hell if they cry out from there. How can they in light of Revelation 21? [Revelation 21:8, Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].
2023-10-17 Hell: Could you talk about the view that hell may not be eternal? Rec: Topical lecture series, "Three Views of Hell."
2023-10-17 Repentance from Hell: Isn't it true that upon Jesus' return, He will know that no one else will be coming forward to Him (not then allowing for repentance from hell)?[Revelation 22, Genesis 6].
2023-10-16 Age of Earth: What is your view of the age of the earth? [Genesis 2, Psalm 121:4, Hebrews 10:12-13, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 33:9, Exodus 20:8-11].
Hell for Eternity: Appreciation comment: It is good to know that there are alternate views of hell that do not see it as eternal torment.
2023-10-11 Prayers From Hell: Can God hear people's prayers from hell?
2023-10-11 Repentance After Death (from Hell): How could someone repent after death? [Luke 16:19ff, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-10-05 Hell's Origin: If hell was created by God, then is it a "good" place?
2023-10-02 Hell's Origin or Location: Is hell a "created" place, or is it "uncreated?"
2023-10-02 God Created a Liar: How can God create a being that can lie, if God Himself cannot lie? [John 8:44, Hebrews 6:18].
Hell-Contradiction of God: Is it a contradiction of God's love to create hell to be a place of eternal conscious torment? Rec: topical lectures on Three Views of Hell or Steve's book on Hell.
2023-09-19 Hell-Eternal or Temporary: What do you think? Is hell temporary or eternal?
2023-09-15 The Fire of Hell: Is the fire of hell, literal or is it a metaphor?
2023-09-15 Hell in the Old Testament: Did you say there is no reference to hell in the Old Testament?
2023-08-17 Eternal Punishment: Shouldn't Jesus still be on the cross if God requires eternal punishment?
Jesus Not Drinking of the Vine: What about Jesus saying He would not drink of the vine until in he Kingdom? [Acts 10:41, Matthew 26:29].
2023-08-08 Jesus Descends into Hell-or Not?: Did Jesus go to hell after He died, or did He go immediately into the hands of His Father? [1 Peter 3:19-20, 1 Peter 4:6-7, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 2:27, Luke 23:46, 2 Peter 2:5].
2023-07-31 Jesus Descends into Hell: Did Jesus descend into hell? [Psalm 16:10, 1 Peter 3:19-21. Acts 2:27, Ephesians 4:8-10, Psalm 139:15].
2023-07-27 Universalism (View of Hell): Does the "Universalism" view of hell, strip God of His glory? [John 3:36, 1 Thessalonians 1:5-9, 2 Peter 3:9].
2023-06-23 John3:16: Could you clarify the variations in the translation of John 3:16, particularly "should"vs "shall" considering the different views of hell
Post Mortem Salvation: Is there any biblical support for the possibility that someone may be able to repent after death and be saved? [Hebrews 9:27, Colossians 1:20].
2023-06-16 Natural Human Immortality: Are there any good arguments for humans being naturally immortal? [1 Timothy 6:16, 1 John 5:11, John 3:16, Romans 2:5-10, Genesis 3].
2023-06-14 "Eternal Torment" vs "Another Chance" in Hell: Could you comment on this challenge to there being another chance after we die and when we are resurrected? [Philippians 3:11, 1 Timothy 6:16].
Books Not in the Canon: What do you think about the extrabiblical/ Apocryphal book, "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" and the Eastern Orthodox positive view of it?
2023-06-13 Universal Reconciliation (Hell): Would God really be the loser if some are not saved? Don't you think that it is not necessarily a loss to God if some are consigned to hell? [2 Peter 3:9].
2023-06-08 Eternal Torment (Hell): Don't you think that a sentence to hell is no worse than legal human punishments such as life or death sentences?
2023-06-01 The word "Eternity" (Olam, Aionios): Could you talk about the biblical words for "Eternal" and its application to hell? [Genesis 17, Leviticus 23, Jonah 2:6].
2023-05-31 Judgment-Directly to Hell: How can we justify unbelievers going directly to hell based on the story of "Lazarus & the Rich Man?" [Hebrews 9:27-28, John 5:28-29, Matthew 25].
2023-05-18 The Ambiguity of an Eternal Hell: Should we be leaving the concept of whether hell is eternal ambiguous? [Matthew 23:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21].
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