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Topic: Clean & Unclean

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-15 Atonement Necessary for Sickness: Why would anyone have to atone for being sick (leprosy)? [Leviticus 14:18-20].
2024-02-28 Peter's Vision & Preaching to Gentiles: Are we to assume that to "preach to all the nations" means to preach to the Gentiles? Did Peter not understand this at the time of his vision? [Acts 10:9-16].
2023-08-21 Unclean & Unclean Foods: Is the phrase "thus He declared all things to be clean" a side comment from Mark? [Mark 7:19].
Side Comments Within Bible Texts: Are there any other side comments (parantheticals) included in Mark beside the one about unclean foods being made clean? [Mark 13:14].
2023-04-20 Disagreement-Peter's Vision: Caller disagrees; I don't think that vision was about clean and unclean foods for eating, because there are no fish in the list. [Acts 10:12, Mark 7:19, Romans 14:14].
2023-04-10 Eating Meat: Could you help me sort when the eating of meat entered the diet of humans, why did they keep livestock, and what cause distinction between clean and unclean animals? [Genesis 1-3, Genesis 9].
2023-04-10 Water into Wine Miracle: What do you think is the significance of the first miracle of turning water into wine? [John 21:25, John 15:1, 1 Timothy 5:23, John 2:10, John 2:6].
2023-03-15 Timeline of Galatians and Peter's Epistles: Timing of the writings of Peter and Paul's writing of the book of Galatians? [2 Peter 3:15, Galatians, Acts 13-14, Matthew 24:14].
Peter's Vision-Clean vs Unclean: Can you clarify the chronology surrounding Peter's vision about clean and unclean foods? [Acts 10-15, Galatians 2:11-21].
2023-02-15 Foods That Defile: How can foods that defiled you in Leviticus (Old Testament) no longer defile you in the New Testament? [Leviticus 11:43, Mark 7:15].
Unclean Foods: Were the unclean foods the ones that might be more likely unsanitary or prone to bacteria? [Acts 10:15, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Matthew 15:11].
2023-02-15 Foods That Defile: How can foods that defiled you in Leviticus (Old Testament) no longer defile you in the New Testament? [Leviticus 11:43, Mark 7:15].
Unclean Foods: Were the unclean foods the ones that might be more likely unsanitary or prone to bacteria? [Acts 10:15, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Matthew 15:11].
2023-02-15 Conflating Ritual Cleaness: Caller attempts to correct Steve about his conflating of temple ritual.
2022-11-09 Ceremonial Baths: Where is the scripture about the ceremonial baths and washings, when they would go into the pools?
2022-07-05 Food, Diets & Seventh Day Adventism: Caller shares his experience with the foods he eats and supports the idea of eating Kosher. [Acts 10:13-15, Romans 14:14, Mark 7:18, I Timothy 4:1-4, Genesis 9:3]
2022-05-19 Jesus Broke the Law of Moses: Is it possible that Jesus did not keep all the laws of Moses, namely, the ceremonial laws?
Breaking the Sabbath: Wasn't breaking the Sabbath punishable by death? [John 5:17-18].
2022-02-07 Seventh Day Adventists: Could you help me understand some of the restrictive doctrines of the Seventh Day Adventist church (Sabbath keeping, soul sleep, etc.)? [Romans 14:5, Mark 7:19, Romans 14:14, I Timothy 4:1-4, Genesis 9:3].
2021-09-30 Masturbation: Though masturbation isn't directly restricted in scripture, don't you think that its ncessary avoidance is still clearly taught?[Deuteronomy 23:10].
2021-07-07 Praying for Political Leaders: Do you pray for Joe Biden and if so, how so? [I Timothy 2:1-3].
Holy to Dogs, Pearls to Swine: Could you talk about the verse about not giving what is holy to dogs and casting pearls before swine? [Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13:45-46, 2 Thessalonians 2:11].
2021-06-15 Divorce, Separation & Unfaithfulness: Could you clarify what is grounds for divorce if unfaithfulness has taken place in ways other than sexual immorality, and she has moved out? [Deuteronomy 24:1-2, I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2021-05-26 Old Covenant vs New Covenant: If I see the "Law of God" not as the Old Covenant, but as more of a model of for what should reflect our behavior toward God? [Genesis 9].
2021-04-27 Uncleanness Requirements for the Disciples: Were the disciples free from Jewish rites and laws regarding uncleanness already, or did they still have to practice the law? [Matthew 10, Luke 10, Matthew 5:23-24].
2020-09-30 Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].
2020-09-28 Jesus Touching Unclean Things & People: Could you explain how healing a leper would establish Jesus as The Messiah, since touching him would have made Him unclean? [Matthew 8:3, Luke 5:12-16].
2020-06-15 What From the Old Testament Applies to Us Today: How do we determine what from the Old Testament still applies to us today-especially regarding moral vs ceremonial law, and this relative to the restriction on homosexuality?
Old Testament Restrictions on Tattoos and Menstruation Can you clarify why the sex during a menstrual cycle and tattoo Old Testament restrictions do not apply to us today? [Leviticus 18:19].
2020-05-12 Number of Jews into Exile: How many Jews went into exile in Babylon?
Holy Garments, Holy Mean, Clean & Unclean: Why is the prophet speaking of holy garments and and holy meat? [Haggai 2:10, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2020-03-19 Steve's Book on Revelation-Comment: Just a word of appreciation for Steve's teaching and his Revelation book.
Uncleanness in Old vs New Testament: Can you clarify the difference between "uncleanness" in the Old Testament and its spiritual application in the New Testament? [2 Corinthians 6, 7:11]
Isaac & Ishmael: Can you help me to understand the significance of Isaac & Ishmael? [Galatians 4:21-31].
2020-03-05 Jesus Being Unkind: What is up with Jesus when He seems unkind and crabby, like with the woman with great faith that He called a dog? [Matthew 15:26, 8:5-13].
2020-02-25 Anabaptist & Waldensians: Could you clarify the positions and relationship of the Anabaptists, and the Waldensians-particularly about baptism?
Dietary Restrictions: Why were dietary restrictions ever imposed in the laws levied on Israel? [Acts 10:15, Leviticus 11].
2020-02-19 Clean & Unclean Foods: Would you discuss the question of unclean foods? [Mark 7:19, I Tim 4:3-4].
2019-04-05 Food restrictions: Where are people getting the idea that you can't eat pork anymore? Is the Torah still binding today? Are we under "the law" or under the Lord?
2018-12-19 Eating Bacon: Eating pork, can you explain to me Leviticus 11 about not eating unclean foods. [Leviticus 11, Matthew 15:15-20, Acts 10, Acts 11]
2018-05-23 Clean & Unclean Animals: Can you explain to me about clean & unclean foods, especially the vision Peter had regarding them? [Acts 10, Acts 11]
2018-03-06 Genetically Modified Food: What about genetically modified food? Is it acceptable to eat? [Acts 10:15]
2017-11-28 Pearls to Swine: What does that verse mean? Does this mean not sharing with those of alternate beliefs, like the Jehovah Witnesses & Mormons? [Matthew 7:6]
2017-11-07 Uses of the word "dog" in the Bible: The use of the term "dogs" in the Bible, are there 4 different meanings?
2017-08-25 Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: What were the ramifications for eating meat from idols?
2016-11-03 Writing the Law: Did the Kings have to write the laws down themselves? [Deuteronomy 17:18]
John the Baptist & Locusts: They weren't supposed to eat insects, so how does John the Baptist & eating grasshoppers fit together? [Deuteronomy 14:19]
Noah & 7 animals: So why did Noah take 7 of some animals, where did he get that from?
2016-08-19 Messianic Movement-Hebrew Roots Caller thinks obeying the Torah for the Christian is important. [Colossians 2:14-17, Acts 10, Acts 11, Mark 7:18-19, 1 Timothy 4:1-5]
2016-05-25 Unclean Food & 70 AD: Why does he raise the issue of unclean foods at all if this is applying to 70 AD after everything has been declared clean? [Isaiah 66:17] (Caller who called earlier in the show, clarifying his question.)
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2016-02-16 The Sheet & Unclean Animals becoming Clean: God showed 3 times about being all animals now being clean, showing that everything was clean, but I have a Messianic friend who insists that it has nothing to do with being able to eat pork, but still no pork some say [acts 10:9-16]
2016-01-04 Kill & Eat-God Changed His Mind?: What caused God to change what He said in Leviticus? [Acts 10:9-28, Acts 11]
2015-11-30 Unclean Spirit, 7 worse: Can you talk about the unclean spirit leaving but could have 7 come back in its place? [Luke 11:24-26]
2015-06-30 Dietary Laws: A friend of the caller thinks we need to still follow the Dietary Laws in order to obey God since we love Him.
2015-03-19 Let him that is Holy remain Holy, Let him that is Filthy remain Filthy: What does, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still"? [Revelation 22:11]
2015-03-16 Vaccines & Peter's Vision of animals: Our bodies are God's Temple, so be careful what you put in it, so no vaccines, caller thinks, but does Acts 10 trump that?
2015-01-30 Peter & Vision of Unclean Animals: Caller thought the vision of the unclean animals Peter had was just talking about animals & diet, but it was talking about people. [Acts 10, 11]
2014-11-19 Peter's Vision of Unclean Animals: The vision the that Peter had about the sheet coming down from Heaven, is that metaphorical or was that God saying that all the unclean animals were clean too? [Acts 10, 11:1-18]
2014-10-27 Jews, Messianic Jews, Adventists Christians & Christians: A long discussion about how the Messianic Jews or Hebrew Roots twist Scripture to propagate their religion, like when Paul said all meats were clean, but they say that the only thing that can be meat is what's already clean & so THEY are all still clean, but that Paul wasn't even talking about the supposed unclean food. [Romans 14, 1 Timothy 4:1-5]
2014-09-02 Jesus Breaking the Law & Uncleanness: How come Jesus was allowed to break the law by touching people who were unclean? How come it didn't make Him unclean? What are the ramifications for us as believers now that we've been made clean?
2014-08-13 Unclean Foods: What is the thing about clean & unclean foods in the New Covenant? [Acts 10 & 11, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Mark 7:19, Matthew 15:16-20, 1 Timothy 4:1-4, Luke 10:8]
2013-12-18 Homosexuality & Pork: How come homosexuality is still forbidden like it was in the Old Testament, but eating pork is no longer forbidden? Since one is allowed shouldn't the other be permissible as well?
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