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Topic: Abraham's Bosom

Episode Topic Audio

Jesus' Destination Right After Death: Where did Jesus go right after death (between death and resurrection)?
Jesus Went to Hell or Abraham's Bosom: Did Jesus go to Hell (Hades) or Paradise (Abraham's Bosom)?

The Number "12": What is the significance of the reoccurring number "12" in scripture? [Genesis 1:18].
Lazarus & the Rich Man: Would you be open to changing your view that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man is a parable?

Sheol-Two Compartments (Paradise & Hell): Are the people in "Paradise" or "Abraham's Bosom" actually adjacent to those in hell? [Luke 16:19-31].

Jesus Going to Hell during Death: What about Jonah being the belly of whale. Caller thinks it's also talking about Abraham's Bosom.

Abraham's Bosom: Does abraham's bosom still exist? Did all the people who were resurrected during Jesus' resurrection come from Abraham's Bosom?

Righteous in Eternity: Where do the righteous go after the judgment, to heaven & come back again to the New Earth? When is the judgment day? What is the judgment for?
Hades & Paradise: Can you explain what you were saying about Hades & Paradise?

Rich Man & Lazarus: Why does the Rich Man go to hell & the other to heaven (Abraham's Bosom)?
Speaking in Tongues: What is your view about speaking in tongues?

Abraham's Bosom: Can you please explain Abraham's Bosom? [Luke 16:18-31]

Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?

The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus: Is the parable about the Rich Man & Lazarus really about the after life? [Luke 16:19-31]

Rich Man & Lazarus: If you are transitioning your belief of Eternal Torment in Hell to Annihilationism, what do you do with the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 16:19-31]

Heaven-Immediately or Later: When someone dies, do they go immediately go to heaven, or do they lie in the grave for years? [Luke 23:43, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Revelation 6:9].

Baby Jesus' in House, Not Stable: Did someone take Mary and Jesus into a house, moving them from the stable? [Matthew 2:16, Matthew 2:11].
Hell & Abraham's Bosom: In the story of the rich man and Lazaras in Abraham's bosom, when did hell become, hell? [Revelation 20:14].

Ghosts (Spirits): Why did Jesus never correct the disciples when they thought they were seeing a ghosts? [Matthew 14:26, Luke 24:37, I Samuel 11:28]

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