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Topic: Wright (N.T.)

Showing 1 to 3 of 3.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-10-02 N.T. Wright & Justification: What is your opinion of N.T. Wright? And of his view of Paul's new perspective and position on justification?
2016-06-13 70 AD to Second Coming Transition: Is Matthew 24:35 the transition when you think it's going from talking about 70 AD to His Second coming? [Matthew 24:35]
Full Preterist & Partial Preterist Ratio: What is the ratio of partial preterists to full preterists?
N.T. Wright: Have you read much of N.T. Wright's work? What do you think of him?
2013-01-18 N.T. Wright & the New Perspective on Paul: Have you ever read or know about N. T. Wright's book on the New Perspective of Paul ("Paul:In Fresh Perspective")?
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