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Topic: Tower of Babel

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-07 God Stepping-in with Judgment: Do you think that God may need to step-in and do something like He did at the Tower of Babel because of the way American has declined?
2024-04-15 Confusion of Languages at Babel: Was the confusion of the languages at the Tower of Babel just a local event? [Genesis 10-11].
2024-04-08 One Language Contradiction: How do you resolve the seeming contradiction of the languages being divided and then very suddenly all the languages are all one? [Genesis 10:5, Genesis 11:1].
2024-02-08 Curse of Many Languages: Did God put a curse on mankind and that is why there are so many languages on earth?
2024-01-10 Comment-Hinduism & Old Testament Events: Caller comments on the previous call from the Atheist about the origins of Hinduism and various thoughts about the Old Testament timeline (the Flood and Tower of Babel).
2023-07-07 Development of Multiple Languages: Does the Bible indicate how all the different world languages developed? [Genesis 11].
2022-09-23 Atheist:Tower of Babel: Atheist: Doesn't it seem like God is threatened by the potential of mankind in the story of the "Tower of Babel," espeically in light of our modern day technology and accomplishment? [Genesis 11:4, Acts 17:26, Genesis 10:9-10].
2022-07-12 Many Languages at Tower of Babel: Regarding the descendants of Ham, if everyone came from the same family, why were there so many languages at the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 10, Genesis 11].
2021-09-10 "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis: What do you think of the book, "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis?
Language at the Tower of Babel: Do you think that the language at the "Tower of Babel" was the same as "speaking in tongues?"
Television Series, "The Chosen": What do you think about the television series, "The Chosen?"
2021-06-24 Tower of Babel Produced Many Languages: Could you explain how the events at the Tower of Babel produced so many languages? [Genesis 11].
2020-08-04 The Earth Was Divided: Does "the earth was divided" refer to the division of the people at Babel? [Genesis 10:15].
Value of a Man in Shekels: What does setting the value of a man with shekels mean in the last chapter of Leviticus? [Leviticus 27].
2020-05-18 Tower of Babel & God's Fears: What was the thing that God was afraid people would do when they were building the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:3-4, Genesis 9:1].
2020-01-03 Tower of Babel: Would you comment on the events surrounding the building of the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 9:1, Genesis 10:6, Genesis 10-11].
2019-11-15 Tower of Babel: Would you comment on the building of the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:3-6, 9:1, 10:9-10].
Turn the other cheek and self defense: What does it mean to turn the other cheek relative to self-defense? [Matthew 5:38-48].
2016-07-27 Tower of Babel: Is everything that happened in these chapters true, including the Tower of Babel?
Confusion of Language in Babel: Why did God scramble the languages during the Tower of Babel?
Uniting Europe: What about trying to unify Europe?
2015-05-08 Races Starting at Tower of Babel: Caller responding to the caller of the previous show talking about races. He wants to know, what about at the Tower of Babel?
2013-07-02 Gay Marriage: When did we, as a country, lose the battle to the point where gay marriage is acceptable?
Judicial Rulings: It seems we are no longer a democracy or a republic because laws are being legislated from the bench.
Tower of Babel & America: Do you think we are becoming like the Tower of Babel (Sodom & Gomorrah)?
2013-06-10 The Race of Jews: Is there still a race of ethnic Jews today?
Tower of Babel: Did skin colors begin to change when the languages did at the Tower of Babel?
2013-05-30 Nimrod: Could you shed some light on the story of Nimrod-his character and his motivations? [Genesis 10:8-12].
2013-04-23 Idolatry & Pagan Sites: Are there some places we should not go to, like pagan ruins, a mosque, or temple and worship sites, etc.?
Tower of Babel: Some say that the space program is analagous to the "Tower of Babel" - what do you think?
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