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Topic: Jerusalem

Showing 1 to 50 of 79.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-02 Ethnicity of Modern Jews in Jerusalem: Are the Jews in modern Jerusalem the same ethnic Jews mentioned in Revelation? [Romans 2:28, Jeremiah 4:4, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9].
2024-06-26 Mystery Babylon: Who is Mystery Babylon? [Revelation 17:5].
2024-06-11 Babylon in Revelation & God's Use of Nations Today: Caller shares how he was humbled and corrected by Steve's teaching. Does God use entire countries for His purposes? [Revelation 17].
2024-06-05 King of Jerusalem: One of my friend thinks Jesusalem didn't exist when Joshua refers to the King of Jerusalem. Could you explain? [Joshua 10:3].
2024-05-16 "Babylon" Symbolism in Revelation: Though you think Jerusalem is being referred to as "Babylon" in Revelation, what would change if it was referring to Rome, instead? [Revelation 18:20, Revelation 11:8, 1 Peter 5:13]
2024-03-22 Mystery Babylon & Harlot: Who is "Mystery Babylon" and "Harlot" were the church, would she have daughters? [Revelation 17-19, Matthew 23:34, Revelation 11:8].
2024-01-30 Gino Jennings: Are you familiar with Gino Jennings? You should debate him.
Jerusalem: Did Jesus tell his disciples to not go into Jerusalem?
2023-12-29 After Jesus' Resurrection: What can we learn about the 40 days following Jesus' resurrection and the time He spent with His disciples? Is there anything to be learned from extra-biblical sources? [Acts 1].
Fleeing Jerusalem: How did the Christians know to flee Jerusalem before the Romans destroyed it? Did Luke inform them? [Luke 21:20].
2023-09-01 Praying for Jerusalem: What did it mean to you "to pray for Jerusalem" as opposed to how you see that now, as a non-Dispensationalist? [Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24, Deuteronomy 12:4ff, Matthew 23:38, Ezekiel 8-11, Zechariah 1:16, Exodus 3:5, Psalm 122:6, Hebrews 12:23, Romans 7:1-4].
2022-02-10 Babylon has Fallen: When Revelation says that "Babylon has fallen", to whom is that referring? [Revelation 18:2, Revelation 11:8].
2022-01-10 70 Weeks of Daniel: Who is the "he" in Daniel 9, and what does it mean to "confirm the covenant"? [Daniel 9:24-27, Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:16].
2021-11-24 Does Not God Change Your Character: Do you think that God does or does not change your character? [2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 3:10].
Praying for Israel: Why do we have to pray for the peace of Israel? Recommended Topical Lecture; What are We to Make of Israel?
2021-09-21 Steve to Jerusalem: Have you ever been to the "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem?
The Jewish Tradition Marking the Day: Did you know that the day begins in the evening?
The Rapture: Caller indicates that Steve is mistaken about the rapture, and there are many raptures in the Bible.
2021-09-03 Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem: Did Jesus ride both a donkey & a colt when He made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? [Zechariah 9:9]
2021-06-28 "Babylon the Great": Do you think that "Babylon the Great" is parallel to New York City or America? [Revelation 17:1-18, Isaiah 1:21].
2021-05-28 Praying Peace for the Jews: Is it not inaccurate to promote the idea of praying for the peace for Israel, in light of their rejection of Him? [Hebrews 8:13, Luke 19:41,Psalm 122:6].
"New Jerusalem": What is the "New Jerusalem"? [Galatians 4, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21].
Amillennial View Antisemitic: Is the Amillennial View of Israel (as the church) antisemitic?
2021-05-28 Praying Peace for the Jews: Is it not inaccurate to promote the idea of praying for the peace for Israel, in light of their rejection of Him? [Hebrews 8:13, Luke 19:41,Psalm 122:6].
"New Jerusalem": What is the "New Jerusalem"? [Galatians 4, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21].
Amillennial View Antisemitic: Is the Amillennial View of Israel (as the church) antisemitic?
2021-04-28 Hagar, Mt. Sinai, Jersalem, Isaac: Could you clarify what Paul means when he draws parallels between Hagar, Mt. Sinai, and Jerusalem? [Galatians 4:24-30].
2021-02-04 Location of Eden & the Cross: Do you think that the old City of David is where the Garden of Eden?
2021-01-19 The Canaanites, Jerusalem & Israel: If Jerusalem was conquered in Joshua's day, then why did David have to later conquer them again. [Joshua 12:7-10].
Purpose of Speaking in Tongues: What is the use of speaking in tongues? [I Corinthians 14:22, Romans 8:26, Jude].
2020-12-07 The Seven Mountains in Revelation: Regarding to the seven mountains, are they referring to Rome or around Jerusalem? [Revelation 17:9, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 14, Isaiah 1].
2020-10-22 Thickness of the Curtain: Does it say anywhere in the Bible the thickness of veil that divided the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place?
2020-10-14 America Discussed in Jeremiah: Is America being discussed in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 50:12, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 50-51].
2020-08-25 Captial City of Modern Jerusalem Pleasing to God: What is your opinion as to whether or not the capital of Israel being Jerusalem, and the Jewish people generally, pleasing to God? [Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:38, Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9].
2020-07-14 The Harlot & Mystery Babylon: Could you talk about the Harlot and Mystery Babylon and what it means to "come out" of Babylon? [Revelation 18:3-4].
2020-07-06 Preference to Jews: Though God is not a racist, isn't He giving some preference to ethnic Jews in Revelation 12? [Revelation 12].
2020-07-03 Caller Comment: Caller comments about a secret verse that he doesn't want to share. (Odd call).
Jewish Temple Worship in the Future: Would you exegete a passage in Zechariah often thought to be about future temple worship? [Zechariah 14:16-17 Zechariah 14:2, Hebrews 12:22-23, Galatians 3:29, Galatians 4, I Corinthians 10:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Peter 1].
2020-06-18 History Surrounding Esther: Could you clear up some of the violent history surrounding the Jews in Persia in the story of Esther? [Esther].
2020-04-06 Destruction of Catholicism: Could you clarify Revelation 17, and if it could be about the destruction of modern day Catholicism (the new Israel)? [Revelation 14, 17, 19:2, Matthew 23, Romans 13].
Modern Day Israel: Isn't it reasonable to assume that modern day Israel is a temporary custodian of the land?
2019-12-12 Zion: What does Zion mean?
2019-12-04 City of David: Is Bethlehem or Jerusalem the "City of David"?
Non-Christian Event: What would you do about attending an event that seems to be oriented toward Wicca or non-Christian decorations in a Christmas house?
2019-11-08 Eastern Gate in Prophecy: Is the sealed eastern gate of the city of Jerusalem fulfillment of prophecy? [Ezekiel 44, 46].
2019-02-22 Jerusalem being the Epicenter: Why is Jerusalem so important? [Daniel 9:15]
2019-01-15 Jerusalem & Green Tree: This seems to be talking about the then future destruction of Jerusalem, but what is the part about the green tree talking about? [Luke 23:28-31].
2018-12-17 Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD: Why didn't any Christian writer mention the fulfillment in prophecy about the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD after the fact?
2018-11-02 Mystery, Babylon: What is "Mystery, Babylon" in the Book of Revelation? [Revelation 17:5]
2018-10-30 Harlot: So you don't believe the Harot of Revelation 17 is the Catholic Church, so who is she?
2018-07-06 Destruction of Jerusalem: Is the Jerusalem prophecy still to happen in our future or already past? [Zechariah 9-14]
2018-04-17 A 3rd Temple being Rebuilt: Another temple being built doesn't make sense because there's no priest to cleanse a house infected w/ Leprosy, or Shiloh would remain desolate. [Leviticus 14, Jeremiah 26]
The Kingdom is taken from you: Where does the Dispensationalist go to show that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews but given back to them at a later date? [Matthew 21:43]
2018-02-16 The Mother of The Church: How can "The Jerusalem Above" be the mother of Jesus and of those on the day of Pentecost. [Galations 4:26]
2018-01-12 The Sign of Jonah: Jonah & the 40 days after he announced to Nineveh that it would be destroyed (but wasn't), is it parallel the 40 yrs after Christ's death the Temple perished?
2017-12-13 Jerusalem as the Capital: What do you think about Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel?
2017-11-29 Churches in Revelation so far Away from Epicenter: Why would the letters to the churches that are so far from Jerusalem so far away if this is a warning to the people in Jerusalem in 70 AD?
2017-09-14 Being Tried in the Synagogues: In the lens of a Dispensationalist, when have Christians have ever been delivered up to synagogues besides the 1st century? [Luke 21:12]
All Prophecy Fulfilled: What prophecy is excluded since it says "all prophecy" in this verse? [Luke 12:22]
Redemption Draweth Nigh: So when was their Redemption Drawing Nigh, since Jesus hasn't come back yet?
2017-08-31 Letters of New Testament Complete: When were all the writings of the New Testament complete?
70 Years: Is the year 70 AD Destruction of Jerusalem of any significance to 70 year captivity in Babylon?
2017-08-29 Jerusalem being Free: "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all", what does this mean? [Galatians 4:26]
2017-06-02 Mount Zion, City of the Living God: Which Zion is Hebrews talking about? What about the Sion in Deuteronomy? [Hebrews 12:22-23, Deuteronomy 23, 4]
2017-03-10 Jesus' Crucifixion: was there something preventing from Jesus from being crucified IN Jerusalem (as opposed to outside the gate)?
2017-03-03 Forever Not Meaning Forever: the word forever not being "forever" & the land of israel, conditional promises, Jerusalem no longer the center of the world/worship
2017-01-25 Capital of Israel being Relocated: Does moving the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have anything to do w/ fulfillment of dispensationalism?
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