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Topic: Taxes

Showing 1 to 29 of 29.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-20 Cremation: Do only pagans cremate? Is it acceptable for Christians to be cremated?
Charitable Donations on Taxes: Should we deduct our charitable donations on our taxes, since it is a gift?
2024-02-05 Taxes-Writing off Your Contributions: What about the legitimacy of writing off your contributions on your taxes?
2024-01-18 "Robbing Artimus" in Acts: Regarding "robbing Artemis (Diana)," is there any correlation between Acts 19 and Malachi 3? What kind of “robbing” are they talking about? [Acts 19:27, Malachi 3:10
2023-02-16 Atheist Challenging Christianity: Atheist comments "e pluribus unum" versus "In God we trust."
Atheist Challenging Gender: Do you know why men have nipples? Have you known a feminine male and vice versa?
Atheist Caller-Tax Exemptions: Atheist caller claims that atheists subsidize Christions and the churches.
2022-09-29 Paying Taxes to Government: Were early Americans sinning against God when they refused to pay taxes to the government? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:14, Romans 13:4-6].
2022-02-09 The Temple Tax: Do some use the temple tax as a parallel to the need to give to the modern church? [Matthew 17:24].
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2020-06-09 Government Social Program Money for Christians: What do you think about Christians taking money from government programs, including welfare, stimulus money and social security, etc.?
2019-04-09 Government Control: When one has a 501c3, does the government limit what you can say, especially regarding homosexuality or endorsing candidates?
Christian Music: Is the Christian music industry entirely secular now?
2019-02-14 Taxes: Tax laws & being deceitful
2018-12-26 Tithing: Tithing, give to Caesar what is Caesar's & give back to God what is God [Matthew 21, Matthew 23:23]
2017-06-02 Tributes: Can you talk about tributes, tributaries? What does putting someone under tribute mean? [Judges 1:19-38]
2016-10-27 Socialism: "Give Caesar what is Caesar…", How do you respond to people who say we need to give our money to the government? [Matthew 22:21]
2016-05-05 501c3 registered churches: What do you think about churches being registered as 501c3's?
2016-05-05 501c3's Comment: The caller chimes in about 501c3's & says that churches are tax-exempt with or with one.
National Day of Prayer: Caller thinks we as a nation should really participate in the national day of prayer & repent.
2016-05-05 501c3's: Caller thinks money you give to 501c3's you get back, so is that a good thing or a bad thing?
2015-09-29 Paul's writings hard to understand: Peter said that some of Paul's writings were very hard to understand. What things was Peter talking about? [2 Peter 3:15-16]
The Fish & the Coin: Why did Jesus have Peter do it this way? Why didn't they just take the money out of the treasury, the purse Judas was always carrying around? [Matthew 17]
2014-12-30 "In" the World or "Of" the World: Caller is concerned about working for a public company that gets subsidized by taxes, what he calls legalized theft, & wondering if he should quit because his conscience is somewhat against it.
2014-12-05 Peter, the Fish & Taxes: What was the purpose of the exercise of Jesus having Peter get the coin from the fish? [Matthew 17:24-27]
2014-11-14 501c3's: People w/ 501c3's seem to become a corporation & listen to whatever the state tells them to say or not say. Why do people need a receipt to be able write off the taxes you paid to God? Isn't a 501c3 another gospel? What about homosexuals that come into your church & want to get "married", & you say no, aren't you violating the conditions of the 501c3 that the government gave you?
2014-05-22 Church Tax-Exempt Status - 501c3: Why does the church desire to be under a tax-exempt status when Jesus said that we have to pay taxes? [Matthew 22:15-22]
2014-03-06 Correcting Wrongs: We should be proactive & speak against certain things the government does, but ministries who are under a 501c3 seem to be hampered from doing it.
2013-10-09 Pay Tribute to Whom Tribute is Due: What is the actual role of the Government? Should I pay my taxes without question? [Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2]
Sins of Ignorance: What happens if you commit sins of ingnorance? [Acts 2:17]
2013-10-01 ObamaCare: What do you think of Obamacare being the law of the land?
2013-07-26 Church Membership: Is it for tax reasons (501c3)that they want you to join the church?
"Our Father in Heaven": For some people, praying to the Father is emotionally awkard and can't relate to it.
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Do you think the tax exemption (501c3) has effectively silenced the church from speaking of some of the atrocities, such as the Gosnell case?
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-02-11 Tax Loop Holes: You buy a car from private party, & they say that you paid a lower price than you actually did so you don't have to pay as much tax on it as you otherwise would, is that being dishonest, & should Christians participate in it?
2013-01-18 "Give unto Caesar": Jesus wasn't necessarily saying to pay taxes when He said "Render unto Caesar" but was being evasive , like He did elsewhere, right? [Mark 12:17, Mark 11:33]
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