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Topic: Eternal Torment

Episode Topic Audio

"Destruction" regarding hell: Could you speak to the variation in the Greek word used for destruction, in assessing the various views of hell? [Revelation 17:8-11].
Tormented Day & Night: How would an annihilationist (view of hell) respond to the idea that destruction is the same word used when the beast and false prophet will be tormented forever and ever? [Revelation 20:10].

Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.

Lucifer's Sin: During the time Lucifer was pondering his upcoming sinfulness, why would not God come to him to help him? [Isaiah 14:12].
An Eternity in Hell: Why would God make people who live 1-70 years have to suffer eternally in hell? It doesn't seem reasonable. Rec: Steve's book, "Three Views of Hell."

Age of Earth: What is your view of the age of the earth? [Genesis 2, Psalm 121:4, Hebrews 10:12-13, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 33:9, Exodus 20:8-11].
Hell for Eternity: Appreciation comment: It is good to know that there are alternate views of hell that do not see it as eternal torment.

God Created a Liar: How can God create a being that can lie, if God Himself cannot lie? [John 8:44, Hebrews 6:18].
Hell-Contradiction of God: Is it a contradiction of God's love to create hell to be a place of eternal conscious torment? Rec: topical lectures on Three Views of Hell or Steve's book on Hell.

Hell-Eternal or Temporary: What do you think? Is hell temporary or eternal?

Eternal Punishment: Shouldn't Jesus still be on the cross if God requires eternal punishment?
Jesus Not Drinking of the Vine: What about Jesus saying He would not drink of the vine until in he Kingdom? [Acts 10:41, Matthew 26:29].

"Eternal Torment" vs "Another Chance" in Hell: Could you comment on this challenge to there being another chance after we die and when we are resurrected? [Philippians 3:11, 1 Timothy 6:16].
Books Not in the Canon: What do you think about the extrabiblical/ Apocryphal book, "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" and the Eastern Orthodox positive view of it?

Eternal Torment (Hell): Don't you think that a sentence to hell is no worse than legal human punishments such as life or death sentences?

The Ambiguity of an Eternal Hell: Should we be leaving the concept of whether hell is eternal ambiguous? [Matthew 23:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21].

Regarding Views of Hell: How do you interpret Matthew 25 about everlasting punishment in light of the alternate views of hell? [Matthew 25:46].
God's Wrath vs God's Love: Isn't God's love for his own, equal to His wrath for His enemies? [John 3:16].

Hell is Eternal: Caller warns callers that there are many verses that make it clear that hell is irrefutably eternal. Rec: Steve's Book; "Three Views of Hell" or topical lectures on the "Three Views of Hell." [Genesis 2:17, Ezekiel 18:20, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 20:14].

Three Views of Hell: What is the third view of hell you mention in your biographyn (Universal Reconcilation)? [2 Peter 3:9].

"Eternal" May Not be "Unending:" Could the argument to affirm alternate views of hell, regarding the definition of the word used for "eternal," undermine the idea of our eternal state on the new earth? [1 Corinthians 15:53, Matthew 25:46].

Hell & Immortality: Why did you not bring up the verse in Genesis about eating of the trees in the garden in your discussion of hell? [Genesis 3:22, 1 Timothy 6:16, 1 John 5:11-12].

Hell; Three Views: Is it possible that there could be a combination of the possible views (for the correct view of hell)? [John 3:16, Revelation 21:8, Romans 6:23].
Hell in the Old vs New Testaments: Is it possible that the "Annihilation" view was true in the Old Testament, and the "Universal Reconciliation" view is true in the New Testament?
Hell: Do you think that the case is stronger for either of the alternate views of hell, over the traditional "eternal torment" view?

Eternal Torment View of Hell: Why would Matthew 25:46 (sheep & goats) be a good argument for eternal torment? [Matthew 25:46].

Eternal Punishment in Hell: Caller shares thoughts from a book called "Truth about Hell" and wonders if Steve knows about the various view of hell. Recommended, Steve's book; "Three Views of Hell."

Hell-3 Christian Views: Which of the "three views of hell" discussed in your book on Hell, do you think has the most evidence? [Matthew 25:31-46, 1 Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, John 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9].

Afterlife of the Saved and Unsaved: Do the unsaved get damned for eternity or burn up, and do the saved live on the earth for eternity? Recommends his book and/or lectures on Hell. [John 3:16].

Hell: Caller shares a church father who believed in eternal hell.
Purgatory: Catholic caller explains purgatory and indicates it is scriptural.

Hell-Eternal Torment: Does not Isaiah indicate that hell will be eternal torment? [Isaiah 66:22-24, Revelation 21:1, Mark 9:43-48].

Steve Gregg's Insight: When did you last discover a new insight and what was the subject you last change your mind about?

Hell-The Traditional View of Eternal Torment: A pastor makes a case to support the eternal torment view of Hell. Steve suggest he read his book, "Hell-Four Christian Views." [Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, Revelation 14:11, Matthew 10:28].

Pruning, Correction & Punishment: Regarding the Greek word, "colossi", could you clarify its meaning (pruning, correction, punishment) in Matthew 25? [Matthew 25:46, Matthew 10:29].

Sheep & the Goats-Individual or Nations: When Jesus separates the sheep and the goats-who is He judging-individuals or nations? [Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 12:50, Matthew 28:19, Deuteronomy 1:17].
Sheep & the Goats & Hell: Is the judging of the "Sheep and the Goats" support for the "Eternal Torment" view of Hell? [Matthew 25:31-46].

Creation of Hell Inhibits Faith in God: What would you say to someone who can't believe in a God who would create something as awful as hell?

Struggling in Faith - About Hell: Could you help me with my struggle in my faith, trying to understand how God could arrange for so few people to be able to get to heaven, and the rest burn in hell forever and ever? [I Timothy 6:16, 2 Peter 3:9, Colossians 1:20].

Suspension of Time & Gravity in Heaven & Hell: Do you think that there is some suspension of time and gravity in heaven and hell?
Restoration View of Hell: Does the "Restoration" (Universal Reconciliation) view of hell suggest that God will force everyone to eventually repent? [2 Peter 3:8-10, I John 3:2, Luke 15:15-32].

Old Testament Support of Children in Heaven: Doesn't the scripture in Samuel, where David says he will go to his child one day, indicate that children go to heaven to be with God? [2 Samuel 12:23, Mark 10:15].
Jesus Said Hell Exists: Doesn't the fact the Jesus talks about hell in various ways, such as weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicate that hell does exist? [Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, I Timothy 6:16, Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28].

Afterlife & Hell Not Found in Old Testament: Is it correct that the afterlife and hell is not really mentioned in the Old Testament?
Hell in the New Testament, Why Not Old Testament: Why wouldn't the Old Testament talk more about hell when it is so important in the New Testament? [2 Peters 2:4, Isaiah 14:9-20].

Steve Gregg's Book About Hell: Did you write a book about Hell? Recommends the topical lecture about the three view of hell.
Eternal Fire of Hell: Caller indicates that there are at least 15 church fathers that believed in the eternal fire of hell. [Matthew 25:41].

Your Character Develops Your View of God & Hell: Is it not true that people project their own character and who they are onto God, particularly in their view of hell? [2 Peter 3:8-10, Matthew 5:43-48, John 3:16, John 14:9, Luke 23:34].

Views of Hell, Restoration, and Evangelism: If one believes that hell is not actually as the traditional "eternal torment" view presents, but instead universalism (or restoration) is more likely, how then, would it effect that way you evangelize?

Equal Punishment for all Unsaved: Regarding two unsaved men who lived very different lives, is their punishment going to be the same? Recommended topical lecture; "Three Views of Hell" or book by Steve on Hell. [Revelation 20:15, Luke 12:27-28, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Matthew 10:15].

Hell-Annihilation: Regarding the view on hell where sinners are ultimately destroyed, do you think there is merit in it? Topical lecture recommended; Three Views of Hell, and Steve's book on hell.
Eternal Torment in Hell: How could eternal torment in hell bring God glory?
Bible Teaching: It seems to be lacking in Bible teaching where teachers don't present more than one fair view, unlike you.

Mark of the Beast: Could you clarify the order of the taking of the "Mark of the Beast" and wouldn't someone be sure of what evil they were supporting in the taking of the mark? [Revelation 13].
Three Views of Hell: Could you clarify your statement that the alternate two views of Hell have more scriptural support than the traditional "Eternal Torment View"? [Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:19-20, Philippians 2:10-11, Hebrews 9:27].

Conscious Eternal Torment: Steve clarifies what he said and believes about conscious eternal torment on a previous show. Recommended; "Hell-Three Christian Views" by Steve Gregg.

Disagree that God has the Right to Our Lives: I disagree with your position that because God created us, He can do whatever He wants with us?
God Torturing Us: If God can't go against His character, than can He torture us?
God's Right to Tell Us What to Do, or Suffer Consequences: Does God have the right to make people do whatever He wants them to do, or make them suffer consequences?

Satan Creator of Hell: Did Satan miraculously create hell and then keeps people alive to torture them forever? If not, didn't your God do that evil? [Revelation 20, Revelation 2:11, Matthew 10:28].
Souls and Feeling Pain: Can souls feel pain in hell?

Various Views of Hell: How does one deal with the verse about "the worm does not die" in regard to the various views of hell? [Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24].
Hell & the Devil: Does accepting one of the alternate views of hell get the devil off the hook? [Revelation 20:10].

Eastern & Coptic Churches View of Eternal Torment in Hell: Where does the Coptic or Eastern churches stand on the issue of eternal torment view of hell?

View of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Could you review the arguments for and against the view of Hell called "Universal Reconciliation"? [Mark 3:29, Luke 15:24, Romans 2:7, Romans 6:23, I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12, I Timothy 2:4, Romans 5:18, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:16-20, Philippians 2:10, Isaiah 45:23].

Promises to Unbelievers: Are the promises to unbelievers the same now as it was in the Old Testament days?
No Eternal Hell, Then No Eternal Life If we don't understand the word for "eternal" in regard to hell, then can we still understand the idea of the after life as being eternal? [Matthew 25:46].

Eternal Torment: Why would God use the English words such as "eternal" and "everlasting" in regard to hell, if He knew how we would understand them, if it is not as we think as they translated it in English? [2 Peter 3, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Matthew 25:46, Revelation 20:10].
King James Bible Translation: Were the writers of the King James Bible inspired?

Eternal Punishment in Hell: If you are familiar with the atheists called "the four horseman" (Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Harris), isn't their argument against hell and it's implied eternal torment and punishment, actually impotent in light of the various views of hell? [Genesis 2:17].

Torment in Hell Might not be Physical: Could the torment in hell be more about mental and emotional rather than physical?

Preaching the Traditional View of Hell: How can preachers can continue to preach the traditional view of hell as they do, without it affecting their entire lives? [John 15:13, Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 5:43-48].

Is Hell Eternal Torment?: Do you think that Hell is eternal torment? [Matthew 5:22].

Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib: Why are there so many opinions on the pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib rapture? [John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 6:54, I Thessalonians 4].
America Under God's Judgment: Is America under God's judgment?
Annhilation in Hell : Will people in hell eventually be extinguished?

Annihilationist View of Torment in Hell: In the parable of the tares, from an annihilation point of view, how would they respond to the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" if the condemned are annihilated? [Matthew 13:41-42].

Balancing the Other Views of Hell: Could you help me with someone's objection to anything other than the traditional view of hell? particularly regarding the Nicaean Council, is the use of the word, Gehenna, and the word for everlasting? [James 3:6, Matthew 25:46]

Defining Calvinism: Many of the definitions of Calvinism (from the Reformed Calvinists) seem to disagree with your definition. Can you help me reconcile this?

Lazarus and the Rich Man: Does the story of "Lazarus and The Rich Man" tell us what hell is going to be like? [Revelation 20, Luke 16:19-31].

Lake of Fire: What kind of bodies do the unrighteous have when they are cast into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, Luke 12:48].

Paul's Awareness of Jesus: Do we know anything about how long Paul (Saul) knew of Jesus before he was converted on the road to Damascus?
Paul, the Olive Tree, & Israel: Was Paul one of the broken off branches on the olive tree? How is Israel defined? [Romans 9:11, Romans 11:12].
Steve Gregg's View of Hell: Since you are undecided, what percentage in favor of each of the three views of hell are you?

Hell: Could you talk about the concept of hell, particularly the unacceptable idea of "eternal torment"? [John 3:16].

The Rich Man, Lazarus & Hell: Why did you not talk about the rich man and Lazarus in your lecture on the three views of hell? [Revelation 20].

Hell Must be Eternal: How is hell possibly not eternal, particularly in light of reference to "tormented day and night, forever"? [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15, Matthew 25:41 & 46].

Everlasting Meaning Forever-or Not: If the term "everlasting" is the same word used in the verse about everlasting life and everlasting punishment, how can the meaning be different in one case, and not the other? [Matthew 25:46].
The Meaning of Everlasting: Does it not detract from the meaning of our insight into eternity to have the meaning questioned? [Matthew 25:46, Ezekiel 18:4, Ecclesiastes 12:7].

Eternal Life & Eternal Judgment: Could you talk about "eternal life" and "eternal judgment?" [John 3:36].

Hell-Which View: Would you articulate your own stand of the 3 views of hell? Do you believe that hell is eternal?
Importance of Understanding Hell: Isn't our understanding of hell far too important not to know? [2 Thessalonians 1].
Death and Hell: Is there anything in the Greek and Hebrew that better describes what kind of death we suffer, and how permanent it is, that will help us understand the consequence of sin and hell?

Why No Hell in the Old Testament: Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24].

Eternal Damnation in Hell: Do you believe in eternal damnation in hell? [Mark 9:43-48, Isaiah 66:24, 2 Peters 2].

Hell & Catechetical Schools of Theology: What are the historical centers of theology you were talking about in your book on hell, and where can I find more information about their views?
Hell & C.S. Lewis: What was C.S. Lewis' view about the Doctrine of Hell? Was he an annihilationist?

Eternal Fire of Hell: What do you think about the words "eternal fire" in Matthew [Matthew 25:41].

Hell is Eternal Torment: Caller challenges Steve's view that there are other possible Biblically supported views of hell beyond eternal torment. [Matthew 25:46, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9].

Eternal Nature of Man in Hell: Doesn't the eternal nature of man come into considering various views of hell? [Revelation 1, 20, I Corinthians 15:51, Psalm 16, I Timothy 6:15-16].

Three Views of Hell: There seems to be very solid scriptures that support the idea of eternal torment in hell, so how can there legitimately be other views of hell? [Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46, 12:46, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:43]

Hell & Eternal Torment: Regarding eternal torment and the idea that Adam's sin affected all mankind [Matthew 25:41,46, Romans 5:18, Revelation 20].

Different Views of Hell: Would you talk about the various views of hell? [Revelation 20:15, Hebrews 9:27]

Must Read Books: Would you share your list of "must read" books?
Steven Anderson of Tempe AZ: Are you familiar with Pastor Steven Anderson of Tempe AZ? (King James only)?
Steve's Views on Hell: Which view of Hell do you lean toward?

The Lake of Fire (Hell): What is the lake of fire? Do you believe in eternal torment? Could the fire be a purifying fire? [Luke 23:34].

Hell (Steve's book): Just want to thank you (Steve Gregg) for the book you wrote about the scriptural views of hell (All You Want to Know about Hell, 3 Christian Views of God's Final Solution to the Problem of Sin).
Old Testament Saints Not in Heaven: Did the Old Testament saints not go to heaven? [Hebrews 9].

Hell & Purgatory: What is the Catholic idea of purgatory? What are the three different views of hell you write about in your book? Where do you get your book?

Views of hell: What is your personal conviction hell?

Differing Views of Hell: Can you tell me your views about Hell? What happens to the wicked? Are they annihilated?

Everlasting Contempt: Does this apply to the view of hell of eternal torment, people sleeping in dust & the wicked having everlasting contempt? John 5 seems to be about hell. Transition from old covenant to the new covenant? Discussion of the traditional view of hell [Daniel 12:2]

Eternal judgment: John Piper says that the wicked are going to be tormented eternally. [Hebrews 6:1-2, Revelation 14:10, 20:10]
Dispensationalism & taking Revelation literally: There's a lengthy discussion about it the caller takes Revelation literally or symbolically as a Dispensationalist.

Book on Hell by Steve Gregg: How do I get your book on hell?
Apostles & Missionaries Today: What do you think about apostles today? And how do missionaries fit in with apostles? [2 Corinthians 8:23, 12:12, I Peter 1:1, 2 Peter].

Three Views of Hell: What are the strongest arguments against "conditional immortality" (or annihilation)? [John 3:16].

Differing Views of Hell: What about people who have never heard of Jesus, or, who just are not ready to accept Him yet?
Judged by Faith or Works or both: Are we judged by faith or works, or faith & works?

Blessing Israel: Caller feels we need to bless Israel, whether it's pagan or not. [Genesis 12:3]
No Hell in OT: There's no mention of hell in the Old Testament, so doesn't that stand to reason that it's not going to be bad as some people think it is of an eternal torment? Wouldn't you think God would do everything they could do to warn people?

Eternal Torment: I don't understand how a God of love could want to torture His creatures for eternity if you don't choose Him?

Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinists believe that people have no choice, but still have to go to hell if you weren't chosen? That's like a person who is born blind being punished because he can't see. If Calvinists believed in annihilationism, that'd be ONE thing, but to think that you are predestined to Eternal Torment, that is another.

Hell Eternal: Are we going to stay in hell forever? Did you say that the Bible doesn't say that?

Speaking in Tongues: Everybody should be able to hear in their own language, not gibberish that you don't know what is being said.
Eternal Torment in Hell: You don't seem to believe that people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire & burn eternally. Can you explain this?

Views of Hell: What does the bible actually say about Hell?

The Worm Never Dies: You said that you don't believe in eternal torment, but what about the worm that never dies? Smoke of their torment ascendeth up for & for ever [Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:44,48]

Disintegrated in Hell: I'm confused about hell, because I just heard that we are just disintegrated in hell, but then he said there was a lake of fire.

Tormented forever in Hell: Hell & Mr. Fudge, 4 views of hell

Wicked & Righteous after Death: What happens to the people both the righteous & the wicked after they die? Are the wicked really being tormented? Are Christian in the presence of the Lord immediately?

God's Sovereignty: God making us suffer forever, is Calvinism rather sadistic, thinking God will only save some, but the rest are going to burn forever & forever & ever?
Ecclesia: Ecclesia in the KJV was changed to church building instead of church assembly, just like they didn't like translating baptize to immersion, because King James did not believe Immersion for Baptism.

Hell & Annihilationism: I was talking to a friend the other day who holds to the position of Annihilationism of hell, but when I read the parable of the sheep & the goats, the goats go to EVERLASTING/eternal punishment or hell.

Steve's View on Hell: What is your view on hell?

Jesus of Nazareth Movie: What did you think of the Jesus of Nazareth movie?
Hell: (Agnostic Caller) What is the purpose of hell?

Hell-Knowledge of the Views: I'm concerned about studying about hell that much because if I discover that the traditional view is wrong, I might have a hard time debating people challenge me that Eternal Torment is the correct view.

Hell in the Old Testament: What does the Old Testament say about hell and judgment?

Burning for Eternity: Someone is holding up on becoming a Christian because he doesn't believe that non-Christians are going to burn for eternity.

The 3 Views of Hell: How would you try to explain that there are 3 viable views of what hell is & not just the one traditional torment view?gheg

Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?

Wicked Person goes directly to Hell after Death: People who die go to hell because of Lazarus & the Rich Man, according to this caller. [Luke 16:19-31]

People who have never heard of Gospel Burning Forever: I can't reconcile that people who have NEVER heard the gospel are going to burn for eternity in hell (ministry of the month).

Hell & Perish: I question Greg Laurie meaning & definition "perish" in John 3:16 & what he says about hell. [John 3:16]

Steve's Viewpoints of Hell: What are your view points of hell?

Differing Views of Hell Have you heard about George w. Sarris who wrote an interesting book about hell?

An Eternal Hell: If there is eternal life doesn't it stand to reason that there'd be an eternal hell?

Fear of Torment in Hell: How biblical is the doctrine about torment of hell fire? Fearing God because you are afraid of hell fire is not a good way to get saved!

Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?

Parellels Between the Sun & Light of God: light of the sun & the light of God, sun & mooning going dark, & God leaving Jerusalem, His light leaving them.
Tree of Life for Immortality: So if the only way to have immortality is to eat from the tree of life, doesn't that automatically do away with the notion of Eternal Torment in Hell?

Immortality of the Soul: How does each view of hell view mmortality of the soul? The annihilatist view, the unversal restoration view & the traditional view of Eternal Torment. [Romans 2:7, John 3:16]

Steve's View of Hell: Caller just got done reading Steve's book, "All You Want to Know about Hell" & wants to know if he has come any closer to what he beleives?

Predestinating People to Hell: Why would a merciful God create a hell? Why make people who would go there if He knew it ahead of time?

Motivated by Love for Christ: We shouldn't be motivated to be saved just to be either wanting euphoria in heaven for eternity or fear of burning in hell, but for the love of the Master Himself, right?

Motivated by Fear of Hell: A friend of the caller thinks if there's no such thing as hell (the traditional view), what's the point in being in a Christian?

Three Views of Hell Simultaneously: I was listening to your teaching on your hell & my wife & i were wondering if it is was possible that all 3 views are possible at once?

Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.

Annihilationism & Universal Reconciliationism: I was told there is no way i'm honoring the word of God if you even entertain the idea of universal reconciliation & don't believe in the traditional view of hell. What do you think about that? How does he know i'm being unfaithful to the Word of God just because I might disagree w/ the traditional view of hell?

Hell: Only temporary torment for the view of conditional immortality & so what are the verses that support this, that the punishment will be proportionate? Gnashing & Weeping of teeth seem to be supporting the traditional view. [Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 11:22]

Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?

Judas & Hell: Because Jesus said Judas would've been better if he had never been born, doesn't that make a good case for Eternal Torment in Hell?

Friends & Relatives Who Died Lost: How do we deal with thoughts of those who have died lost - not followers of Christ?

Hell: Caller has a simple theory about why it isn't eternity in hell.

Literalism about Hell: We don't have any life w/ out God, so how could we exist in hell? [Acts 17:27]

Traditional View of Hell Caller: Caller who had called a few calls ago calls back & remembered his 3rd Q: God made hell for the devil & his demons & not humans, is that true?

Traditional View of Hell: Separation from God is the actual punishment? If we are separated from God, how could we survive? [2 Thessalonians 1:9]

Hell - Eternal Separation: How can Steve not know the answer to, "How can we be in Heaven worshipping God if our loved ones are being tortured by Him?"

Hell: All these verses talk about hell, so don't they all mean the same thing? [Revelation 20:14, Mark 3:29, Matthew 18:9]

"Everlasting Contempt": How could the Universal Reconciliation view be possible in the light of these verses? [Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46]

The 3 Views of Hell-Universal Reconciliation: Regarding the Universal Reconciliation view, does God want to just restore us with His consuming fire?

Followup about Hell: Steve does a followup regarding the call he just had about hell.

Disagreement - Eternal Hell: Caller concerned Steve is wrong about not believing in the traditional view of hell of eternal torment.

Feeling Saved: You don't always feel saved, you have ups & downs, but you still might be saved!
3 Views of Hell: What is your view of Hell, Traditional, Annihilationism, & Universal Reconciliationism?

Rich Man & Lazarus: If you are transitioning your belief of Eternal Torment in Hell to Annihilationism, what do you do with the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 16:19-31]

God's Love & Hell: How can someone so loving & forgiving torture someone for eternity?

Steve Gregg's Position on Hell: I just heard a caller say that you've changed your position on hell. What do you believe about hell now?

Eternal Punishment: If Eternal Life means eternity, you'd stand to reason think that Eternal Punishment also means eternal suffering, wouldn't you? [Matthew 25:41, 46, John 3:16]

Hell: Caller comments his version of why it has to be eternal hell fire, because of the Light of God radiating.
Forgiving Others: We aren't supposed to forgive people who don't forgive others, isn't that right? [Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 18:23-35]

Dangerous Views of Hell: Aren't the alternative views of hell that you teach doing a little bit of a disservice, saying that you will just be annihilated or that you have a possibility of repenting in hell?

Relatives in Hell: How can you possibly be happy at ALL if you have ANY remembrance of someone you know burning in hell for eternity?

Hell: How come you didn't tell the lady you were just talking to that you don't believe we are burning in torment forever & forever?

Steve's View of End Time Events: What is Steve's view of what happens in the End Times?
3 Different Views of Hell: Caller's friend doesn't believe in an eternal hell forever, so was wondering about Steve's view about hell as well.

3 Views of Hell: Caller is thankful for the lectures that Steve put together about the 3 view of Hell.
Holy Spirit leading to Truth: The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth.

No Forgiveness in the Age, Nor the Next: You were recently talking about Eternal not meaning Everlasting, for eternity, all the time. What about when Jesus said, "Not Forgiven in the Age, Nor the Next"? [Matthew 12:32]

The term Eternal: How can you have one definition of eternal mean really everlasting, forever, but then it not really mean eternal, everlasting in the same verse? [Matthew 25:46]

Freedom to Learn: Steve could learn from Michael the Buddhist too, as well as Michael should listen to Steve.
"Best they can": Even if Michael the Buddhist hasn't literally accepted Jesus as his Savior, at least he's trying his best.
Hell - Eternal Torment: Even though you say you don't believe in an eternal hell, & eternal torment, you actually really do.

Hell: Discussion on the differing views of hell, especially the problems w/ annihilationism. [Romans 6:7]

the Book mentioned in Acts: The author of Acts mentions a book, do you know what book he was talking about? [Acts 1, Luke 1]
Traditional eternal view of Hellfire: So since you think Satan was created in the state he is in right now, doesn't it stand to reason God would also create an eternal hell even though it SEEMS against His nature? [Revelation 20:10]

Hell - 3 Views (4 perhaps?): What is the 4th view of Hell that some of the books you cited mentioned? Are Annihiliationism & Universalism connected? Is it possible that some people will be annihilated & some will be resurrected?

Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?

Dispensationalism & Premillennialism: I enjoyed your book about the 4 views of Revelation as I was making my transition to Partial Preterism.
Views of Hell, Traditional View, Eternal Torment: I want to talk about your views of hell now. What would you call Hell if you didn't call it the "traditional view"?
Bible stories resembling Babylonian Mythology: People have said that Christianity & the Bible have just copied stories from Babylonian Mythology. Do you have thoughts about this, especially regarding the Rich Man & Lazarus? [Luke 19:19-31]

Hell: What is your view of Hell? Don't you believe it's "eternal"? [Luke 16]
Regeneration: Is there any Scripture that teaches we are regenerated BEFORE we put our faith in Christ?

The word "Eternal": If everything else that talks about being eternal is actually "eternal", why wouldn't eternal punishment & eternal fire mean the same thing also? [Matthew 25]

Hell, Traditional View: Hell seems to be a place of eternal punishment, & how do you reconcile the 5 verses that seem to suggest that it is eternal? [Matthew 25:41, 46, Revelation 20:10, 14:11]

Pastors being Limited to Think CLearly: It's unfortunate there's a limit sometimes on what a pastor can believe or teach within the belief system of their denomination.
Predestination: Was R.C. Sproul saying that we actually DO have a choice on whether we go to hell or not? Trying to make Calvinism & Arminianism harmonize.
Loved ones burning in Hell: John MacArthur & R. C. Sproul seem inconsistent about that they say about buring in eternity in hell.

Watering Down Hell: You seem to be watering down the importance of hell, & if it wasn't to be avoided, why did Jesus have to die on the cross? The listener thinks it sounds pretty serious to him.

The 3 Views of Hell: No matter what the view of hell is, there is only one correct view, right?
Steve Debating about Hell: Would Steve ever consider debating somebody about the views of hell?

3 Views of Hell & God's Character in Question: Caller wants to know which view of hell might be right in light of God's character.
People going to Hell: Who's going to hell?

Annihilation of the Wicked in Hell: What does Steve think about the idea of "Conditional Immortality" (Annihilationism), about hell where the wicked are just burned up & not tortured forever & ever as the traditional view says?

3 Views of Hell: Steve Gregg makes the announcement that his book, "3 Views of Hell" came out that day of the show.

Free Will & Being Saved: So you think people will be saved because of Free will, so they won't be saved from what? What does being saved mean? Saved from what?
Hell - Lake of Fire: Caller thinks Steve needs to specify what he means by what people are saved from. Are they saved from eternal damnation? With the fact that Steve believes in the possibility of Universal Reconciliation.

Devil Tormented Forever: Is the Devil tormented forever or will he eventually be burned into non-existence? I've been reading Edward William Fudge's book, "The Fire that Consumes" that says that he'll be burned. [Revelation 20:10]
Church Membership: Having to believe a church's distinctive doctrines in order to be a member of that church, what do you think about that? Just on the doctrine of eternal torment which they believe in, but I don't, I'd have a problem signing the membership card.

Christianity a Cult: Caller thinks Christianity could even be considered a cult. (Caller was second caller in program, calling back after getting cutoff.)
Eternal Torment: Where does it say in the Old Testament that people are going to be tortured in Hell?

Hell-Universal Reconciliation: The problem with the idea of universal reconciliation is that people would just want to escape hell & not be sincere, so how would it be possible?
God's Love for Us: Why does God love us so much? [1 john 4:7-8, Deuteronomy 7:7-8]
Hell-Eternal Torment & Annihilationism: Can you please talk about the other 2 views of hell then other than universal reconciliation? (Traditional view of Eternal torment & annihilationism.)

Hell & Not knowing the Heart: Caller wanted to talk about the eternal torment view of Hell, citing the Rich Man & Lazarus parable. [Jeremiah 17:9-10, Luke 16:19-31]

View About Satan being a Fallen Angel: The caller thinks Steve might be right about Satan being evil originally rather a Fallen Angel. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12]
Traditional View of Hell: Caller still sort've leans towards the traditional view, but maybe not, that maybe there wouldn't be so many atheists/agnostics if there wasn't such a horrible view.
Chuck Smith & Calgary Chapel & the radio: Caller really liked Chuck Smith's teachings on the radio, & it made him more open to other views.

Michael the Buddhist answering the Question: Michael answers the question about whether Buddhism has division &/or unity like you might find the Christian faith.
Suffering for Eternity: How can there be any real peace for the people in Heaven who know their loved ones or friends are being tortured in hell for eternity?
Purgatory: What does the purgatory doctrine say again?

Everything Not Black & White: Is everything black & white to God or are there gray areas?
Doctrine of Hell: Isn't the doctrine of hell a good example that not everything is so black & white?

Church Membership: Is Church Membership Biblical?
Consciousness in Hell: If the traditional view of hell, eternal torment, is true, is it possible that you'd drift in & out of consciousness to be able to alleviate some of the pain?

Three Views of Hell: What the right view of Hell, of the three options you often survey?
Fear of Hell & Evangelism: Don't we need to use the fear of hell as an evangelistic tool? [2 Corinthians 5:9-11]

"Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?

Hell-Jehovah's Witness & their View of Annihilationism: Can you talk about "eternal torment" in hell & the Jehovah's Witness view of Annihilationism? [Matthew 7:25-26, Revelation 14:10-11, Revelation 21:8].

3 Views of Hell: Regarding the "3 views of hell", doesn't John 3:16 refute other views because of eternal punishment? [John 3:16, Matthew 25:46].

Traditional View of Hell: If people remain alive in hell, then is not God the one keeping them alive and thereby perpetuating the existence of sin? [Romans 5:12-15, I Timothy 6:16]

Conscious Separation from God: Is being "consciously separted from God" a reasonable option regarding hell? [Daniel 12:2].

"Eternal Fire" or "Annihilation" of Hell: I was listening to a Seventh Day Adventist program about hell and wonder if you could talk about the various views of Hell? [Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:47-48, Matthew 10:15, Matthew 25:46, Revelion 14:11, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:14, I Corinthians 15:26].

Second Coming (End of the World) & Hell: What should we expect with the "Second Coming"...isn't there going to be total destruction? And what about our loved ones? will they have another chance? [Revelation 21:4, I Corinthians 13:9, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 33:23]

Hell-Eternal Torment: Did I hear you correctly when you said that hell is not necessarily forever? [Romans 6:23, Matthew 10:28, 2Thessalonians 1:9, Ephesians 1:9-10, Colossians 1:19-20, Philippians 2:9-10].
Universal Reconcilation: Can people repent after they die?

Hell-Eternal Suffering: Is hell eternal suffering?

Calvinism & Evangelism: How does one respond to those that think that God does all the choosing, as opposed to us choosing Him, therefore it makes one question evangelizing? [John 15:16, John 12:32, John 6:44].
No Second Chance in Hell: Doesn't one's free will disappear if people have a second chance to repent and follow Jesus when they are already in hell? [Matthew 4:17, Matthew 18:21, Matthew 5:44].

Hell-Catholic View: Could you talk about the Catholic Church determing the church's "Eternal Torment" view of hell? [I Peter 4:12].

Hell: What difference does it make how God uses hell and which view of hell is correct?
The Incentive of "Eternal Torment": Are we losing the incentive of "eternal torment" if we consider the possible other views of hell? [Proverbs 28:5]. Steve's book; "Hell-Three Views"

Repentence & Salvation After Death: Is it possible that someone can go to hell and still be saved by repenting there? [John 3:16, I Timoth 6:16, Revelation 20:10].

The Nature of the Fallen Angels & the Devil: Are the fallen angels and the devils possibly immortal? [Revelation 20:10, Hebrews 1, Psalm 102:25-27].
Devil Tormented Eternal: Is it possible that the Devil will be tormented eternally?

Hell & Conditional Immortality: It doesn't seem like God would perpetuate sin forever by letting people be tormented forever instead of annihilated. [Revelation 21:4]

Eternal Punishment verses Eternal Punishing: Don't Annihilationists have a problem with this passage of Scripture, because whatever you are applying to the term, "aiōnios", when you apply it to the righteous, don't you have to apply it to the wicked? [Matthew 25:46]
Death a Punisment: Is death a punishment or a penalty, consequence of sin, the curse of sin? [Genesis 2, Romans 8:18-22]

Hell, Annihilation: Would the death of Jesus be more significant if He died to prevent us from being tormented forever, instead of just being annihilated?
God's Glory Magnified by Eternal Torment in Hell: Would it exemplify God's glory for people to burn forever, in contrast to just being annihilated? [2 Thessalonians 1:9]
More Discussion on Hell: Even more dilaogue about hell. (but this was a follow-up from the previous show, but the last half of the show is missing from the day before, so we missed what they were originally talking about.)

Judgment of things done in the Body: Can you explain this passage of Scripture? That we are going to be judged for things in this life. So how can there be post mortem repentance (universal reconciliation)? [2 Corinthians 5:10-11]
A book on 3 Views of Hell: Do you know of a good source that explains the different views of Hell?

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