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Topic: Mithraism

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-13 Documentation for Jesus Outside of the Bible: Are there non-biblical historical documents supporting Jesus' existence that would quell the claims that His character arose from Pagan mythology? Rec: Steve Gregg, Zeitgiest on YouTube.
2021-09-02 Gilgamesh Epic Causing Doubt: What is your response to my becoming a "Doubting Thomas" because of ancient books and mythology, like "Gilgamesh Epic" existing before the Bible and some of the common traits?[Luke 3:1].
2021-09-02 Mithraism & Other Pagan Religions & Sources: Could you talk about Mithraism and the other Pagan Religions and their beliefs?
Gnostic Gospels: Is there a possibility that the Gnostic Gospels could be trusted?
The "Gospel of Judas": What do you think of the "Gospel of Judas", and the idea that Judas might have been a good guy? [John 6:70]. NOTE: Steve misspoke the source would be Nag Hammadi instead of Ras Shamra.
2021-01-07 Pagan Sources for Christianity (Zeitgeist): What about the claim that Christianity borrowed many of its features from earlier pagan cultures? (Rec Lecture: Zeitgeist, Steve Gregg, YouTube).
2020-09-23 Krishna: Where is Krishna when you need him?
Other Religious Deity Resurrections: Were there many deity resurrections in various religions before Christianity?
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