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Topic: Eunuch

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-20 Philips' Teleportation: Do you think that Philip might have been supernaturally teleported to another location (Azotus )? [Acts 8:38-40].
2023-02-10 Baptism of John the Baptist: Since the baptism of John the Baptist was a "baptism of repentance," was it symbolic of repentance back to The Law?
Ethiopian Eunuch: Was the Ethiopian Eunuch a Jew? [Acts 8:26-40].
Baptism of Repentance: Should we still be baptized with water, or is the "baptism of repentance" how we should think of it, no longer using water, but laying on of hands? [Acts 19:1-7, Acts 10:47].
2013-01-15 The "Philips" in the New Testment: Philip baptized the eunuch and a Philip was an evangelist. Are these the same Philip? What about the Philip that was an apostle? [Acts 8, Acts 21:8, Matthew 10:2-4]
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