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Topic: Fasting

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-28 Prayer & Fasting: Does God listen more to prayers if it is accompanied by fasting?
2023-08-01 Fasting & Unanswered Prayer: Is it a sin not to fast? Could it be why one's prayers are not answered? [Matthew 6:16-18, Mark 2:19, Matthew 9:14-15].
2023-06-22 Fasting: What makes fasting effective? Caller also requests prayer from listeners. [Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15, Isaiah 58:6-10, Matthew 17:21, James 5:16, 1 Corinthians 7:5].
2023-05-02 New Wine Skins: Would you elucidate on the passage about pouring wine into new wine skins? [Matthew 9:16-17, Isaiah 58:3-7].
2023-02-17 Fasting 40 Days: How was it possible that Jesus could go 40 days without eating when He fasted? How did they fast?
2023-02-06 Prophecy "on the Third Day;" What scriptures would Paul have been referring to when in 1 Corinthians, he idicates that Jesus rising on the third day was fulfilling prophecy? [1 Corinthians 15:4, Acts 13:30-33, Acts 2:27, Psalm 16:10, Psalm 2:7, Luke 24:44, Matthew 12:40, Hosea 6:2].
Fasting, Wineskins & Patches: Could you explain the passage about fasting with the parallel made to old wineskins and patching clothing?
2023-01-24 Old Law & New Testament Fasting: Is there a difference between the requirements of the Old Law regarding fasting and expectations of fasting in the New Testament? [Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15, 2 Samuel 12:13-25, Mark 2:19].
New Wine in Old Skins: Would you explain the significance of the new wine in the old skins, and how it might align with the Old and New Law? [Matthew 9:16-17, Mark 2:22].
2022-10-24 Fasting & Mourning: Because of the verse that says we will fast when the bridegroom is taken away, should we be fasting? [Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 5:35].
2022-07-28 Steve's Speaking Engagements: Where are you speaking this weekend in Roseville CA?
Fasting: Can you talk a little bit about "fasting?" [Matthew 9:15, Matthew 17:21]
2022-04-01 Prayer & Fasting: What does it mean when scripture says that "this kind does not come out but by prayer and fasting"? [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29].
2021-11-29 Corporate Fasting: Is corporate fasting biblical, or is it to be done privately? [Matthew 6:16, Acts].
2021-02-26 Catholic Practice of Lent: When did "lent" begin, and what do you think about those that practice it?
2020-06-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-05-19 Prayer & Fasting Urgency: Caller encourages listeners to pray with sincerity and fasting (referring to Dr. B.J. Willhite's book, Why Pray, and Steve's lectures)?
2020-05-11 Children Being Required to Fast: Do you think children should fast, or be required to fast, to overcome sinful behavior?
Train Up a Child: What does the verse in Proverbs mean, "train up a child in the way he should go..." [Proverbs 22:6].
Donations Through PayPal: Can people still donate through PayPal?
2020-04-30 Parables-Bridegroom, Wineskins, Patches: Could you clarify Jesus' answer as to why the disciples don't fast like the Pharisees do, in the parables about the bridegroom, wineskins, and patches? [Matthew 9:14-17, John 3].
Questions Answered by Email: Do you answer questions by email?
2020-01-17 Fasting & Mourning Rituals: What do the verses about fasting for the bridegroom, the patches on the clothing, and the new wine in old wine skins really refer to? [Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:18-22, 2 Corinthians 3:17].
2020-01-15 Fasting: Is it biblical to fast? [Matthew 6:16, 9:14, Acts 13:2, 2 Corinthians, Daniel 10].
2019-12-05 Fasting, Mourning, Wineskins: Is he talking about Jesus as the bridegroom? Are we in the time where He has been taken away? Why does he use the example of the wineskins in relationship to fasting? [Matthew 9:14-17, Acts 13].
2019-12-03 Christians Fasting: Should we be fasting? If so, how and when? [Matthew 9:15, Luke 5:35, Matthew 6:16].
2019-01-16 Fasting & Wineskins: I am a little confused about references to fasting and general meaning in the passage about the new and old wineskins [Matthew 9:14-17].
Fasting: Is fasting a legalistic thing?
2019-01-16 Fasting & Wineskins: I am a little confused about references to fasting and general meaning in the passage about the new and old wineskins [Matthew 9:14-17].
Fasting: Is fasting a legalistic thing?
2018-10-15 Facing Temptation: What does it mean to face temptation? Jesus faced it, but how did He overcome it?
2018-08-17 Fasting: How do you do fasting correctly?
2018-01-10 Fasting: Is fasting still for today? [Matthew 9:14-17, Matthew 17:21]
2017-10-03 Watch & Pray: We are about to have an all night vigil but I don't think I'll be able to stay up all night, but is that what "watch" means, staying up?
2017-02-07 Fasting & Interpretation of Scripture: What do verses 16 & 17 have to do w/ anything? [Matthew 19:14-17]
2016-10-12 Fasting: Is fasting for the Christian?
The Old & New Covenant: How much of the Old covenant do we incorporate with the New Covenant?
2016-10-11 Fasting: Was Daniel fasting to deprive himself of certain pleasures for spiritual discipline or was he concerned about what he was eating? Are we still supposed to fast today? [Daniel 1:8-16, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15]
2016-09-16 Fasting: Are we still supposed to fast today, & if we are, how are we supposed to do it?
2016-07-07 Demons cast out by only Fasting & Prayer Text Missing: Caller has heard that in some translations the phrase, "some (demons) can only be cast out by fasting & prayer" & was wondering if that was true or not. [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29]
2016-02-11 Fasting & Wine Use: When they were fasting, were they still mixing the wine with water, & what about the people who took the Nazarite vow? Were they exceptions?
2016-01-04 Fasting: What is your view on fasting?
2015-12-04 Fasting: How do you fast in private w/ when some people will obviously know? [Matthew 6:16]
2015-01-14 Fasting - Negative connotation: God didn't want fasting or it wasn't always effective, is that what He was saying in Isaiah? [Isaiah 58]
2014-12-12 Fasting: What's commanded or expected of us in the New Testament when it comes to Fasting? Is there a certain amount of time we should fast? Should we be listening for the prompting of the Holy Spirit? What are we to fast? The new fad is to fast from internet, computers, tv. Is that acceptable?
Mental Lust Grounds for Divorce: Is lust which happens in the heart grounds for divorce or only actual physical adultery, fornication?
2014-08-06 Praying to Dead Saints: What do you think about praying to dead saints?
Lent & Fasting: What are your views about Lent & Fasting?
2014-02-21 Fasting & Textus Receptus or Alexadrian text: Did Jesus say to only pray, or fast & pray? Do we use the Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text? [Matthew 17:20-22, Mark 9:29]
2014-02-21 Fasting: Caller wanted to comment on something she heard about fasting earlier,
2013-10-21 Gadarenes/Gergesenes: Who were the Gergesenes? A mixture of Jews & Gentiles? [Matthew 8:28]
Fasting & Mourning: Does Fasting mean Mourning?
"Tear is made worse": What did Jesus mean by not putting a new piece of garment patch on an old garment? or putting wine in old wineskins? [Matthew 9:16]
2013-10-21 Fasting but Joy & Gladness: I'm confused because it says in Zechariah that they were fasting, but having joy & gladness & being cheerful? [Zechariah 8:18-19]
2013-09-11 Corporate or Individual Prayer: Which is more effective, individual or corporate prayer? [James 5:16, Matthew 18:20]
2013-07-19 Fasting for Control of the Mind: Has the guy who thinks mind control is happening ever tried fasting?
2013-07-10 Fasting: Would you talk about fasting? [Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15]
2013-01-17 Baptist Church: Is it okay to go to the Baptist church?
Fasting to Overcome Addictions: Is it okay to fast to overcome sin & addictions?
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