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Topic: Idioms

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Help from Angels (St Germain): Are you familiar with St. Germain and the book "The Magic Presence" (by Ray Godfre King and Guy Ballard)?
The "Single Eye" (Greed or Generosity): In the verses that follow The Lord's Prayer, there is a reference to the "single eye." Can you clarify? [Matthew 6:22-29].
2024-03-27 3 Days & 3 Nights: How are the 3 days and 3 nights calculated? And compared to Jonah? [Matthew 12:40, Jonah 2:1, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Mark 9:31, Luke 24:46].
2024-03-21 Paul "I died daily": What did Paul actually say, "I died daily" or "I faced death daily?" [1 Corinthians 15:3--31, Luke 15:24, Romans 4:19-24, Hebrews 11:12-14].
2024-03-05 "Desire for Thy Husband": Would you explain the second part of the verse in Genesis 3:16, that says "thy desire shall be to thy husband?" [Genesis 3:16, Genesis 4:7].
The Legacy Standard Bible: What do you think of "The Legacy Standard Bible?"
2024-02-08 Divorce & Separation: Caller makes a case for the importance of giving a woman a legal divorce, referring to the intent in scripture. [Matthew 5:31].
2024-01-24 Three Days in the Tomb (Passover, Sabbath, Resurrection): Can you help me reconcile the timeline irregularities of the "three days and three nights" in the tomb (considering the Sabbath, the Passover, and the resurrection)?
Sabbath of Jesus' Death: Did Jesus die on a high Sabbath?
2023-12-15 Hate Mother & Father, Wife, Children: Could you explain the verse in Luke about "hating mother and father?" [Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37, Genesis 29:31-35, Matthew 6:24-26].
2023-11-27 Against the wicked: Are some of the Psalms written against the wicked written to those that cannot return from their wicked ways? [Psalm 109:6, Psalm 139, Acts 14:19-20, Acts 28, John7:24, Matthew 7], John :32, John 1:11-12, John 8]
2023-08-18 "Abomination of Desolation": What is the "Abomination of Desolation?" [Mark 13:14, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20-21, Luke 21:32, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11].
2023-06-23 "Good Eye" & "Lamp of the Body": What does it mean to say the "eye as a lamp of the body?" [Matthew 6:23].
2023-06-14 Differences in New Testament Quote: Could you explain why the Psalm verses quoted in Hebrews doesn't seem to have the same meaning when it is quoted? [Psalm 95:11, Hebrews 4:3, Genesis 2:1-3, Hebrews 4:10-11, Hebrews10:1-4, Hebrews 10:11].
2022-08-08 Resurrection Not on Sunday: Caller disagrees with the idea that Jesus rose on Sunday? [I Corinthians 15, Matthew 12:40, Romans 14:5].
2022-07-04 Resurrection on the Third Day: What is the parallel between Jesus saying He would raise up the temple in 3 days, and His resurrection? [I Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 12:40, John 2:19].
2022-05-16 Ezekiel Has Not Happened: Isn't it proof that Ezekiel has not yet happened, because of the mention of the city, Hemenah, that has not existed yet? [Ezekiel 39:16, Ezekiel 39:22, Ezekiel 38-39].
United States in Ezekiel: Did you know that the United States is in Ezekiel?
2022-04-13 3 Days & 3 Nights in the Tomb: Could you talk about the disparity of the 3 days and 3 nights prediction for the days Jesus was in the tomb, if He was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday? [Matthew 12:40].
2022-03-02 Jonah & Jesus-Number of Days in Whale & Tomb: Could you clarify the contradiction between the number of days Jonah in the whale and the days Jesus was in the tomb?
2021-11-10 "Kingdom or God" or "Kingdom of Heaven": Can you clarify the difference between the "Kingdom of God" and the "Kingdom of Heaven"? [Matthew 19:23-24].
Kingdom of God Defined: What is meant by scripture describing of what the Kingdom of God consists-"righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit"? [Romans 14:17].
Old & New Covenants: How do the two covenants overlap? Recommended topical lecture; "Torah Observance."
2021-10-25 Renew Again to Repentance: Could you help me sort out if one can return to Christ once they have fallen away? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Matthew 19:23-26, James 5:20].
2021-08-27 3 Days Between Friday & Sunday Problematic: Could explain the problem with the 3 days not adding up between the crucifixion and the resurrection? [Matthew 12:40].
2021-05-11 The Controversy of the 3 Days in the Tomb: What do you think of my idea about why the 3 days for the resurrection doesn't really add up to 3 days? [I Corinthians 15:4].
2021-01-07 Carrying One's Cross: How far does one carry the cross, say in the event we need to defend our country? [Luke 14:27, Matthew 16:24].
Hate Our Mother & Father, Wife & Children: What does Jesus mean when He says we must hate our father and our mother, wife and children? [Luke 14:26-27, Luke 14:33, Malachi 1:3, Matthew 6:23, Genesis 29:30-31].
2020-05-11 Limited Negative: Where did you learn of the idiom, the "limited negative"?
2016-07-22 Ashes to Ashes: Why is it that you hear "ashes to ashes & dust to dust", where does that come from?
2016-07-22 Jacob have I loved, Esau have I Hated: "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated", I've always been troubled with that passage of scripture [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13, Genesis 29:30-31]
2016-02-23 Biblical Inerrancy: Caller doesn't believe in Biblical inerrancy & wondering if Steve can comment on it. [1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Titus 1:12]
2015-09-08 Works as a Result of Faith, Enduring to the End: Our good works are a result of our strong faith, is that right? What does "Enduring to the End" mean? [Matthew 24:12-13, Matthew 10:22 22]
Taking the Bible literally or figuratively, Idioms: Does Steve take the Bible more literally or figuratively?
2015-07-22 A Paraphrased Bible: Caller heard that Steve doesn't like Paraphrased Bibles, but she explains why she loves them, especially when it comes to idioms.
2014-08-04 Light of the Body: What does this passage of Scripture mean about the Eye being the Light of the Body? [Matthew 6:22-23]
2013-02-19 Esau He Hated: Could you shed some light on the scripture about "Jacob I have loved and Esau I have hated"? [Romans 9:12-12, Malachi 1:2-5, Genesis 29:18, Genesis 29:31, Matthew 6:24, Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37].
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