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Topic: Matthew (Apostle)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-23 Olivet Discourse: Could you explain the meaning of "the sign of his coming" in Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse)? Rec: for Steve's Bible study notes. [Matthew 24:3, Isaiah 19:1, Revelation 2:4-5, Acts 1:11].
2023-10-27 Olivet Discourse & The End of the Age: Where did the phrase about the "end of the age" in the Olivet Discourse [Luke 17, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24].
Matthew's Grouping of Events: How does one prove that Matthew is grouping (and conflating) events more by subject (Sermon on the Mount, Missionary, Parables, Relationships, Olivet Discourse), rather than chronologically? [Matthew 5-7, Matthew 10, Matthew 13, Matthew 18, Matthew 24-25].
2023-09-14 Good Works No Longer Required: Caller postulates that we no longer have to do good works. [1 John 2:4, Titus 1:16, Galatians 5:6, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:14, Romans 2:17-24, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, Matthew 7:21-26, Romans 2:8].
2023-08-11 Typological Fulfillments: Doesn't the original prophetic "type" have to make sense to those immediately involved? [Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 8:8 Luke 24:45, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Corinthians 3:14, Romans 16:25-26, 1 Corinthians 2:8-11, Ephesians 3:1-6, Colossians 1:26, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:15].
2023-07-05 Matthew 24, AD 70, Second Coming & End Times: Was Jesus talking about AD 70 or the end of the world in Matthew 24? Rec: Steve's book "Why Not Full Preterism?"[Matthew 24:34-35].
2023-02-27 Pastor Not Giving Time to His Family: If a pastor's wife is divorcing him because he is not giving enough time to his family, what scripture can you share? [1 Timothy3:4, Matthew 10:37, Luke 14:26].
2022-05-25 Prophecies to be Fulfilled in the Future: Are there any future prophecies that are still far off, in Daniel or Revelation, other than the destruction of earth? [Acts 1:11, 2 Peter 3, I Thessalonians 4:16, I Corinthians 15, Matthew 25].
2022-04-29 Number Our Days & Current Events: Since scripture says to number our days, and watch for signs, how do you view current events relative to end times? [Psalm 90:12, I Chronicles 12:32, I John 4:1-3, Matthew 28:19, Matthew 23:23].
2022-04-06 One or Two Demon Possessed Men?: Can you explain why the other gospels don't say that there were two demon possessed men, but only mention one. [Matthew 8:28-34 ].
Unconditional Love: Can you explain "unconditional love" and what that specifically means? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:37].
2022-03-24 Olivet Discourse-Two Events?: Is Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse) about two separate events? [Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Matthew 24:34, Luke 21:23, Matthew 23:35, Luke 21:20, Romans 2:9-10, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:15, Luke 17:22-37, Luke 11:51]. Lectures and notes are recommended. Notes at
2022-02-22 Jesus and the Kosher Diet: Where did Jesus address the issue of food and diet making all food acceptable? [Mark 7:15, Matthew 15:11, Leviticus 11:13].
Jews Offended by Jesus: Was the dismissal of the Kosher diet one of the reasons that the Jews were so offended by Jesus?
2021-12-06 Old Testament Support of Children in Heaven: Doesn't the scripture in Samuel, where David says he will go to his child one day, indicate that children go to heaven to be with God? [2 Samuel 12:23, Mark 10:15].
Jesus Said Hell Exists: Doesn't the fact the Jesus talks about hell in various ways, such as weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicate that hell does exist? [Revelation 20:10, Matthew 25:41, I Timothy 6:16, Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28].
2021-12-03 Christian Ministers Living with Great Wealth: Some ministers brag on how much their chandeliers cost and have expensive jets, and yet if drug dealers can live that way, why not Christians? [2 Timothy 2:3-4, 1 Corinthians 4:8-11, Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58].
2021-11-19 Praying to Jesus: What do you think about praying to Jesus? [John 16:23-26, Ephesians 3:14, Acts 7:59, Revelation 22:20, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:15-26, Acts 4:24-27].
2021-07-28 "Son of Man" Coming on the Clouds: What was your response to the question about when Jesus said, "you will see the Son of Man coming on the Clouds” in Mark 14, to those that never actually saw it? [Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:61-62, Daniel 7:13-14, John 1:51, Genesis 28:12].
2021-07-21 Love, Justice, Mercy: Could you share the verses you were referring to in regard to the components of love being, justice, faithful mercy? [Matthew 23:23, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 42:1-12, Matthew 7:12, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5-7].
2020-12-16 Ministry to Eldercare: Why is it so hard to get people to care for and visit the elderly as part of their ministry? [I Timothy 5:4, Matthew 25:36, Luke 6:31].
2020-12-10 Jesus & His Disciple's Relationship: Do you think that James, John, Andrews & Peter had the time to get to know Jesus before they were actually called as disciples? [John 1].
2020-09-22 Over or Under-Confidence in One's Salvation: Some people seem almost pretentious in their salvation, and yet I don't feel that way, can you comment? [Matthew 7:13, Luke 13:24, I Peter 14:18, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 16:24-26, James 3:1].
Lord, Lord, but He Never Knew Them: How could the people do works in his name, but end up not really saved? [Matthew 7:21, I Corinthians 13, I John 3:14].
2018-01-03 Matthew Taking Notes: (Comment on yesterday's 4th call) Caller believes Matthew may have taken good notes.
Israelite Tribal Marraige: Did Israelites marrying outside their tribe?
2013-10-07 Matthew a Disciple: What Matthew actually one of the 12 disciples of Jesus?
2013-05-14 Elder Under Church Discipline: Can you help me sort out the situation our church is in regarding an elder that has been put under church discipline for divisiveness? [Titus 3:10, Matthew 18:15-17, Proverbs 13:10].
2013-05-08 "Heaping Coals on Their Head": Could you comment on the biblical phrase "to heap coals on their head?" [Romans 12:19-21, Proverbs 25:21-22, Matthew 5:44].
2013-04-25 Catholic: Call No Man "Father": Catholic caller; Scripture must not be absolute about not calling any man "Father", since scripture seems to contradict this in numerous places. [Matthew 23:8-9, Romans 4:1, Romans 4:11-12, Romans 9:10, I Corinthians 4:15, Philippians 2:22, I Peter 5:13].
Calling Religious Leaders "Father": Is there anything in the New Testament that indicates that the Pharisees were called "fathers"? [Acts 7:1].
2013-04-09 Limited Government Authority: What do you think of my paraphrase of the scriptures about submitting to government authority? [I Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13].
Judgment Seat of Christ: What is the "judgment seat of Christ"? [Revelation 20:11-15, 2 Corinthians 5:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46].
2013-03-29 All Power Given to Jesus: Was there a power shift when Jesus gained 'all authority"? Was He getting back the authority that He had given up as a man? [Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:7, John 17:5].
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