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Topic: Anxiety (Stress)

Showing 1 to 22 of 22.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-28 Alternative Counselors (to Psychology): As an alternative to going to a psychologist, who would you suggest as a counselor?
2024-05-07 Mental Illness: Regarding both your comments and MacArthur's about mental illness, do you think that a Christian shouldn't have anxiety and depression?
2024-03-11 Fear & Faith-Practically Trusting God: Practically, how do we show faith amid fear and anxiety? [Luke 8:25, Matthew 6:33].
2023-06-28 Relaxation & Entertainment: How do you relax and use your free time - in a way to glorify God?
2022-07-08 Bad News & Conspiracy Theories: Isn't it better to just not listen to all the bad news and conspiracy theories, rather than fill up your mind with it? [Psalm 2:11-4].
2021-12-23 Feeling Overwhelmed: Could you encourage me as I am feeling overwhelmed and am struggling, even after I put on the whole armor of God? [2 Timothy 2:3, Ephesians 6:10, Isaiah 40:31].
Grace & Power: How do we actually get the grace and power of the Holy Spirit? [Ephesians 2:8, Romans 5:2, I Corinthians 15:10, I Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 4:16].
2021-09-28 Christian Counseling & Mental Health Issues: As a person who suffers from O.C.D., I am going through your lecture "Biblical Counsel for a Change", what can I do to avoid taking medications, etc.?
2021-04-27 Comment on Demon Possession vs Oppression: Caller clarifies the idea of being possessed by demons would be different from by influenced by demons.
Deep-breathing for Anxiety: Why is the practice of deep-breathing for anxiety looked down upon as if it is pagan. [Philippians 1:4].
2021-04-16 Conspiracies-Anxiety or Surrender: Since I have gotten caught up with various conspiracies like the illuminati, etc., I decided to just surrender to God, particularly since I don't have any control anyway, but I am also conflicted, because I feel as though I am giving up. Can you help? [Isaiah 8:12, I Peter 3:15, Revelation 20:3, I Corinthians 15:25, Psalms 110:1, Psalm 2:1-7, Acts 4:25-26].
2021-04-06 Can a Christian Have a Demon?: Is there a way to tell if you have a demon, even though you are a Christian, rather than just some sort of medical or other disorder? [I John 4:4, Luke 10:19, James 4:7, I Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5].
2021-02-08 Suffering in Trials: Can you give me some scripture to help me through the suffering of these really devastating past few years ? Recommended lecture: "Making Sense of Suffering." [Job, Psalms].
Going to Bible College (Seminary): Should I go to Bible college (Seminary) if I want to learn more about the Bible? [Psalm 119:99].
2021-01-29 Mental Health, Counseling & Psychotherapy: Is it too extreme to say that one doesn't need psycho-therapists to heal mental health issues? Isn't Jesus is enough? Lecture: "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
2020-07-29 Depression or Mental Disorders: How does one respond to someone claiming a mental disorder or depression, when it may well be a spiritual issue, rather than a medical condition?
How to become a Christian: What does one become a Christian?
Identifying Sin in One's Life: How does one identify a crippling sin in one's life? [I John 1:7].
2018-01-18 Anxiety: Is anxiety a sin?
2017-09-26 Assurance of Salvation: I used to be in the Music business, but I developed problems with my ears, & can't do that anymore, but I've been looking at end time events seeming to fall in place, & I'm questioning my salvation & wondering what to do?
2017-03-24 Overcoming Trials: Can you give me some verses that will encourage me w/ the trials that I've been going through the last 3 months?
2017-01-04 Mental Illness & Demon-Possession: Counseling about mental illness, depression, anxiety, demonic-possession
2016-09-21 Spiritual Warfare: Caller has friends dealing with anxiety, depression & other mental issues. Does Gregg have any lectures that deals with this kind've thing?
2016-02-26 Spiritual Attacks or God's Testing: I'm trying to differentiate between having spiritual attacks from the devil or is God orchestrating testing?
2015-09-24 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Caller has anxiety, worry about the new situation he has found himself in as he's about to get a divorce, it sometimes getting the best of him & wants some Scripture to lean on, or some advice listen to.
2015-01-13 Attacked from the Enemy (Satan): How would you describe being attacked by the enemy (the devil)?
2013-12-27 Be Anxious for Nothing: Caller just wants to be thankful & ask for prayer & wants to remind people to be anxious for nothing. [Philippians 4:6-7]
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