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Topic: Charging (Salary) for Ministry

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-20 Paying a Salary to Pastors: In light of the verse about pastors being "due double honor" and "don't muzzle the ox," what do you think about paying a pastor a salary? [1 Timothy 5:17-18, Matthew 10:8, Luke 8:1-3].
2023-11-16 Pastor's Salaries: What do you think about going to a church where the pastor is paid a salary? [Matthew 10:8, Galatians 1:10].
2023-04-11 Paying Musicians in Church: Do you think it is acceptable to pay the church musciians? [Nehemiah 12:27, 2 Chronicles 5:13, Nehemiah 13:10-22, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Philippians 4:12]. (Caller's audio is very poor.)
2022-09-21 Rich Ministers & Evangelists: Can a minister who has used the ministry to make themselves really rich be a good Christian? Are they whitewashed tombs?
2022-04-27 Enthusiasm for Ministry: Now that I am on staff and being paid, how do I keep my same devotion and enthusiasm as I had when I was volunteering for this same ministry?
Enabling the Homeless: Are we enabling and doing a diservice to the homeless when we serve them every night? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2019-09-16 Bible Teacher's & Preacher's Fees: What do you think about these Bible teacher's and preachers who charge enormous fees? [Matthew 10:8, 21:12-13].
2019-01-21 Strong Man: Would you explain the passage about the Strong Man? Does it apply to us being freed as believers? [Mark 3:26-28].
Paying Church Staff & Pastors: What does the Bible say about paying professional church staff, preachers, and pastors? [Galatians 6:6, I Timothy 5:18, Luke 10:7}.
2018-11-20 Calvary Chapel's Music: How did so many Christian Church bands happen to come out of the Calvary Chapel in the 70s?
2018-07-23 Pastors receiving a Salary: Should pastors receive a salary? [Matthew 10]
2018-07-03 Charging for the Gospel: Why do Ministers charge for the gospel?
2018-05-21 Charging for Ministry - Financial Peace University: Charging for the ministry, that shouldn't be. It should be free. What about ministries like Dave Ramsey & Financial Peace University?
2018-04-05 Ministers Living High on the Hog: Ministers that are living in luxury, how is that okay?
2017-11-29 Wealthy Pastors: Pastors who have a lot of money in their accounts, charging for the ministry.
2017-10-12 Pastors Getting Wealthy off the Gospel: What do you think about ministers living high off the hog?
2017-08-07 Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]
2017-02-01 First Fruits: How does the Old Testament & New Testament differentiate between "first fruits"?
Charging for ministry: Charging for healing ministries?
2016-09-12 Charging for Leadership Classes: What does Steve think of people charging for leadership courses just to teach the Bible?
Identifying Speaker in Isaiah: It says in the Isaiah that the "...Lord GOD, and His Spirit, hath sent Me.", who is the me?/Me? Is this referring to Jesus? Is it in relation to the Godhead/Trinity? [Isaiah 48:16b]
2016-06-07 Charging for Ministry in Contrast to Raising Money: What about raising money to support a ministry as opposed to charging for ministry.
2016-05-26 Charging for Ministry: Caller discusses about charging for the ministry, even to attend a Bible Study. They talk about what the Didache says about it.
2015-05-19 Pastoral Income: How should Pastors derive at their income? Should they all make tents like Paul did?
2015-02-24 Charging for the Gospel: It's one thing to be charging for talent (a music show, a play), but what about charging for the gospel, to hear the actual gospel? I never thought I'd see the day.
2014-10-31 Sozo: The Sozo Movement performs these things, inner healings, praying for you, for you to receive the Holy Spiri, how to break Generational Curses, if you pay a "nominal fee" of $150.
2013-05-21 Pastor's Salary: How do you figure out the pastor's salary? [Matthew 10:8, Galatians 6:6, I Timothy 5:17].
2013-02-08 Donating: Donating to Steve Gregg personally & donating to the Ministry, how does he do both?
Apostle Smith: Apostle Smith wants to charge for the gospel.
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