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Topic: Life

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-14 The Word "Nephesh": Caller hopes to share his thoughts about the word "nephesh" translated as "soul" or "life." [Leviticus 17:11-14].
2024-04-25 Light from God in Created Souls: Is Ezekiel 18 saying that the light from God creates each individual soul? What about John 1? [Ezekiel 18:4, Psalm 24:1, John 1:9].
2024-04-25 When the Soul is Created: What are your thoughts about when the soul or spirit is created?
2024-02-22 Born Again: What exactly does the phrase "you must be born again" mean? [John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38-41, 2 Peter 1:4, Romans 10:9-11].
2023-12-21 Steve Gregg's Income: Do you get any money from the sales of your books? What about when you travel to Australia for ministry? How do you pay for that?
Lifespan & Longevity in Genesis: What about the lifespans described in Genesis? Why did they live so long, and lifespans change so dramatically before and after the flood?
DNA of Jesus: Do you have any thoughts on the DNA of Jesus?
2023-12-21 Longevity in Genesis: What do you think about my considerations of the longevity noted in Genesis?
2023-11-30 Years Given to Mankind: Why would God extend man’s life span to 120 years during the period of God’s wrath on mankind? [Genesis 6:3]
2023-05-31 Quickened: Do you know of anyone who has been quickened? [Ephesians 2:1-10, John 5:21].
2023-04-06 Jewish Expectations About the Messiah-on the Road to Emmaus: What were the two on the Road to Emmaus expecting of the Messiah when they indicated that they thought He would redeem Israel? [Luke 24:21, Acts 1:6, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 1:7, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Romans 9:6]
Life Span: Why do you think that the life span of humans drops so significantly after the flood? [Genesis 1:7].
2023-02-23 Islam, Koran & Allah: Is God, the Father, the same as the Muslim's Allah? [Acts 17:23-31, John 10:30].
Life as a Test: It doesn't sit well with me to think this life is a test? Is it? [2 Timothy 2:12].
2022-11-23 Atheist-His Limited Lifetime: How do you not lose the will to go on in this life, when it is just a drop in the bucket in light of your mistaken idea that there is and afterlife in eternity?
Catholicism: Were not many very intelligent people Catholics?
2022-10-27 The Television Show "Chosen": Comment about the producers of the show "Chosen?"
Long Lives Recorded in Genesis: Could you comment on the long lives of people recorded in Genesis? [Pslam 90:10].
Jesus Calls Mary "Woman": Is there something significant about it when Jesus spoke to his mother and called her "woman?" [John 2:4].
2022-08-11 The Way, the Truth, the Life: Could you expand on the meaning and implication of he word "truth" in the phrase "the way, the truth, and the life?" [John 1:1, John 1:9, John 1:4, John 14:6, John 8:12].
2022-07-18 Literal Genesis Creation & when Life Begins in the Womb: Caller shares his view of the literalness of pre-Abrahamic Genesis and the moment life begins.[Genesis 1-11, Genesis 4, Luke 11:51, Matthew 19:4, Matthew 24:37-39, Leviticus 17:11].
2022-04-08 No Afterlife: How do you respond to someone who doesn't believe in the afterlife and therefore have no incentive to live a better life now?
2021-06-14 Light & Good Works for Evangelism: Does my light (life) and good works have a part in the salvation of others? [Titus 2:14, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2021-05-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-04-30 Steve's Way of Handling a Disagreement Call from an Atheism: Caller commends Steve's way of handling callers who disagree with him, particularly one with an atheist regarding abortion:
2021-04-29 Pro-choice & Restrictive Views of Christian: Pro-choice caller defends the position, criticizing the religious Christian community, particularly for imposing their restrictive views on others.
2021-04-21 Commending of Steve Gregg's Humility and Gentleness: Caller commends Steve's patience with a previous caller, which exhibited the spirit of the Lord. [2 Timothy 2:25].
Human Value & the Miracle of Conception: Caller enthusiastically shares view of the miracle of conception.
2021-01-26 David Wilkerson Prophecy: Have you heard of the David Wilkerson prophecy?
The "Last Adam" as Life Giver: Could you help me understand the second part of I Corinthians 15:45 when it says that the last Adam became a "life-giving spirit"? [I Corinthians 15:45, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 15:16].
Adoption: What are the verses about adoption about? [Romans 8:15-16].
2021-01-05 To Live is Christ: Could you make sense of Paul's statement, "to live is Christ, but to die is gain"? [Philippians 1:21, Colossians 3:4]. (Same caller as 6th caller.)
2020-11-24 Blood Spoken of Frequently in Scripture: Why does the Bible speak so much about blood? [Leviticus 17:1, Hebrews 9:22].
The Baptist Denomination: What are the pros and cons of the Baptist denomination?
2020-11-12 Is an Embryo Alive: Where does it say in the Bible that the embryo is living? [Luke 1:41, Leviticus 17:11].
Baby Dies in Womb, Where Does it Go: If a baby dies in the womb, does it go into another body for another chance to live?
2020-08-12 Soul at the Time of Conception: Do we have a soul at the time of conception?
Baptism Requirement for Salvation: What do you think of those that indicate that just believing is sufficient for salvation, and do not mention baptism? [Acts 8].
2020-07-23 Abortion and the Beginning of Life: When do you think life begins? What do you think about abortion? [Leviticus 17:11].
2020-03-03 Choosing Salvation for our Children: Is this verse saying that the children of Christians will be saved, if we choose life for them? [Deuteronomy 30:19]
Blue Ribbons, Fringe, & Black Israelites: As a particular religious sect suggests, do we still have to wear Blue Ribbons and fringe, since scripture says, "from generation to generation"? [Numbers 15:38].
2019-08-08 Entangled in the Affairs of This Life: What does scripture mean when it says that no one who is in warfare entangles themselves with "the affairs of this life"? [2 Timothy 2:1-4, I Corinthians 10:31].
2019-07-19 Abundant Life: Did you understand what I shared about the three different words for "life" (Zoe, Psuche, bios).
2019-07-17 Greek for "Life": Caller shared some information: The Greek words; zoe, psuche, bios, all are usually translated as "life" (and sometimes soul). Zoe, which means, "divine, uncreated life", is used in John 10:10.
2018-12-27 Soul, Spirit, & the Breath of Life: Can you define the soul, spirit & the breath of life, is there a distinction between the 3?
2018-11-21 Never Die: "He who believes in Me will NEVER DIE", what does "never die" mean because everyone has died? John 11:26
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
2018-02-21 Tithing: Is tithing a biblical principle?
Life in Other Parts of the Universe: Is there life in other parts of the universe with which God interacts?
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-07-06 Meaning of Life: What is the meaning of life?
2017-03-07 Our Days being Numbered: Can you tell me some verses about God knowing how many days exactly we have? [Psalms 139:16]
Aborted Babies: What about babies who are aborted?
2016-12-13 Jesse Duplantis: Does Steve know anything about him, God has power to take human life, but doesn't have the authority to take them.
2016-08-29 Faith is Strong, Will to live Weak: What happens when faith is strong, but will to live is weak?
2016-05-13 Determining Death: Who has the authority to determine when we die? [Matthew 10:29-31]
2016-05-06 Our Days are Numbered Exactly: It says in these 2 verses of the Bible that God control's the number of days that we should live. Do you take these verses literally? [Job 14:5, Psalms 139:16]
2016-03-02 Life More Abundant: According to a verse in John, what does it mean to have life & have it more abundantly? [John 10:10]
2016-02-19 No More Repentance Required: since we are under grace, once we accept Jesus we no longer have to pray for forgiveness? Is that true?
Shedding of Blood: Why was the shedding of blood necessary?
2016-01-07 God's Sovereignty & Our Free Will: God has His sovereignty & He gave us free will, but what about Him allowing people to commit murder, allowing people to commit suicide? A person can shorten their life sooner than God was intending them to die, but they can't live longer than He wants.
God's Sovereignty & Child-bearing: What about a couple wanting children but God not allowing it?
2015-05-26 Lifespan of Humans Before Flood: What is the most satisfactory explanation Steve knows of for people living so long before the Flood but suddenly shorter lives a while after the Flood?
2015-03-03 Women out living men: Women tend to live out men, so how about when the men were living to be 800 or 900 years old?
2014-05-15 Life in Jesus: Was there a time Jesus didn't have life in Himself? [John 5:26]
2013-05-30 God Allowing Suffering: Could you expand on why God allows suffering and allow some bad people to live long lives, while others die so young-especially for skeptic?
2013-05-23 Science & God: Caller shares quotes from Josh McDowell regarding science and God. Recommended book "Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity".
2013-05-03 Number of Years Given to Man (lifespan): Is there a contradiction between scriptures saying we have 70 vs 120 years? [Psalm 90:70, Genesis 6:3, Genesis 10].
2013-05-02 Moses' Age: Can we assume that people were routinely living to the age of 70 in the day of Moses? [Psalm 90:10].
Obession with Age: Could the obession with age go back to the idea that people at one time lived much longer (pre-Moses, prediluvian)?
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