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Topic: Mystery

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-26 Mystery Babylon: Who is Mystery Babylon? [Revelation 17:5].
2024-03-22 Mystery Babylon & Harlot: Who is "Mystery Babylon" and "Harlot" were the church, would she have daughters? [Revelation 17-19, Matthew 23:34, Revelation 11:8].
2024-03-13 Ascension into Outer Space: If Jesus ascended and went up into the sky, where did He go? [Acts 17:28].
2024-01-19 The "Mystery": What is the "mystery" in Ephesians 1? Is it the same mystery of Christ dwelling in us? [Ephesians 1:9-10, Ephesians 3:4]
"All Things in Christ" (Pre-millennialism): Could you explain why the dispensations in Ephesians 1:10 presents a dilemma for pre-millennialists? [Ephesians 1:10].
Eve's Mistake: Regarding Eve not necessarily adding to scripture by adding the words "do not touch" the fruit - if it happened before the fall, would that alter your opinion? [Genesis 3:3].
2023-04-27 Born of the Spirit-Unknown Mysteries of God: Is this verse about not knowing where the wind comes from, saying that salvation is just a mystery, and a proof text for Calvinists? [John 3:8].
2022-11-17 The Mystery-Christ & His Bride: Isn't the mystery to which the Apostle Paul refers, actually about when Jesus left his parents to join His bride (the church). [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31-32, Matthew 19:4-6].
2022-01-28 Promise to Israel: What is the promise referred to in Ephesians 3? [Ephesians 3:6, Galatians 3:7-9, Galatians 3:14, John 8:37-39, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
2021-10-01 Kenosis Theory-Jesus 100%man: Are you familiar with the theory that Jesus was 100% man, but was sinless with all the gifts? [Philippians 2:6-11, I Timothy 3:16].
2021-06-24 Similarity of I Peter and Ephesians: Are I Peter and Ephesians very similar?
Angels Seeing God's Plan Revealed on Earth: What does it mean that the "angels long to see" In I Peter 1? [I Peter 1:12, I Corinthians 2:6-9, Ephesians 3:10].
God's Universal Plan: Is God's plan for the whole universe, not just the earth?
2021-03-23 Rightly Dividing the Word of God: What do you think about rightly dividing the word of God? [2 Timothy 2:15].
The Mysteries of the Church and the Rapture: Why don't churches talk about the mysteries Paul talks about? [Matthew 6, I Thessalonians 4:14-18, I Corinthians 15:51, Revelation 7:14, I Thessalonians 3:4, Matthew 16:33, John 6:39, John 6:44, John 6:54].
2020-10-19 Great Mystery and Change: Could you talk about the great mystery about when we shall all be changed? [I Corinthians 15:50, I Thessalonians 4:16-17].
Resurrection "All-in-All": Does the resurrection passages have anything to do with the scripture, "all in all"? [I Corinthians 15:28].
2020-07-14 The Harlot & Mystery Babylon: Could you talk about the Harlot and Mystery Babylon and what it means to "come out" of Babylon? [Revelation 18:3-4].
2020-07-13 PayPay for Donations: Can we use PayPay to donate that now?
Third Temple Mystery: Isn't the Third Temple the mystery of Christ and the church?
2017-07-13 Mystery of Godliness: "Mystery of Godliness" what does this mean, God becaming Man? Caller gives a couple of his idea of what it might mean [1 Timothy 3:16]
2017-03-23 Mystery of God: Can you explain Revelation 10:7? [Revelation 10:7]
2013-09-12 The Mystery of the Kingdoms: Why didn't Jesus want to make known the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, speaking to them in the parables so they couldn't understand it?
Revealing Kingdom of God to Paul: Why did Jesus want to make the Kingdom of God known to Paul since he didn't care about it?
"All things are by Him & for Him": What does all things are by Jesus & for Jesus? [Colossian 1:16]
2013-05-23 Atheist Promotes Science: Atheist; How can we determine what is supernatural? Could it not just be the natural that we don't yet understand? What does "supernatural mean?"
2013-01-11 Defining God & Trinity: What is the definition of God?
2013-01-04 God's Sovereignty: Though we don't believe in Calvinism, can't He make people do what He wants should He choose?
Christians Mystics (T.Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A. W. Tozer): What do you know about T. Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A.W.Tozer who are often identified as Christian mysticism?
"Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin": We hear "Love the Sinner, but hate the sin", but how is one able to love those who murder and rape.
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