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Topic: Jews Saved

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-23 Scripture in contradiction: How does one align Romans 11 and Hebrews 6 concerning the Jew's salvation and the olive tree? [Romans 11:22-23, Hebrews 6:4-6, Hebrews 17:6, Isaiah 42:6, 2 Peter 2:20-21].
2022-05-18 Do Jews Need Jesus?: How do I respond to those who think that as a Jew they do not need Jesus, but feel that it is sufficient that they have the Father? [Jeremiah 31:31-33, Leviticus 17:11, Leviticus 16].
2021-12-03 "All Israel Will be Saved": What do you think about this possibility regarding the scripture "all Israel will be saved"? Recommended verse-by-verse lectures. [Romans 11:22-23].
2021-11-03 Chronology of Events in End Times: Could you talk about the chronology of events in the end times? [2 Thessalonians 1:8, Hebrews 12:23, Revelation 21-22, 2 Peter 3:10-13, John 12:48, I Corinthians 1:7].
Jews on New Earth-Gentile in Heaven: Will the Jews be the ones who will be on the new earth, and we, the gentiles, will be in heaven?
All Israel Will be Saved: How do you explain that "all Israel will be saved"? Are all Jews saved? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9-11, Hosea 1:9, Isaiah 10:22, Jeremiah 23:5, Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 50:5, Psalm 50:16, Jeremiah 11:16].
2021-11-03 Chronology of Events in End Times: Could you talk about the chronology of events in the end times? [2 Thessalonians 1:8, Hebrews 12:23, Revelation 21-22, 2 Peter 3:10-13, John 12:48, I Corinthians 1:7].
Jews on New Earth-Gentile in Heaven: Will the Jews be the ones who will be on the new earth, and we, the gentiles, will be in heaven?
All Israel Will be Saved: How do you explain that "all Israel will be saved"? Are all Jews saved? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9-11, Hosea 1:9, Isaiah 10:22, Jeremiah 23:5, Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 50:5, Psalm 50:16, Jeremiah 11:16].
2021-06-01 "Son of God" in the Old Testament: Caller questions Steve's statement that "Son of God" doesn't appear in the Old Testament. [Psalm 2:7, 2 Samuel 7:12, Proverbs 30:4, Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5, Isaiah 9:6].
The Remnant of Israel: Could you comment on the passage in Romans 11 about the salvation of the Jews and the remnant of Israel? [Romans 11:11-25, Romans 9-11, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27].
2021-05-25 What More is Required of the Jew: A Jew argued that 2 Chronicles 7:14 indicates that God doesn't require anything more of us to be saved. [2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 10:21-22, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-05-06 Jewish Man Considering the Evidence for Messiah, Jesus: As a Jewish man with an open mind, can you help me get more clarity on Jesus as Messiah? [2 Samuel 7:1-17, Isaiah 53:6, Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 110:1, Isaiah 10:20-23, Isaiah 9:6].
2021-04-30 "All Israel Will be Saved": Could you help me make sense of the verse about "in this way, all Israel will be saved"? [Romans 9-11, 1 Corinthians 12-14, Romans 9:6, Romans 11:25-29, Hosea 1:9, Galatians 6:16, Jeremiah 11:16].
2021-04-28 Jesus as Savior & Messiah to the Jew: Could you direct me, as a Jew, to more information in regard to understanding Jesus as Savior? [Psalm 110:1].
2021-04-14 Salvation of Jews Before Jesus: How were Jews saved in the Old Testament and before Jesus? [James 4:6-7, Revelation 13:8, Romans 3:25-26, Romans 10:4].
2021-02-09 Jewish Christians: What exactly are Jewish Christians? [Galatians 4:10-11, Galatians 5:2-4].
2021-02-03 Israel & the Fruitless Tree: Is the parable about letting the fruitless tree have one more year before cutting it down about God, in His mercy, giving people one more chance? [Isaiah 5:7, Luke 13:1-9, Matthew 21:43].
2020-12-17 Jews Not Needing to be Saved by Jesus: Do Jews need to become Christians in order to be saved? [Hebrews 8:13, Jeremiah 31, Romans 7:1-4],
2020-06-26 God is Not a Racist - Insufficient: Isn't saying that "God is not a racist", an insufficient response to clarifying why God doesn't choose any racial group for carrying out His will? [Romans 2:5-10].
Calvinism-We Are Not Robots: Is it not insufficient to say that "we are not robots" in your argument regarding Calvinism and the matter of free-will and predestination?
2020-06-26 Steve's Favorite "ology": Do you have a favorite "ology" (eschatology, soteriology, etc.)?
Romans 11:25 (Olive Tree & Israel): Would you exegete Romans 11:25 (the olive tree, Israel)? [Romans 11:25-26].
Supersessioinism: Are you a Supersessionist? Do not the Jews get a second chance as seen in Hosea? [Hosea 6:1-3].
2020-06-19 New Testament Parallel to Hosea: Is there a New Testament verse that parallels to and explains Hosea 5? [Hosea 5:14-15, Ezekiel 37, Luke 21:20-22].
Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord: Doesn't this verse parallel Hosea 5, and therefore predict that the Jews will turn back to Christ? Matthew 23:39? [ Hosea 5:14-15, Matthew 23:39, Matthew 6, Zechariah 14].
2020-06-05 Literal Temple in the Future: Will there be a literal temple rebuilt by the Jews in the future?
Revelation Entirely Symbolic: Is the book of Revelation entirely symbolic? [Revelation 11:1-2, Matthew 23:39].
2020-05-22 All Israel Will be Saved-Defining Israel: Could you talk about "all Israel will be saved"? [Romans 11:17-26, Romans 9:6, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9-11, Jeremiah 11].
2020-05-22 Jews Identified or Black Jews (Black Israelites): What do you think about Jews being black (Black Israelites)? How do we know and identify those that are considered Jews?
Jews, Not Really Jews: What do you think about when the Bible says that some confess themselves to be Jews, but are not? [Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9].
2020-05-14 Dispensationalism & Dual Covenants: Do Dispensationalists believe that Jews will be saved outside of Christ? [Hebrews 8:13, Zechariah 12:10].].
Full-Preterism: Who could I read that would present the case for Full Preterism? [Revelation 11].
2020-05-11 Jesus Calling Jews to be Jews or Leave Judaism: Was Jesus actually asking Jews to leave their faith, or are Jews still suppose to still be Jews? [Numbers 18, Jeremiah 31].
2020-04-14 Judgment Different for Jews & Gentile: Is there a different level of judgment for Jews and gentiles? [Matthew 10:15, 11:24, Romans 2:6].
Questioning the Description of Hell in Daniel: You indicated that this verse in Daniel 11 & 12, doesn't apply to hell, can you clarify your position? [Daniel 2, 9, 12:2, Ezekiel 37, John 5:28, Luke 2:34, Matthew 5:24, I Peter 1:10-12].
2020-03-27 Kingdom of God Enacted: Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Kingdom of God: Who is being grafted into the kingdom - is it now primarily gentiles, rather than the Jews? [Romans 11:11f].
2020-03-23 Jews the Only Worshippers of God: Why were the Jews the only ones to have a relationship with God? [Hebrews 11].
2020-02-04 All Jews Saved: Could you explain why the Bible says that all Jews will be saved? [Romans 9:6, 27, 11:17-26, Jeremiah 11:16, 23:5-6]
2020-01-27 Jews-Saved Because They are His Chosen People: Do Jews have a special position as His chosen people, that will save them no matter whether they accept Christ or not? [Romans 2:6, 28-29, Revelation 2:9].
2020-01-22 Saved in Christ: Is there a distinction between being saved as a Jew versus a gentile? [Revelation 19:7-9, Psalm 2:8, I John 5:12, Romans 22:8-9].
2019-07-17 Saved Jews: Am I really anti-Semitic if I believe Jews who don't accept Jesus are not saved [John 13:20, 5:23].
2019-05-31 Hell (Steve's book): Just want to thank you (Steve Gregg) for the book you wrote about the scriptural views of hell (All You Want to Know about Hell, 3 Christian Views of God's Final Solution to the Problem of Sin).
Old Testament Saints Not in Heaven: Did the Old Testament saints not go to heaven? [Hebrews 9].
2019-05-29 Kingdom of God: Don't you think that after the gentiles are saved, all attention will go back to the Jewish people? [Romans 11].
Saul in Heaven: Do you think that Saul is in heaven, because of what Samuel said about Saul being with him? [I Samuel 10].
Hell Preferred Over Heaven: Do you think that people separated from God in hell, will prefer hell, over being with God? [Luke 16:19f].
2019-03-13 Israel-God's People: Who are God's people? Isn't Paul saying that God's people are identified as national Israel? [Romans 11:1, 28, 8:29, 9:27, Chapters 9-11].
2019-03-04 Jews-All Saved?: Are Jewish people all going to heaven, whether they accept Christ or not?
2018-11-08 Jews & Persecution: Why are the Jews subject to so much persecution?
2018-10-25 Blessing Israel: Caller feels we need to bless Israel, whether it's pagan or not. [Genesis 12:3]
No Hell in OT: There's no mention of hell in the Old Testament, so doesn't that stand to reason that it's not going to be bad as some people think it is of an eternal torment? Wouldn't you think God would do everything they could do to warn people?
2018-09-11 Only Israel: Why did the prophets only come to Israel to tell them how to be saved?
2018-07-10 Jews in the End Times: Are the Jews going to play a significant role in the end times?
2018-03-15 Resurrection of Israel: Is Ezekiel 37:1-14 a real resurrection or metaphorical, where it talks about the bones being resurrected?
2018-02-19 Israel Covenants: Who is the root in verse 16 and does it relate to verse 27? [Romans 11:16,27]
2018-02-15 Mass Conversion of Jews: What is your opinion of a mass conversion of Jews? [Acts 1:6]
2017-12-28 Restoration of Israel: There seems to be a lot of talk about modern Israel & it talks about the restoration of Israel, so is it part of prophecy what's happening now?
2017-12-28 Modern Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve that the prophecies of Israel have been fulfilled & that you have to believe in the literalness interpretation of Revelation.
2017-10-03 All Israel Saved: "All Israel will be saved", so won't all Israel be saved? [Romans 11:26]
2017-09-18 Jews Looking for a King: Are the Jews just looking for a King who does not claim to be the Son of God, the Messiah?
2017-09-08 2 Covenants, one for Jews & one for Gentiles: 2 covenants, one for the Jews & one for Christians, do you agree? (Steve Gregg continues a few comments from this call after break.)
2017-08-17 Jews Still God's Chosen People: are the jews still God's chosen people?
Praying for the Jews: rphould we be praying for them?
2017-08-03 Anathema Because of Proselytizing Jews: Should I be considered am I consider anathema for trying to proselytizing Jews, even though they don't believe in Jesus & need to be converted?
2017-07-03 God's Sovereignty: Did God just sovereignly blind some people just because He was sovereign?
2017-05-26 Jews First, Gentiles Secondary: Jesus really went to the Jews first & then the Gentiles?
Family Symbolic of Trinity: Would the family be a good explanation, analogy, for the Trinity?
2017-04-12 Supporting Israel: What kind of (financial) support should we give Israel?
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