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Topic: Jeremiah (Prophet)

Showing 1 to 17 of 17.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-06 Free Will & Sin in Heaven: Do you think that we will still have free will and be able to sin in heaven? [Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:25-26, Galatians 5:17].
2023-11-17 God Made Each of Us Individually: How do you think about the specific creation of each one of us by God individually? [Galatians 1:15, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 12:7].
2023-07-14 Isaiah's Surrender: Don't you think that Isaiah didn't fully surrender, and held back a little, like Jonah?
2023-03-02 Cursing the Fig Tree: Why would Jesus be upset when the fig tree wasn't producing fruit? [Matthew 21:18-22, Jeremiah 19:10]
3rd Heaven: Are there different levels of heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:1-6, Psalm 115:16, Romans 4:13, Revelation 22:3, Revelation 5:10]
Marriage Annulments: Could you clarify annulment from marriage?
2022-04-29 Mark Quoting the Prophets: When Mark says he is quoting Isaiah, he fails to mention that he is also quoting Malachi. Do you know why? [Mark 1:2-3, Matthew 27:9].
Expected Return of Christ During the Disciple's Lifetimes?: Did the disciples expect the return of Christ in their own lifetimes? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Acts 1:7].
2022-03-30 Hell-Valley of Hinnom & Moloch: Could you respond to an objection about defining the Valley of Hinom and "passing through the fires" referring to Moloch? [Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 2:6, Jeremiah 7:31].
2022-03-04 The Prophets-"The Word of the Lord": How is the "Word of the Lord" being spread through the Old Testament prophets? [Isaiah 7].
2020-10-23 Set Apart or Heeding a Calling: How are we to understand being set apart for God? Is it just living a good and joyful Christian life? [1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Jeremiah 1:5, Acts 2, Romans 12].
2020-08-28 "Inspiration" of Scripture: Would you talk about your view of the "inspiration" of scripture? [Luke 1:77, Ephesians 3:19, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Jeremiah 36:32].
The Incarnation: What is your view of the incarnation (Kenosis Theory)? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 4:14]
2020-08-17 Jeremiah, False Prophets & People Not Confronted: Could you talk about the similarity to today with the false prophets and people not being confronted in Jeremiah's day? [Jeremiah 23, Deuteronomy 13].
2020-07-07 Ark of the Covenant: What is the status and location of the "Ark of the Covenant"? [Jeremiah 3:16].
2020-06-09 Regathering of Israel in End Times: Regarding scripture about the regathering of Israel in Isaiah, how can anyone not apply those to future end times? [Isaiah 66].
2020-02-20 Jeremiah & the Other Jeremiah: Is the Jeremiah in the book of Nehemiah the same Jeremiah of the book of Jeremiah?
Jeremiah-Don't Marry: Why did God tell the prophet Jeremiah to not marry?
Jeremiah Buys Field: Why did Jeremiah get instructions to buy the field?
2020-02-20 Jeremiah & the Other Jeremiah: Is the Jeremiah in the book of Nehemiah the same Jeremiah of the book of Jeremiah?
Jeremiah-Don't Marry: Why did God tell the prophet Jeremiah to not marry?
Jeremiah Buys Field: Why did Jeremiah get instructions to buy the field?
2020-02-20 Jeremiah & the Other Jeremiah: Is the Jeremiah in the book of Nehemiah the same Jeremiah of the book of Jeremiah?
Jeremiah-Don't Marry: Why did God tell the prophet Jeremiah to not marry?
Jeremiah Buys Field: Why did Jeremiah get instructions to buy the field?
2018-11-12 Pre-existence for Jeremiah: God knew us before we were born, does that mean we had a pre-existence? Did Jeremiah know God before he came down here? [Jeremiah 1:5]
Speaking in Tongues: Alternate viewpoint in speaking in tongues.
2015-10-22 Don't Pray for the People: Do not pray for this people, God told Jeremiah. Why was that? It seems to be in direct contrast to what we are taught in the NT. [Jeremiah 19-22, 7:16, 11:14, 14:7-10,]
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